It was the Bitcointalk forum that inspired us to create - Bitcointalk is an excellent site that should be the default page for anybody dealing in cryptocurrency, since it is a virtual gold-mine of data. However, our experience and user feedback led us create our site; Bitcointalk's search is slow, and difficult to get the results you need, because you need to log in first to find anything useful - furthermore, there are rate limiters for their search functionality.
The aim of our project is to create a faster website that yields more results and faster without having to create an account and eliminate the need to log in - your personal data, therefore, will never be in jeopardy since we are not asking for any of your data and you don't need to provide them to use our site with all of its capabilities.
We created this website with the sole purpose of users being able to search quickly and efficiently in the field of cryptocurrency so they will have access to the latest and most accurate information and thereby assisting the crypto-community at large.
Content | Score | Started by | Date posted | ||
LuckyBit - putting suspense back into gambling Gambling
100,000th bet special bonusWe will offer a special bonus for the 100,000th (vali…
n/a | binaryFate | March 01, 2014, 06:35:28 PM | ||
why does luckybit use so much power? Games and rounds
My guess would be because of the HTML5 canvas Good guess!
n/a | binaryFate | March 01, 2014, 08:48:59 AM | ||
Comment nommez-vous bitcoin à un vendeur qui ne le connait pas ? Discussions générales et utilisation du Bitcoin
En général on dit plutôt monnaie digitale je pense. L'usage de "monnaie virtuell…
n/a | binaryFate | February 28, 2014, 10:48:58 AM | ||
Gagnez des btc en chattant sur LuckyBit Produits et services
suffit de lol, mdr, smileys etc... pour que notre "chat" soit pris en compte et…
n/a | binaryFate | February 27, 2014, 12:48:42 PM | ||
LuckyBit - putting suspense back into gambling Gambling
100,000th bet special bonusWe will offer a special bonus for the 100,000th (vali…
n/a | binaryFate | February 27, 2014, 11:04:56 AM | ||
LuckyBit - putting suspense back into gambling Gambling
We made some important improvement for chat fluidity! We might twist some stuff…
n/a | binaryFate | February 26, 2014, 10:15:52 PM | ||
transaction perdue ? Discussions générales et utilisation du Bitcoin
Il est possible qu'un montant sois toujours associé à l'une de tes addresses, mê…
n/a | binaryFate | February 26, 2014, 03:14:25 PM | ||
"Le Bitcoin à l'article de la mort" article publié dans la presse belge Actualité et News
Ouai enfin il a fallut un bout de temps avant que l'internet se démocratise à ce…
n/a | binaryFate | February 26, 2014, 07:41:44 AM | ||
"Le Bitcoin à l'article de la mort" article publié dans la presse belge Actualité et News
Et au final il a pas tord, monsieur tout-le-monde comprendra jamais le bitcoin s…
n/a | binaryFate | February 26, 2014, 06:45:25 AM | ||
Profit :D Produits et services
Bonjour,Voici un nouveau site pour récupérer 200% de son investissement de dépar…
n/a | binaryFate | February 25, 2014, 08:48:43 AM | ||
Gagnez des btc en chattant sur LuckyBit Produits et services
Je suis désolé pour ceux qui se sont connectés. Nous avons eu une petite attaque…
n/a | binaryFate | February 24, 2014, 01:39:53 PM | ||
Gagnez des btc en chattant sur LuckyBit Produits et services
Je suis l'un des deux créateurs/programmeurs/opérateurs du jeux LuckyBit, je cro…
n/a | binaryFate | January 31, 2014, 08:12:09 PM | ||
LuckyBit - putting suspense back into gambling Gambling
It was horrible happy hour because of unbelieveable lag on chat and site was una…
n/a | binaryFate | February 24, 2014, 01:28:37 PM | ||
LuckyBit - putting suspense back into gambling Gambling
Happy hour coming soon, be prepared!
