Who had the most to loose if there were records in Bitcoinica that pointed to fraud on Zhou's part. Or maybe it wasn't monetary fraud, but simply a big ego damaged!
Who had the ability to send the keys to the server and simultaneously "hack" the server?
I don't exactly understand your questions. But well, the email compromise has been confirmed by everyone, and the system is solely controlled by Bitcoinica Consultancy.
You can say whatever you want if you have concrete evidence or proof. I have already listed the 15 verifiable points in the other thread and you're welcome to challenge any statement that you believe is wrong.
Who had the ability to communicate directly with rackspace and potentially find some residue of the servers and databases before it was too late?
I communicated with them immediately and they locked down all the servers. However, I was in a false confidence that the data won't be affected because I can't do anything on the servers. I don't blame Rackspace for the hack, but it's a design flaw that resulted in missing the opportunity to recover data. (If they can't suspend the servers, I could probably download the backup immediately to my machine.)
Who has the keys to the offline cold storage wallet?
I don't have. I don't even know how much we have in cold storage before the hack.
Who was the first to know of the breach and then notify the forum/community, but not even tell his team?
They were all offline when the thing happened and I was exactly online (at about 10pm UTC+10). I told Tihan and Patrick, but not Amir. I have never communicated with Amir before the hack. I was not even recognised as the employee of Bitcoinica.
Who conveniently went back to school and didn't have time for us anymore?
I'm not the owner of Bitcoinica and I'm not liable for anything that happened.
Who recently made a huge move to Australia and is getting the hell out of dodge?
I decided to move to Australia in November 2011.
Why are there a few bitcointalk accounts that continue to attack the Consultancy (no, I'm not taking their side) very venomously that were created after the first security audit of the Bitcoinica? Planned in advance maybe?
I don't know them.
Why does Zhou so boldy claim that these accounts are not him and dares us to compare writing styles, but in another post says he has language software that gives him the ability to write in many different forms or something to that effect?
I never claimed something like that. Citation?
Yes, my Mac autocorrects. Like "organisation" instead of "organization". This was pointed out by Bruno as "wrong spelling".
Yeah, I know. Just a good conspiracy theory, but man I'm sure glad I followed my gut feeling a long time ago and pulled the little I had and resisted the temptation to deposit more even with the cool interest rates they had.
I didn't even initiate the interest system. Bitcoinica make profits when people trade, not when people deposit.
I've lost all trust in Zhou. Maybe I'm wrong, but it will take a whole lot of convincing.
You don't have to trust me. I can't get a single cent if you trust me.