The more troubles a local currency has, the more he government insist that people should use it.
In the past even my country had big inflation. Just the big currencies - USD, (DEM) EUR - were easy to buy. Almost everybody kept a big part of their "wealth" in foreign currencies. At least near the border, I'm sure that this can be achieved there too.
And there's Bitcoin and altcoins, but I don't know if it's easy or not to buy and sell (!) them. And sell is an important factor, because sometimes you just need to use money.
And there's debt. I don't know how big are the bank interest rates, but in the days the real inflation is bigger than the official inflation the interest rates are not too high and it may make more sense to buy something big (house, car, whatever) on debt, and the inflation may work in your favor (especially if the bank's interest rates don't keep up well).