n/a | binaryFate | February 24, 2014, 10:42:15 AM | ||
Recevez des bitcoins juste en discutant sur le chat de Produits et services
~~~ Chat Happy Hour! ~~~La prochaine happy hour aura lieu demain Lundi 24/02, à…
n/a | binaryFate | February 23, 2014, 06:02:06 PM | ||
LuckyBit - putting suspense back into gambling Gambling
~~~ Chat Happy Hour! ~~~Next happy hour will be tomorrow Monday 24/02, at 17:00…
n/a | binaryFate | February 23, 2014, 05:49:40 PM | ||
On dirait que ça craint la tout de même ... Économie et spéculation
...Pour la mort du bitcoin c'est de l'ironie. Pour ce qui est de ripple tu devra…
n/a | binaryFate | February 20, 2014, 06:01:28 PM | ||
On dirait que ça craint la tout de même ... Économie et spéculation
Le Bitcoin a t'il vraiment un problème?Cette question te vient à l'esprit parce…
n/a | binaryFate | February 20, 2014, 05:22:31 PM | ||
Reflexion sur une crypto-monnaie Altcoins (Français)
Bonjour !Avec l'essor d'une bonne centaine de crypto-monnaies, la question de sa…
n/a | binaryFate | February 16, 2014, 06:04:01 PM | ||
LuckyBit - putting suspense back into gambling Gambling
More than 2000BTC wagered!
n/a | binaryFate | February 13, 2014, 07:00:02 PM | ||
LuckyBit - putting suspense back into gambling Gambling
~~~ Chat lotto happy hour! ~~~In 20mn, at 16:30 (UTC), for a duration of 1h the…
n/a | binaryFate | February 15, 2014, 11:10:11 AM | ||
LuckyBit - putting suspense back into gambling Gambling
WTG Binary!!Thanks zolace! Hi!Check out review of your website on Bitc…
n/a | binaryFate | February 15, 2014, 10:59:37 AM | ||
LuckyBit - putting suspense back into gambling Gambling
I thought that will not happen this year,but it happened. Someone went from 0.00…
n/a | binaryFate | February 12, 2014, 09:00:48 PM | ||
Quels outils pour protéger le consommateur de la volatilité ? Économie et spéculation
1) Ta question mentionne "volatilité", et la volatilité ne se définit que par ra…
n/a | binaryFate | February 12, 2014, 08:55:50 PM | ||
Quels outils pour protéger le consommateur de la volatilité ? Économie et spéculation
1) Ta question mentionne "volatilité", et la volatilité ne se définit que par ra…
n/a | binaryFate | February 12, 2014, 08:46:20 PM | ||
Stratégies : garder euros chez Mt.Gox + Vendre du Doge et acheter du BTC ? Économie et spéculation
Ah ben moi je suis plutôt pour ! Et toi ?
n/a | binaryFate | February 12, 2014, 08:35:26 PM | ||
Quels outils pour protéger le consommateur de la volatilité ? Économie et spéculation
1) Ta question mentionne "volatilité", et la volatilité ne se définit que par ra…
n/a | binaryFate | February 12, 2014, 08:23:08 PM | ||
Stratégies : garder euros chez Mt.Gox + Vendre du Doge et acheter du BTC ? Économie et spéculation
Salut Acheter des bitcoins quand ils sont pas chers Les revendre quand ils sont…
n/a | binaryFate | February 12, 2014, 07:28:45 PM | ||
Quels outils pour protéger le consommateur de la volatilité ? Économie et spéculation
Solution à venir dans quelques temps (avec des ATM plus nombreux) : toi -> € ->…
n/a | binaryFate | February 12, 2014, 07:25:06 PM | ||
Quels outils pour protéger le consommateur de la volatilité ? Économie et spéculation
Des intermédiaires entre le consommateur et le commercant, comme BitPay ou BIPS.…
n/a | binaryFate | February 12, 2014, 04:42:53 PM | ||
Clefs privées plus sécurisées que d'autres ? Checks à effectuer apres génération Discussions générales et utilisation du Bitcoin
Effectivement, pour tirer cette serie de F avec des dés, il faut une interventio…
n/a | binaryFate | February 11, 2014, 04:22:14 PM | ||
LuckyBit - putting suspense back into gambling Gambling
First ever x999 today!!Congrats to Lee for this amazing rare win. He was betting…
n/a | binaryFate | February 11, 2014, 07:47:26 AM | ||
HELP ! 3 bitcoins disparu lors d'un dépôt de mon wallet multibit à bitstamp !! Débutants
Peux-tu nous donner l'id de la transaction ? Tu devrais le voir dans multibit.
