It was the Bitcointalk forum that inspired us to create - Bitcointalk is an excellent site that should be the default page for anybody dealing in cryptocurrency, since it is a virtual gold-mine of data. However, our experience and user feedback led us create our site; Bitcointalk's search is slow, and difficult to get the results you need, because you need to log in first to find anything useful - furthermore, there are rate limiters for their search functionality.
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We created this website with the sole purpose of users being able to search quickly and efficiently in the field of cryptocurrency so they will have access to the latest and most accurate information and thereby assisting the crypto-community at large.
Content | Score | Started by | Date posted | ||
[ANN][BTCZ] BitcoinZ - zkSNARKs 21b max POW-Zhash No-Premine No-Dev Tax Announcements (Altcoins)
Who to believe....World coin Index has a +30.15% @00.0020 increase and Coin mark…
n/a | CarlOrff | June 25, 2018, 03:36:44 PM | ||
[ANN][BTCZ] BitcoinZ - zkSNARKs 21b max POW-Zhash No-Premine No-Dev Tax Announcements (Altcoins)
how to start masternode ? i have 100.000+ BTCZ No POS mining. No…
n/a | CarlOrff | June 25, 2018, 12:05:46 PM | ||
EWBF's Cuda Equihash Miner Mining (Altcoins)
Is this miner for the equihash coins those already forked only? What are the alg…
n/a | CarlOrff | June 24, 2018, 03:36:41 AM | ||
[ANN] dstm's ZCash / Equihash Nvidia Miner v0.6.1 (Linux / Windows) Mining (Altcoins)
Just saw this tried it…
n/a | CarlOrff | June 24, 2018, 03:21:09 AM | ||
EWBF's Cuda Equihash Miner Mining (Altcoins)
Hey all I have an issue with a 12 rig miner. I also have a 6 gpu rig and an 8…
n/a | CarlOrff | June 24, 2018, 03:18:03 AM | ||
[ANN][BTCZ] BitcoinZ - zkSNARKs 21b max POW-Equihash No-Premine No-Dev Tax Announcements (Altcoins)
I have taken ~60.000 BTCZ out of in one transfer comes to mind.S…
n/a | CarlOrff | June 21, 2018, 10:15:51 AM | ||
[ANN] [CPU mining] WAVI [YescryptR32] [NO Pre-mine] [Masternode] Announcements (Altcoins)
@everyone , good news! The next release of BarterDEX will include wavi. I will p…
n/a | CarlOrff | June 19, 2018, 10:21:24 PM | ||
EWBF's Cuda Equihash Miner Mining (Altcoins)
1050 - 2GB ram not run?? helpNot yet with 144.5 (perhaps later with Ubuntu).The…
n/a | CarlOrff | June 19, 2018, 01:13:00 AM | ||
EWBF's Cuda Equihash Miner Mining (Altcoins)
Versions for cuda 8 are available.Thank you very much.
n/a | CarlOrff | June 18, 2018, 07:17:16 AM | ||
[ANN][BTCZ] BitcoinZ - zkSNARKs 21b max POW-Equihash No-Premine No-Dev Tax Announcements (Altcoins)
It is something wrong with the BTCz mining since the new algo ?For example, on S…
n/a | CarlOrff | June 18, 2018, 04:58:46 AM | ||
[ANN][BTCZ] BitcoinZ - zkSNARKs 21b max POW-Equihash No-Premine No-Dev Tax Announcements (Altcoins)
Such project are getting successful.Riveting website, excellence business, watch…
n/a | CarlOrff | June 18, 2018, 04:50:42 AM | ||
dstm's zcash cuda miner Mining (Altcoins)
It's clean. It does only one thing, it mines ZEC. …
n/a | CarlOrff | June 17, 2018, 01:48:43 AM | ||
[ANN][BTCZ] BitcoinZ - zkSNARKs 21b max POW-Equihash No-Premine No-Dev Tax Announcements (Altcoins)
Also it has no future. You forgot to mention the most critical point. Please don…
n/a | CarlOrff | June 16, 2018, 03:18:04 AM | ||
[ANN][BTCZ] BitcoinZ - zkSNARKs 21b max POW-Equihash No-Premine No-Dev Tax Announcements (Altcoins)
Just encountered that my recent two payments from suprnova didn't arrive. They a…
n/a | CarlOrff | June 16, 2018, 03:15:30 AM | ||
MON PREMIER RIG Mining et Hardware
Les 2 réponses qui t'ont déjà été faites sont excellentes et je ne reviendrai pa…
n/a | CarlOrff | June 15, 2018, 02:36:37 AM | ||
Ca chute severe !!! Altcoins (Français)
Mes amis, nous voilà sauvés!…
n/a | CarlOrff | June 15, 2018, 02:25:19 AM | ||
Ca chute severe !!! Altcoins (Français)
Aurais-tu la référence pour la doctrine sur les trades inter-crypto dont tu parl…
n/a | CarlOrff | June 15, 2018, 02:06:46 AM | ||
[ANN][BTCZ] BitcoinZ - zkSNARKs 21b max POW-Equihash No-Premine No-Dev Tax Announcements (Altcoins)
I tested the following config against BitcoinZ's testnet and EWBF is rocking it…
n/a | CarlOrff | June 15, 2018, 12:54:44 AM | ||
[ANN][BTCZ] BitcoinZ - zkSNARKs 21b max POW-Equihash No-Premine No-Dev Tax Announcements (Altcoins)
Fork coming soon with 144, 5 parameters.Do not know if this posted before:https:…
n/a | CarlOrff | June 14, 2018, 04:48:35 PM | ||
EWBF's Cuda Equihash Miner Mining (Altcoins)
Welcome back EWBF and thank you for BTCz support (algo EquiHash 144.5).
