How would you say your platform differs/improves on this?
Personally, I don't see any similarities upon checking it out. YuTü's core is providing YouTubers an adjunct or new revenue stream via crypto-commoditizing any or all their YouTube channels, freely earning shares exactly every two minutes at no cost to them, with up to 100 owners of virtual miners/hashers - PAQs - earning as well at a minimal cost per PAQ.
Down the pike, the worst each PAQ owner would do is break even after only three months of mining/hashing, whereupon thereafter it's all profit for years to come. (based on U$500 per PAQ, currently at U$1 each with a minimum U$100 purchase for ONLY the next 27 BCT members).
Please enlighten me if I'm incorrect in my assessment about Florincoin et al.
Bruno (Chinese name: Luŏ Xióng; 裸熊)