It was the Bitcointalk forum that inspired us to create - Bitcointalk is an excellent site that should be the default page for anybody dealing in cryptocurrency, since it is a virtual gold-mine of data. However, our experience and user feedback led us create our site; Bitcointalk's search is slow, and difficult to get the results you need, because you need to log in first to find anything useful - furthermore, there are rate limiters for their search functionality.
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Content | Score | Started by | Date posted | ||
Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion Speculation
The difficult thing about this conversation is that we are repeatedly being misr…
n/a | AlexGR | February 18, 2016, 03:52:12 PM | ||
Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion Speculation
It really isn't a choice between on the chain decentralized network with large b…
n/a | AlexGR | February 18, 2016, 03:42:04 PM | ||
Where is the Future Altcoin Discussion
Perhaps at some point, we will see a new type of "trustless" and "decentralized"…
n/a | AlexGR | February 17, 2016, 04:56:01 PM | ||
Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion Speculation
so micro transactions at nearly no cost. is a flaw not a feature?Near zero-cost…
n/a | AlexGR | February 17, 2016, 04:38:04 PM | ||
Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion Speculation
so micro transactions at nearly no cost. is a flaw not a feature?Near zero-cost…
n/a | AlexGR | February 17, 2016, 04:09:38 PM | ||
Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion Speculation
420 Yeah 85% block full woohoo yeah! fee should…
n/a | AlexGR | February 17, 2016, 03:49:17 PM | ||
Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion Speculation
If users are going to be put off by, say, 10-20 cents in fees, then perhaps they…
n/a | AlexGR | February 15, 2016, 05:26:45 PM | ||
Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion Speculation
It's not anyone's place to say how big a transaction has to be to be legitimate.…
n/a | AlexGR | February 15, 2016, 04:23:27 PM | ||
Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion Speculation
I don't necessarily disagree with you that there will be people that want more t…
n/a | AlexGR | February 15, 2016, 09:00:02 AM | ||
Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion Speculation
I am still curious why did everyone get stuck on this 1mb value? I mean, like I…
n/a | AlexGR | February 15, 2016, 04:54:13 AM | ||
Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion Speculation
I don't necessarily disagree with you that there will be people that want more t…
n/a | AlexGR | February 15, 2016, 04:51:44 AM | ||
Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion Speculation
That's like saying "if the gays can get married, whats to stop people from marry…
n/a | AlexGR | February 15, 2016, 04:37:46 AM | ||
[SDC] ShadowCash | POSV2 | Untraceable E-Cash | NIZKP | HD+BIP32 | ShadowMarket* Announcements (Altcoins)
"We would like to say thank you to @ShenNoether for finding the flaw, and the bo…
n/a | AlexGR | February 15, 2016, 04:29:29 AM | ||
Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion Speculation
pretty awesome that bitcoin resisted human induced inflation.That's not even clo…
n/a | AlexGR | February 15, 2016, 04:06:13 AM | ||
Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion Speculation
Wow! You're full of useful links buddy ^^That's cool. Even though I got no idea…
n/a | AlexGR | February 14, 2016, 09:54:43 AM | ||
Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion Speculation
Ahah! Ok so all tx do have fees.The fees currently paid, even for first block in…
n/a | AlexGR | February 14, 2016, 09:12:10 AM | ||
Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion Speculation
Ahah! Ok so all tx do have fees.The fees currently paid, even for first block in…
n/a | AlexGR | February 14, 2016, 08:25:37 AM | ||
Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion Speculation fastest and cheapest transaction fee is currently…
n/a | AlexGR | February 14, 2016, 04:09:24 AM | ||
[ANN][DASH] Dash | First Anonymous Coin | Inventor of X11, DGW, Darksend and InstantX Announcements (Altcoins)
total andreashe just ignores the question and ramps on with BTC glory talk He sa…
n/a | AlexGR | February 13, 2016, 07:44:38 AM | ||
[SDC] ShadowCash | POSV2 | Untraceable E-Cash | NIZKP | HD+BIP32 | ShadowMarket* Announcements (Altcoins)
code: There has been some discussion about the bounty, because of how it was mad…
n/a | AlexGR | February 13, 2016, 07:29:52 AM | ||
--bench (?) Development & Technical Discussion
Is it possible to have a --bench option (perhaps even a GUI frontend in the qt)…
n/a | AlexGR | February 12, 2016, 11:54:20 AM | ||
Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion Speculation
Bitcoin Difficulty: 144,116,447,847Estimated Next Difficulty: 180,365,628,98…
n/a | AlexGR | February 11, 2016, 04:55:31 PM | ||
Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion Speculation
Next month, the worldwide semiconductor industry will formally acknowledge what…
n/a | AlexGR | February 11, 2016, 01:03:13 PM | ||
Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion Speculation
Just curiosity. Does ETH has scalability issues? Same as BTC or different? And m…
n/a | AlexGR | February 11, 2016, 12:42:13 PM | ||
Ερωτήσεις για blockchain και blockchain ΧΤ Ελληνικά (Greek)
Να χασεις πχ 25 btc για να βγαλεις 0.3 - 1 btc σε fees (με αυξηση ρισκου να χασε…
n/a | AlexGR | February 10, 2016, 10:33:13 AM | ||
Ερωτήσεις για blockchain και blockchain ΧΤ Ελληνικά (Greek)
Σε ενα σεναριο στυλ 4-8-16-20mb blocks, ειναι πιθανο οτι καποιοι miners δε θα ασ…
n/a | AlexGR | February 09, 2016, 03:38:40 PM | ||
Ερωτήσεις για blockchain και blockchain ΧΤ Ελληνικά (Greek)
Το ιδιο το software τη δινει τη δυνατοτητα.Block creation options: -blockminsiz…
n/a | AlexGR | February 08, 2016, 09:39:01 AM | ||
Ερωτήσεις για blockchain και blockchain ΧΤ Ελληνικά (Greek)
Quote"Το quality analysis δειχνει οτι τα blocks εχουν μεσα πολυ spam και οτι ο α…
n/a | AlexGR | February 08, 2016, 12:47:46 AM | ||
Ερωτήσεις για blockchain και blockchain ΧΤ Ελληνικά (Greek)
Τέλος στο παραπάνω σενάριο θα έχουμε δραματική πτώση του hashrate αφού οι miner…
n/a | AlexGR | February 08, 2016, 12:40:54 AM | ||
Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion Speculation
Bitcoin Difficulty: 144,116,447,847Estimated Next Difficulty: 174,718,129,65…
n/a | AlexGR | February 08, 2016, 12:34:45 AM | ||
Ερωτήσεις για blockchain και blockchain ΧΤ Ελληνικά (Greek)
Τέλος στο παραπάνω σενάριο θα έχουμε δραματική πτώση του hashrate αφού οι miner…
n/a | AlexGR | February 06, 2016, 10:26:46 AM | ||
Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion Speculation
1. Bitcoin would have been just fine wtih a 2MB limit rather than 1MB. I think y…
n/a | AlexGR | February 05, 2016, 11:25:26 PM | ||
Ερωτήσεις για blockchain και blockchain ΧΤ Ελληνικά (Greek)
το διορθωσα. απαξ και παρουν το πρωτο μετα θα παρουν σχετικα γρηγορα και τα υπολ…
n/a | AlexGR | February 05, 2016, 09:19:10 AM | ||
Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion Speculation
don't forget everyone! BITCOIN CANNOT SCALE! until it does then it still doesn't…
n/a | AlexGR | February 04, 2016, 07:36:04 AM | ||
Ερωτήσεις για blockchain και blockchain ΧΤ Ελληνικά (Greek)
Το confirmation στην ουσια ειναι οτι προστεθηκε αλλο ενα valid block στο chain α…
n/a | AlexGR | February 04, 2016, 06:51:19 AM | ||
Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion Speculation
don't forget everyone! BITCOIN CANNOT SCALE! until it does then it still doesn't…
n/a | AlexGR | February 03, 2016, 11:03:02 PM | ||
[ANN][DASH] Dash | First Anonymous Coin | Inventor of X11, DGW, Darksend and InstantX Announcements (Altcoins)
Just to put things into perspective: The "problems" we are facing with upwards r…
n/a | AlexGR | February 02, 2016, 03:51:25 PM | ||
Ερωτήσεις για blockchain και blockchain ΧΤ Ελληνικά (Greek)
Νομιζω ολα τα συστηματα-οργανισμοι λειτουργουν αναρχα εν γενει και εν τελει.δηλα…
n/a | AlexGR | February 02, 2016, 05:09:20 AM | ||
Ερωτήσεις για blockchain και blockchain ΧΤ Ελληνικά (Greek) |
n/a | AlexGR | February 01, 2016, 09:22:49 AM | ||
Ερωτήσεις για blockchain και blockchain ΧΤ Ελληνικά (Greek)
Το μεγαλύτερο chain αν θυμάμαι καλά δεν το δημιουργεί μόνο ο miner που θα βρει τ…
n/a | AlexGR | February 01, 2016, 09:12:50 AM | ||
Ερωτήσεις για blockchain και blockchain ΧΤ Ελληνικά (Greek)
ηδη βγαινουν παπαγαλακια και προωθουν το eth γιατι λενε το btc απετυχε!Ρωτα τους…
n/a | AlexGR | February 01, 2016, 09:03:33 AM | ||
Ερωτήσεις για blockchain και blockchain ΧΤ Ελληνικά (Greek) |
n/a | AlexGR | February 01, 2016, 08:55:44 AM | ||
Ερωτήσεις για blockchain και blockchain ΧΤ Ελληνικά (Greek)
εγώ νομίζω ότι τα περισσότερα block τους θα βγαίνουν παρωχημένα λόγο του αργού ρ…
n/a | AlexGR | February 01, 2016, 08:43:11 AM | ||
Ερωτήσεις για blockchain και blockchain ΧΤ Ελληνικά (Greek)
Όπως έχω πει δεν είναι ούτε 2010 ούτε 2011 που το 1 mb ήταν αρκετό,αν το πρόβλημ…
n/a | AlexGR | February 01, 2016, 08:37:20 AM | ||
Ερωτήσεις για blockchain και blockchain ΧΤ Ελληνικά (Greek)
Alex, λάθος σου που συσχετίζεις την "απειλή" για fork με την ισοτιμία. Α) Η αγορ…
n/a | AlexGR | February 01, 2016, 08:22:10 AM | ||
Ερωτήσεις για blockchain και blockchain ΧΤ Ελληνικά (Greek)
Νομίζω ότι ξαναγυρνάμε στην αρχή. Η αύξηση του αριθμού των συναλλαγών δεν είναι…
n/a | AlexGR | February 01, 2016, 08:11:16 AM | ||
Ερωτήσεις για blockchain και blockchain ΧΤ Ελληνικά (Greek)
αλλά δεν πήγες ένα πόστ παρακάτω να…
n/a | AlexGR | February 01, 2016, 08:05:50 AM | ||
Ερωτήσεις για blockchain και blockchain ΧΤ Ελληνικά (Greek) |
n/a | AlexGR | January 31, 2016, 04:31:22 PM | ||
Ερωτήσεις για blockchain και blockchain ΧΤ Ελληνικά (Greek)
Οταν ο δημιουργος του συστηματος σου λεει οτι το δικτυο πρεπει εσκεμμενα να αποκ…
n/a | AlexGR | January 31, 2016, 12:48:00 PM | ||
Ερωτήσεις για blockchain και blockchain ΧΤ Ελληνικά (Greek)
Με κολακευεις αλλα δε νομιζω οτι ειμαι ουτε το 1% του satoshi Ασε που δε ξερω c…