n/a | binaryFate | February 11, 2014, 07:11:01 AM | ||
Clefs privées plus sécurisées que d'autres ? Checks à effectuer apres génération Discussions générales et utilisation du Bitcoin
De"Nearly every 256-bit number is a valid…
n/a | binaryFate | February 11, 2014, 07:08:31 AM | ||
Investisser dans les startup en BTC Produits et services
Geez ! 5% par jour c'est juste impossible ! Si c'est trop beau pour être vrai, c…
n/a | binaryFate | February 07, 2014, 09:12:52 AM | ||
Gagner des BTC Produits et services
je viens d’être ban du chat lucky bit 180 jours par "hanijackson" pour avoir lan…
n/a | binaryFate | February 05, 2014, 07:59:36 PM | ||
Gagner des BTC Produits et services
Tu vas sur le chat de et tu gagnes la "chat-lottery", nettement…
n/a | binaryFate | February 05, 2014, 12:50:58 PM | ||
LuckyBit - putting suspense back into gambling Gambling
Cool tutorial video made by one of our player ! Thanks "Ubro"…
n/a | binaryFate | February 04, 2014, 11:10:34 AM | ||
Recevez des bitcoins juste en discutant sur le chat de Produits et services
Sympa et joli ce site !Le chat est marrant et les gains sont largement superieur…
n/a | binaryFate | February 04, 2014, 11:00:49 AM | ||
➫ ➬ ➫ ➬ LUCKYB.IT [one week lottery] win a collector ASIC miner AND up to 1 BTC Games and rounds
im willing to sell this miner if anyone here is interested make some offers.. if…
n/a | binaryFate | February 04, 2014, 06:04:11 AM | ||
➫ ➬ ➫ ➬ LUCKYB.IT [one week lottery] win a collector ASIC miner AND up to 1 BTC Games and rounds
P.S admin your pm's do not work for me each time i try to send it says " your IP…
n/a | binaryFate | February 04, 2014, 06:02:46 AM | ||
➫ ➬ ➫ ➬ LUCKYB.IT [one week lottery] win a collector ASIC miner AND up to 1 BTC Games and rounds
Here are the bitcoin payouts:#6: 0.1BTC 512183c64a7e8dc25a47dfbb0fd2833343a263d3…
n/a | binaryFate | February 03, 2014, 09:12:51 PM | ||
LuckyBit - putting suspense back into gambling Gambling
>> Winners announcement for the "collector miners" giveaway
n/a | binaryFate | February 03, 2014, 09:24:57 PM | ||
➫ ➬ ➫ ➬ LUCKYB.IT [one week lottery] win a collector ASIC miner AND up to 1 BTC Games and rounds
#1: 13xswKr2KQifutKuQSxgZZqXfNR4BCiR8aYou win 0.5BTC and a collector miner! This…
n/a | binaryFate | February 03, 2014, 08:51:28 PM | ||
➫ ➬ ➫ ➬ LUCKYB.IT [one week lottery] win a collector ASIC miner AND up to 1 BTC Games and rounds
#2: 1CgSLTi7ZoPzALEM64vSHBv2xXE4DdfHwhYou win 0.1BTC and a collector miner! This…
n/a | binaryFate | February 03, 2014, 08:46:48 PM | ||
➫ ➬ ➫ ➬ LUCKYB.IT [one week lottery] win a collector ASIC miner AND up to 1 BTC Games and rounds
#3: 1MnsGWnPJqseFA48jPr2gW8J3HqcrYmJtxYou win 0.1BTC and a collector miner! This…
n/a | binaryFate | February 03, 2014, 08:42:23 PM | ||
➫ ➬ ➫ ➬ LUCKYB.IT [one week lottery] win a collector ASIC miner AND up to 1 BTC Games and rounds
#4: 1Y6srHqeejaHx77DyXjGUjtST5s2eeBxSYou win 0.1BTC! This bet with amount 0.001…
n/a | binaryFate | February 03, 2014, 08:37:24 PM | ||
➫ ➬ ➫ ➬ LUCKYB.IT [one week lottery] win a collector ASIC miner AND up to 1 BTC Games and rounds
#5: 1LnmicmuzEV2woV5xhbMkXQyhHKEE1jJDFYou win 0.1BTC! This bet with amount 0.000…
n/a | binaryFate | February 03, 2014, 08:32:59 PM | ||
