Dobio si merit! Moj prvi merit ide tebi!
Dobio si merit!
Dobio si merit
Dobio si merit!
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Dobio si merit!
Even if you turn off location services you can still be tracked. You can be triangulated based on the cell tower your phone is connected to. When you move towards the location of a new cell tower your location can now be triangulated based on the new cell tower's location.
But that is not all.
Most people use Smart Phones nowadays. So besides being tracked using GSM or WIFI networks you can also be tracked due to the different sensors available in your phone.
Take a look at this article: says you can get tracked
using your phone’s internal compass, an air pressure reading, a few free-to-download maps, and a weather report.
It goes on and says:
Your cellphone comes equipped with an amazing array of compact sensors that are more or less collecting information about your environment at all time. An accelerometer can tell how fast you’re moving; a magnetometer can detect your orientation in relation to true north; and a barometer can measure the air pressure in your surrounding environment. You phone also freely offers up a slew of non-sensory data such as your device’s IP address, timezone, and network status (whether you’re connected to Wi-Fi or a cellular network.)
Dobio si merit!
Dakle, podijelio sam svoju prvu rundu merita sa vama. Opcenito, ovo su bili moji prvi meriti, koje sam podijelio. A i vidi se, jer sam napravil gresku i dao jednom ucestniku 2 merita. Ne znam kako, mozda zbog refresh? Nemam pojma. U glavnom nema veze. Ako je netko sretan, nek mu bude...
Pregledao sam ucestnike ovog topica, u glavnom od 5. do 7. mjeseca 2019 i podijelio 6 merita.