n/a | AlexGR | January 31, 2016, 12:23:29 PM | ||
Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion Speculation
No. map reminds me of:…
n/a | AlexGR | January 31, 2016, 12:10:23 PM | ||
[ANN][DASH] Dash | First Anonymous Coin | Inventor of X11, DGW, Darksend and InstantX Announcements (Altcoins) - Only 2…
n/a | AlexGR | January 31, 2016, 12:03:06 PM | ||
Ερωτήσεις για blockchain και blockchain ΧΤ Ελληνικά (Greek)
@AlexGR Η επίθεση που αναφέρεις δεν πιστεύω ότι θα κατάφερνε κάτι ουσιαστικό, πα…
n/a | AlexGR | January 31, 2016, 11:48:22 AM | ||
Ερωτήσεις για blockchain και blockchain ΧΤ Ελληνικά (Greek)
Έτσι κινδυνεύουμε να αποκλείσουμε η να κάνουμε ασύμφορες τις μικρές συναλλαγές.…
n/a | AlexGR | January 31, 2016, 11:18:21 AM | ||
Ερωτήσεις για blockchain και blockchain ΧΤ Ελληνικά (Greek)
Αν κανεις αρση ή αλλαγη του limit πριν της ωρας του, τοτε επαναφερεις το προβλημ…
n/a | AlexGR | January 31, 2016, 09:36:52 AM | ||
Ερωτήσεις για blockchain και blockchain ΧΤ Ελληνικά (Greek) |
n/a | AlexGR | January 31, 2016, 09:20:48 AM | ||
Ερωτήσεις για blockchain και blockchain ΧΤ Ελληνικά (Greek)
Η αύξηση του μεγέθους των blocks επιβάλλεται από την πραγματικότητα.Υπαρχουν 2 π…
n/a | AlexGR | January 31, 2016, 08:53:32 AM | ||
Ερωτήσεις για blockchain και blockchain ΧΤ Ελληνικά (Greek)
άστα αυτά τα διαγράμματα και ξέρεις πόσο φερέγγυα είναι. Εχει γραφτεί πλήθος ανα…
n/a | AlexGR | January 31, 2016, 08:44:02 AM | ||
Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion Speculation
Spam fills blocks => a "savior" comes along and says the solution is to increase…
n/a | AlexGR | January 30, 2016, 02:36:12 PM | ||
Analysis and list of top big blocks shills (XT #REKT ignorers) Bitcoin Discussion
If a computer can handle compressed data with virtually no lag, then perhaps the…
n/a | AlexGR | January 30, 2016, 01:26:02 PM | ||
Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion Speculation
I'm confused. I thought you previously argued for small blocks and not worrying…
n/a | AlexGR | January 30, 2016, 01:06:40 PM | ||
Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion Speculation
So if I want to buy an mp3 from an artist, and the artist charges me 0.99$ for i…
n/a | AlexGR | January 30, 2016, 12:22:51 PM | ||
Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion Speculation
So if I want to buy an mp3 from an artist, and the artist charges me 0.99$ for i…
n/a | AlexGR | January 30, 2016, 11:52:14 AM | ||
Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion Speculation
Bitcoin is practical for smaller transactions than are practical with existing p…
n/a | AlexGR | January 30, 2016, 12:39:36 AM | ||
Analysis and list of top big blocks shills (XT #REKT ignorers) Bitcoin Discussion
Again, there is no "paradox" here.-snip-Your argument is a waste of time (no off…
n/a | AlexGR | January 30, 2016, 12:07:31 AM | ||
Analysis and list of top big blocks shills (XT #REKT ignorers) Bitcoin Discussion
Today it is not uncommon people have 2 TB with minority of nerds having 8 TB/16…
n/a | AlexGR | January 29, 2016, 11:37:33 AM | ||
Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion Speculation
Isn't it time the white paper was copyrighted and 'cleansed'? Make it pay per vi…
n/a | AlexGR | January 29, 2016, 08:58:37 PM | ||
Ερωτήσεις για blockchain και blockchain ΧΤ Ελληνικά (Greek)
Ναι το λεω ως προς το verification.