n/a | CarlOrff | June 14, 2018, 04:46:00 PM | ||
Ca chute severe !!! Altcoins (Français)
Ce chiffre de 5% seulement de trader qui gagnent de l'argent est effectivement i…
n/a | CarlOrff | June 14, 2018, 04:33:44 PM | ||
Ca chute severe !!! Altcoins (Français)
Oui, dans mon raisonnement, j'ai écarté ceux qui vendent parce que ils ont besoi…
n/a | CarlOrff | June 14, 2018, 04:31:34 AM | ||
Ca chute severe !!! Altcoins (Français)
@Winspiral: Tu poses une question : Comment peut on savoir qui mène la danse ? E…
n/a | CarlOrff | June 14, 2018, 03:21:13 AM | ||
[ANN][BTCZ] BitcoinZ - zkSNARKs 21b max POW-Equihash No-Premine No-Dev Tax Announcements (Altcoins)
As I see, you say no fork, so I guess it is not a bitcoin fork. Then why are you…
n/a | CarlOrff | June 14, 2018, 02:30:43 AM | ||
[ANN][ICO] ⚡ Electroneum - Minage sur Smartphone ⚡ 100% ($40M) déjà collectés !! Annonces
Je me suis décidé à tester le minage fictif d'ETN sur smartphone.Je me pose la q…
n/a | CarlOrff | June 14, 2018, 02:21:09 AM | ||
[ANN][BTCZ] BitcoinZ - zkSNARKs 21b max POW-Equihash No-Premine No-Dev Tax Announcements (Altcoins)
These are the GitHub examples (from the source) :QuoteExample to run benchmark o…
n/a | CarlOrff | June 13, 2018, 09:42:51 AM | ||
[ANN] dstm's ZCash / Equihash Nvidia Miner v0.6.1 (Linux / Windows) Mining (Altcoins)
@DSTMI use your miner since the begining.For information : with the last version…
n/a | CarlOrff | June 13, 2018, 04:27:44 AM | ||
Quelle money miner ? Mining et Hardware
Sinon quelle est ta source d'information pour trouver ce genre de pépite ?Malheu…
n/a | CarlOrff | June 13, 2018, 02:08:13 AM | ||
Le patron de Ripple estime que le Bitcoin est dépassé Actualité et News
Il va pas dire que le Ripple c'est de la merde, vous vous attendiez à quoi Pour…
n/a | CarlOrff | June 12, 2018, 09:37:28 AM | ||
[ANN][BTCZ] BitcoinZ - zkSNARKs 21b max POW-Equihash No-Premine No-Dev Tax Announcements (Altcoins)
I made my maths and I found that the fork (the new algo, on block 160,000) will…
n/a | CarlOrff | June 12, 2018, 08:52:16 AM | ||
Après la pluie le beau temps Économie et spéculation
Sympa, au milieu de tous ces tradders qui pleurent de ne pas faire x15 tous les…
n/a | CarlOrff | June 12, 2018, 08:40:15 AM | ||
comment faire pour désinstaller une chaîne de blocs ? Débutants
je viens de me débarrasser de mes bitcoins gold, j'avais installé le logiciel "b…
n/a | CarlOrff | June 11, 2018, 01:50:28 AM | ||
Le patron de Ripple estime que le Bitcoin est dépassé Actualité et News
"Le patron de Ripple estime que le Bitcoin est dépassé"La suite à cette phrase s…
n/a | CarlOrff | June 12, 2018, 03:40:01 AM | ||
[ANN][BTCZ] BitcoinZ - zkSNARKs 21b max POW-Equihash No-Premine No-Dev Tax Announcements (Altcoins)
I've added the equihash 144,5 (zhash) port to suprnova as well, it will be 6586…
n/a | CarlOrff | June 12, 2018, 08:23:47 AM | ||
Quelle money miner ? Mining et Hardware
Tous les calculateurs de rentabilité de mining sont très approximatif, ce qui au…
n/a | CarlOrff | June 12, 2018, 02:55:19 AM | ||
Ca chute severe !!! Altcoins (Français)
BTC était a 19.5K il y a sept mois,il est a 6740$ aujourd'hui,meme calcul mais p…
n/a | CarlOrff | June 11, 2018, 01:59:01 AM | ||
Ca chute severe !!! Altcoins (Français)