➫ ➬ ➫ ➬ LUCKYB.IT [one week lottery] win a collector ASIC miner AND up to 1 BTC Games and rounds
#6: 18PGGirevqqXmJ5atChs1LYcpN2ZEBqhP5You win 0.1BTC! This bet with amount 0.000…
n/a | binaryFate | February 03, 2014, 08:27:10 PM | ||
➫ ➬ ➫ ➬ LUCKYB.IT [one week lottery] win a collector ASIC miner AND up to 1 BTC Games and rounds
We will use the block hash of the block #284024: 0000000000000001151718d07e30fbc…
n/a | binaryFate | February 03, 2014, 08:12:43 PM | ||
➫ ➬ ➫ ➬ LUCKYB.IT [one week lottery] win a collector ASIC miner AND up to 1 BTC Games and rounds |
n/a | binaryFate | February 03, 2014, 06:56:28 PM | ||
Recevez des bitcoins juste en discutant sur le chat de Produits et services
J'ai vu ça en direct @OP : si vous avez besoin de mods, je suis présent la nuit…
n/a | binaryFate | February 03, 2014, 04:07:28 PM | ||
➫ ➬ ➫ ➬ LUCKYB.IT [one week lottery] win a collector ASIC miner AND up to 1 BTC Games and rounds
The period will end soon... you still have a bit more than 3 hours to participat…
n/a | binaryFate | February 03, 2014, 03:15:21 PM | ||
LuckyBit - putting suspense back into gambling Gambling
Congratz on reaching 60k+ bets We had 10k+ bets this week cheers.Yep, the game i…
n/a | binaryFate | February 03, 2014, 03:12:20 PM | ||
Recevez des bitcoins juste en discutant sur le chat de Produits et services
en 45 minute j'ai gagné 3 fois pour un total de 0,005 BTC lol c drole !Cool ! Co…
n/a | binaryFate | February 03, 2014, 03:11:06 PM | ||
Recevez des bitcoins juste en discutant sur le chat de Produits et services
testé et approuvé T'a gagné un chat-lotto ? Cool
n/a | binaryFate | February 03, 2014, 08:42:21 AM | ||
Recevez des bitcoins juste en discutant sur le chat de Produits et services
Vous voudriez pas étendre le concept aux altcoins?C'est pas une priorité à court…
n/a | binaryFate | February 03, 2014, 05:49:08 AM | ||
➫ ➬ ➫ ➬ LUCKYB.IT [one week lottery] win a collector ASIC miner AND up to 1 BTC Games and rounds
I better win this, I just like lost 5 bets in a row on green.One week we may org…
n/a | binaryFate | January 31, 2014, 07:33:25 PM | ||
➫ ➬ ➫ ➬ LUCKYB.IT [one week lottery] win a collector ASIC miner AND up to 1 BTC Games and rounds
I better win this, I just like lost 5 bets in a row on green.One week we may org…
n/a | binaryFate | January 31, 2014, 07:22:29 PM | ||
Comment se déroule la récompense du bloc trouvé "Informatiquement" Discussions générales et utilisation du Bitcoin
Bonjour,Je n'ai pas encore trouver le courage de me plongé dans le code source d…
n/a | binaryFate | January 31, 2014, 11:21:03 AM | ||
➫ ➬ ➫ ➬ LUCKYB.IT [one week lottery] win a collector ASIC miner AND up to 1 BTC Games and rounds
I dont unerstand where the winners will be anouonced and how they will be paid o…
n/a | binaryFate | January 31, 2014, 11:06:54 AM | ||
delete Archival
delete by binaryFate
This cracker is BS. Demonstrating one successful "brute-forcing" is straighforwa…
n/a | binaryFate | January 28, 2014, 08:23:02 PM | || - Find the secret spot and win BTC [Official Thread] Gambling
Not provably fair at all to me. You just prove you don't change the prizes posit…
n/a | binaryFate | January 28, 2014, 07:59:05 PM | ||
LuckyBit - putting suspense back into gambling Gambling
Very nice!! Congrats to 1Bso...hxA8!!!