n/a | AlexGR | January 29, 2016, 03:42:57 PM | ||
Analysis and list of top big blocks shills (XT #REKT ignorers) Bitcoin Discussion
There is nothing contradictory. You can exceed all transactions globally (the ac…
n/a | AlexGR | January 29, 2016, 03:17:14 PM | ||
Analysis and list of top big blocks shills (XT #REKT ignorers) Bitcoin Discussion
These two statements make zero sense due to the fact that they are contradicting…
n/a | AlexGR | January 29, 2016, 02:59:12 PM | ||
Analysis and list of top big blocks shills (XT #REKT ignorers) Bitcoin Discussion
If you make an assumption of ever-increasing technological means, it will *defin…
n/a | AlexGR | January 29, 2016, 02:29:43 PM | ||
Analysis and list of top big blocks shills (XT #REKT ignorers) Bitcoin Discussion
In theory, Bitcoin is will scale even to visa level txs and beyond based solely…
n/a | AlexGR | January 29, 2016, 02:12:51 PM | ||
Ερωτήσεις για blockchain και blockchain ΧΤ Ελληνικά (Greek)
Μην κάνετε το ίδιο λάθος η γνησιότητα των συναλλαγών γίνετε όπως είπαμε από τα n…
n/a | AlexGR | January 29, 2016, 11:42:18 AM | ||
Ερωτήσεις για blockchain και blockchain ΧΤ Ελληνικά (Greek)
1mb είναι αρκετό κατα την γνώμη σου ?Για legit / non-spamming συναλλαγες, υπεραρ…
n/a | AlexGR | January 29, 2016, 11:15:52 AM | ||
Ερωτήσεις για blockchain και blockchain ΧΤ Ελληνικά (Greek)
ωραιος!οποτε ξεχναμε το 'δωρεαν συναλλαγη' τωρα πια. καλα ηταν οσο κρατησε.αυτο…
n/a | AlexGR | January 28, 2016, 10:36:06 PM | ||
Ερωτήσεις για blockchain και blockchain ΧΤ Ελληνικά (Greek)
Αυξηση των fees χρειαζεται για να κοπει το spam. Η πραγματικη χρηση δεν ειναι ου…
n/a | AlexGR | January 28, 2016, 10:00:20 PM | ||
Ερωτήσεις για blockchain και blockchain ΧΤ Ελληνικά (Greek)
Αυξηση των fees χρειαζεται για να κοπει το spam. Η πραγματικη χρηση δεν ειναι ου…
n/a | AlexGR | January 28, 2016, 09:47:08 PM | ||
Ερωτήσεις για blockchain και blockchain ΧΤ Ελληνικά (Greek)
1ον. Μόνο οι miners κάνουν τους ελέγχους γνησιότητας;Ελεγχο γνησιοτητας των συνα…
n/a | AlexGR | January 28, 2016, 04:07:19 PM | ||
[ANN][DASH] Dash | First Anonymous Coin | Inventor of X11, DGW, Darksend and InstantX Announcements (Altcoins)
So if this 400k stolen coin sale is true, DASH price should reach 0.02 in a mont…
n/a | AlexGR | January 28, 2016, 11:49:11 AM | ||
Analysis and list of top big blocks shills (XT #REKT ignorers) Bitcoin Discussion
Sucks to be a yank. I can transfer up to 3000euro in 24 hours for free via sepa.…
n/a | AlexGR | January 27, 2016, 06:09:43 PM | ||
Analysis and list of top big blocks shills (XT #REKT ignorers) Bitcoin Discussion…
n/a | AlexGR | January 27, 2016, 05:42:24 PM | ||
[ANN][DASH] Dash | First Anonymous Coin | Inventor of X11, DGW, Darksend and InstantX Announcements (Altcoins)
We only know four things for sure:a) 450,000 Dash were stolen from Cryptsyb) All…
n/a | AlexGR | January 27, 2016, 02:47:02 PM | ||
Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion Speculation
Even a guy like satoshi could dump his 1mn coin stash in BTCC by buying 5-10 alt…
n/a | AlexGR | January 26, 2016, 06:51:37 PM | ||
Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion Speculation
Even a guy like satoshi could dump his 1mn coin stash in BTCC by buying 5-10 alt…
n/a | AlexGR | January 26, 2016, 05:55:38 PM | ||
Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion Speculation
With this temporary general altcoin pump, I am wondering how it is funded. I hav…
n/a | AlexGR | January 26, 2016, 04:38:33 PM | ||
[ANN][DASH] Dash | First Anonymous Coin | Inventor of X11, DGW, Darksend and InstantX Announcements (Altcoins)
And we sit here, flat-lined in our price category day in and day out.We've seen…
n/a | AlexGR | January 26, 2016, 01:48:02 PM | ||
Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion Speculation
If I look at the last eight blocks (395,151-395,158) I see that 16,093 tx were p…
n/a | AlexGR | January 26, 2016, 01:20:21 PM | ||
Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion Speculation
Hence my question, why don't miners just ignore txs that carry too little fees?…
n/a | AlexGR | January 26, 2016, 12:26:20 PM | ||
Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion Speculation
...Who decided what the existing minimum fees are? Greenspan?Are there minimum f…
n/a | AlexGR | January 26, 2016, 12:05:22 PM | ||
Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion Speculation
I was thinking that an ideal way to eliminate spam would be for the miners/nodes…
n/a | AlexGR | January 26, 2016, 11:41:37 AM | ||
Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion Speculation
If I look at the last eight blocks (395,151-395,158) I see that 16,093 tx were p…
n/a | AlexGR | January 26, 2016, 11:38:27 AM | ||
Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion Speculation
I was thinking that an ideal way to eliminate spam would be for the miners/nodes…
n/a | AlexGR | January 26, 2016, 11:28:40 AM | ||
[ANN][DASH] Dash | First Anonymous Coin | Inventor of X11, DGW, Darksend and InstantX Announcements (Altcoins)
We definitely had some good pumps... from the 0.001x levels to 0.025-8 from Apri…
n/a | AlexGR | January 26, 2016, 10:58:51 AM | ||
Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion Speculation
QuoteI have not yet seen a single cryptocurrency that hasn't resorted to dev int…
n/a | AlexGR | January 26, 2016, 10:32:30 AM | ||
How China's Plans to Launch Its Own Currency Might Affect Bitcoin Bitcoin Discussion
The actual number of people who care about libertarian ideals is not that high.…
n/a | AlexGR | January 26, 2016, 03:16:10 AM | ||
How China's Plans to Launch Its Own Currency Might Affect Bitcoin Bitcoin Discussion
So obviously even if a lot of propaganda about how digital currencies are safe,…
n/a | AlexGR | January 25, 2016, 08:38:20 PM | ||
Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion Speculation
In the EU, farmers are often getting paid to destroy their production if it exce…
n/a | AlexGR | January 25, 2016, 05:13:21 PM | ||
Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion Speculation
More explictly: by Greg's argument, the UN should impose a worldwide production…
n/a | AlexGR | January 25, 2016, 04:24:27 PM | ||
Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion Speculation
4c is high.High? Are you high? Compared to any other alternative (banks, visa,…
n/a | AlexGR | January 25, 2016, 04:19:35 PM | ||
Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion Speculation
That's 4 cents / 0.04 USD for urgent first block inclusion, despite "full blocks…
n/a | AlexGR | January 25, 2016, 11:30:17 AM |