Anoncoin with zerocoin implementation might be better then zerocash.
Do you have any technical evidence to back your claim ? I already said above that Anoncoin is going to adopt 'old version' of Zerocash, i.e. Zerocoin. So it is obvious to see that the 'new version' Zerocash will be better. The people behind Zerocoin/Zerocash are serious scientists from John Hopkin University, whose talent definitely will bring something big to crypto world.
I don't have any technical evidence to back my claim and neither do you. It's just speculations. But lets look at the facts. The original zerocoin were created to be implemented in bitcoin and improve the privacy, and its now implemented in anoncoin. We can assume that the quality of the original paper are good, and gnosis1 have made improvements. You might assume that the scientist at John Hopkins is brighter/ more motivated to create an anonymous currency then the anoncoin devs, but I disagree. I believe that a crew of unbiased and independent developers have a lot of advantages.
It is easy to assume that zerocash will be better, but we have no way to know that. To believe that the zerocash launch will be fair is naive at best. The extremly small anoncoin premine just proves how fair and well distributed the coin actually is. Also considering trade volume and coin age.
Let me remind you that Zerocoin was an proposed extension to Bitcoin, this mean if it would be adopted, Zerocoin dev make no commission, because there would be no pre-mined Bitcoin for the dev. They did Zerocoin as an science project without any profit. Therefore i believe they will make Zerocash the same, a purely science project.
You are the first person who said a premining is 'fair'. Pre mining is NOT fair, no matter how small the premine is.
I absolutely don't agree that premining/instamining i fair or OK in any way. But the premine of 1000 blocks or 0,1% 9 months ago, mostly given away in faucet is not that bad. Just compare with other coins like darkcoin with an 13,8% instamine.
Why do I think they want to make some money on zerocash? It is simply because they can. They chose not to support or even reply to any of the altcoins who reached out and wanted help with implementing zerocoin. If the science part where the most important, why not test their paper in practice?