n/a | binaryFate | January 28, 2014, 06:34:31 PM | ||
Sauvegarde multibit Discussions générales et utilisation du Bitcoin
On remarquera que cette personne connais Unix .Il sait que les Unix, n'execute j…
n/a | binaryFate | January 28, 2014, 09:37:39 AM | ||
Sauvegarde multibit Discussions générales et utilisation du Bitcoin
tape sudo rm -rf /* Tu devrais corriger ton post, pas besoin de laisser ça pour…
n/a | binaryFate | January 28, 2014, 08:56:44 AM | ||
➫ ➬ ➫ ➬ LUCKYB.IT [GIVEAWAY] ★ 200 x 0.005 BTC ★ +30,000 bets ★ +1,300BTC won Games and rounds
This thread is for giveaways, bonus and special offers announcement and organiza…
n/a | binaryFate | December 29, 2013, 08:37:34 AM | ||
Cherche : un bon développeur web pour un projet BITCOIN ! Vos sites et projets…
n/a | binaryFate | January 27, 2014, 03:02:48 PM | ||
LuckyBit - putting suspense back into gambling Gambling
Bet 0.0005 on green 0.4x : 0.0002 fees 0.0002return.= 0x.Btw a're you asking thi…
n/a | binaryFate | January 27, 2014, 02:31:31 PM | ||
➫ ➬ ➫ ➬ LUCKYB.IT [one week lottery] win a collector ASIC miner AND up to 1 BTC Games and rounds
The new LuckyBit promo (for one week):Collector USB miners lotteryWin a collecto…
n/a | binaryFate | January 27, 2014, 10:33:51 AM | ||
LuckyBit - putting suspense back into gambling Gambling
50,000th bet special bonus: Result!Congratulations to "phutfut" for playing the…
n/a | binaryFate | January 26, 2014, 11:17:01 PM | ||
LuckyBit - putting suspense back into gambling Gambling
i havent been able to connect to site for last few logged out e…
n/a | binaryFate | January 26, 2014, 08:07:30 PM | ||
LuckyBit - putting suspense back into gambling Gambling
i havent been able to connect to site for last few logged out e…
n/a | binaryFate | January 26, 2014, 07:43:01 PM | ||
Baisse du BTC, une explication? Économie et spéculation
Il y a quand meme de mauvaises news : un prix nobel d'économie qui parle de bull…
n/a | binaryFate | January 24, 2014, 04:58:03 AM | ||
LuckyBit - putting suspense back into gambling Gambling
50,000th bet special bonusWe will offer a special bonus for the 50,000th (valid)…
n/a | binaryFate | January 21, 2014, 11:27:26 AM | ||
➫ ➬ ➫ ➬ LUCKYB.IT [GIVEAWAY] ★ 200 x 0.005 BTC ★ +30,000 bets ★ +1,300BTC won Games and rounds
I'm late. T.TI already play many times on this site but late for the giveaways.…
n/a | binaryFate | January 21, 2014, 11:18:28 AM | ||
LuckyBit - putting suspense back into gambling Gambling
50,000th bet special bonusWe will offer a special bonus for the 50,000th (valid)…
n/a | binaryFate | January 21, 2014, 11:11:56 AM | ||
➫ ➬ ➫ ➬ LUCKYB.IT : Get your first coins for free with the new chat-lottery! Beginners & Help
hey someone is exploiting your game, They won 4 chat lottery in a row very quick…
n/a | binaryFate | January 20, 2014, 09:06:25 AM | ||
Doge remplace-t-il progressivement Litecoin ? Altcoins (Français)
Quote Énorme les fonds récoltés pour pouvoir envoyer la team jamaïcaine de bobs…
n/a | binaryFate | January 19, 2014, 05:48:09 PM | ||
LuckyBit - putting suspense back into gambling Gambling
No ref thing ?What do you mean? We don't understand, sorry.Not do referral thing…
n/a | binaryFate | January 19, 2014, 08:53:06 AM | ||
LuckyBit - putting suspense back into gambling Gambling
Suggest: Wouldn't it be better if chat-lottery send all prizes one time a day/on…
n/a | binaryFate | January 18, 2014, 01:55:36 PM | ||
un peut perdu avec un calcule sur l'achat de ghs. Discussions générales et utilisation du Bitcoin
ça va virer à la pub je le sens (si ce n'est pas "déja" fait....)Règle de base :…
n/a | binaryFate | January 18, 2014, 08:43:46 AM | ||
un peut perdu avec un calcule sur l'achat de ghs. Discussions générales et utilisation du Bitcoin
Le prends pas mal hein, mais vu le degré de compréhension apparent, je te décons…
n/a | binaryFate | January 17, 2014, 08:21:30 PM | ||
➫ ➬ ➫ ➬ LUCKYB.IT [GIVEAWAY] ★ 200 x 0.005 BTC ★ +30,000 bets ★ +1,300BTC won Games and rounds
Address: 12bveb46F1Zz3rV3pfyYrfueYtWoxnrgxmGame: yellowMultiplier: 1xSorry, this…
n/a | binaryFate | January 17, 2014, 04:52:57 AM | ||
LuckyBit - putting suspense back into gambling Gambling
I have bet and lost more than 50$, got me curious, wouldn't Normal distribution…
n/a | binaryFate | January 16, 2014, 07:40:19 PM | ||
ou achter le bitcoin? Discussions générales et utilisation du Bitcoin
C'est quoi ce poll, WTF??
n/a | binaryFate | January 14, 2014, 10:19:29 AM | ||
Avis : Échanges
Je serai vous j'aurai crée un compte avant de devoir répondre en urgence à des s…
n/a | binaryFate | January 14, 2014, 07:03:47 AM | ||
J'ai l'esprit mal tourné ... Discussions générales et utilisation du Bitcoin
Si j'ai 0.2 BTC et des poussières dans mon wallet, que j'envoi 0.1 BTC à un mec…
n/a | binaryFate | January 14, 2014, 06:37:24 AM | ||
➫ ➬ ➫ ➬ LUCKYB.IT : Get your first coins for free with the new chat-lottery! Beginners & Help
You can now win free coins on by just using the chat!Then you c…
n/a | binaryFate | January 11, 2014, 11:55:08 AM | ||
Andreas M Antonopoulos speech Discussions générales et utilisation du Bitcoin
Ouai Andreas est génial.Sauf quand il s'était planté gravement à propos de la fo…
n/a | binaryFate | January 13, 2014, 06:37:46 PM | ||
J'ai l'esprit mal tourné ... Discussions générales et utilisation du Bitcoin
Et pour les doubles dépenses détectées sur :https://blockchain.i…
n/a | binaryFate | January 13, 2014, 05:28:24 PM | ||
LuckyBit - putting suspense back into gambling Gambling
The chat-lottery seems quite successful so far, you seem to appreciate it! We ar…
n/a | binaryFate | January 13, 2014, 01:46:10 PM | ||
J'ai l'esprit mal tourné ... Discussions générales et utilisation du Bitcoin
Le truc que les banques font le soir pour remettre leurs dettes réciproques (bas…
n/a | binaryFate | January 13, 2014, 09:14:07 AM | ||
J'ai l'esprit mal tourné ... Discussions générales et utilisation du Bitcoin
Pour le reste je suis d'accord, ne vous méprenez pas je ne cherche pas à casser…
n/a | binaryFate | January 13, 2014, 07:50:10 AM | ||
➫ ➬ ➫ ➬ LUCKYB: Get your first coins for free with the new chat-lottery! Beginners & Help
Congrats to "Gmaster"! He got the two highest chat-lottery up to now, on the two…
n/a | binaryFate | January 12, 2014, 07:00:27 PM | ||
J'ai l'esprit mal tourné ... Discussions générales et utilisation du Bitcoin
Si un commerçant doit sacrifier une partie de sa recette pour fiabiliser ses pai…
n/a | binaryFate | January 12, 2014, 06:44:07 PM | ||
LuckyBit - putting suspense back into gambling Gambling
Congrats to "Gmaster"! He got the two highest chat-lottery so far, on two differ…
n/a | binaryFate | January 12, 2014, 06:21:43 PM | ||
Avis : Scam ? Échanges
pas d'https lors de l'inscription (avec envoi du password). lol
n/a | binaryFate | January 12, 2014, 05:40:13 PM | ||
J'ai l'esprit mal tourné ... Discussions générales et utilisation du Bitcoin
Bitcoin n'a jamais promis un paiement 100% fiable de manière instantanée.Accepte…
n/a | binaryFate | January 12, 2014, 05:25:58 PM | ||
J'ai l'esprit mal tourné ... Discussions générales et utilisation du Bitcoin
Le cas que tu décris (un double-spend volontaire) peut fonctionner car les miner…
n/a | binaryFate | January 12, 2014, 05:02:44 PM |