ça va je trouve que ça tombe pas beaucoup vous exagérez ...La vérité, c'est que…
n/a | CarlOrff | June 10, 2018, 06:32:33 PM | ||
[ANN][BTCZ] BitcoinZ - zkSNARKs 21b max POW-Equihash No-Premine No-Dev Tax Announcements (Altcoins)
satoshi & stocks (2 main exchange ...) ARE NOT INFORMED of the soft fork at…
n/a | CarlOrff | June 05, 2018, 08:01:52 AM | ||
[ANN][BTCZ] BitcoinZ - zkSNARKs 21b max POW-Equihash No-Premine No-Dev Tax Announcements (Altcoins)
I will not lose my coins after the updates that lie in bitcoinz Wallet??? Do I n…
n/a | CarlOrff | June 05, 2018, 03:13:28 AM | ||
[ANN] Zcoin (XZC) - Implementing Zerocoin technology for financial privacy Announcements (Altcoins)
I want to be investors can I still buy your coinYes you can.You can buy XZC in a…
n/a | CarlOrff | June 04, 2018, 02:26:15 AM | ||
La France prépare une réglementation crypto-accomodante Actualité et News
Le sujet n'est pas simple et les décisions vont être lourdes de conséquences pou…
n/a | CarlOrff | June 01, 2018, 01:15:10 AM | ||
[ANN][BTCZ] BitcoinZ - zkSNARKs 21b max POW-Equihash No-Premine No-Dev Tax Announcements (Altcoins)
Wait more... it will be cheaper at 20:)Or more expensive.I think more expensive.…
n/a | CarlOrff | May 31, 2018, 12:47:58 AM | ||
[ANN] dstm's ZCash / Equihash Nvidia Miner v0.6.1 (Linux / Windows) Mining (Altcoins)
How Abaout POSNo PoS here, only PoW.
n/a | CarlOrff | May 30, 2018, 04:48:10 PM | ||
17 millions de bitcoin en circulation, vraiment ? Discussions générales et utilisation du Bitcoin
Il est d'usage de retenir une proportion de 30% de BTC rendus à jamais inaccessi…
n/a | CarlOrff | May 25, 2018, 06:23:08 PM | ||
L'avenir de Bitcoin ? Discussions générales et utilisation du Bitcoin
...donc je ne pense pas que le BTC soit remplacé avant qu'il se soit encore plus…
n/a | CarlOrff | May 25, 2018, 06:11:26 PM | ||
L'avenir de Bitcoin ? Discussions générales et utilisation du Bitcoin
Ton argumentaire est cohérent, mais il y a malheureusement un point crucial que…
n/a | CarlOrff | May 24, 2018, 04:00:17 PM | ||
L'avenir de Bitcoin ? Discussions générales et utilisation du Bitcoin
Préambule : J'informe le lecteur que je suis un Bitcoin-enthousiaste.Mais je ne…
n/a | CarlOrff | May 24, 2018, 05:10:18 AM | ||
Miner avec des laptops Mining et Hardware
Ne surtout pas miner avec un laptop, tu vas considérablement réduire la durée de…
n/a | CarlOrff | May 24, 2018, 02:58:35 AM | ||
Avec quel Os minez vous ??? Mining et Hardware
Ubuntu LTS.Puisque tu semble interessé par le prix des licences : 0 € en toute l…
n/a | CarlOrff | May 24, 2018, 02:46:19 AM | ||
Binance BCD wallet maintenance ? Currency exchange
Hi,Do you know since how many time the Bitcoin Diamond wallet is in "maintenance…
n/a | CarlOrff | May 23, 2018, 04:10:29 AM | ||
Le merite , nouveau compteur sur BitcoinTalk Hors-sujet
Bonsoir tout le monde.Une question bizar peut etre mais il m'est arrivé de tombe…
n/a | CarlOrff | May 23, 2018, 02:39:36 AM | ||
Le merite , nouveau compteur sur BitcoinTalk Hors-sujet
Ce système de merit me semble complètement improductif : la seule chose patente…
n/a | CarlOrff | May 21, 2018, 11:40:11 PM | ||
"Analyse" de rentabilité d'une campagne Bounty de 8 semaines - Avis bienvenus ! Altcoins (Français)
Faire des calculs sur la base d'un cours pre-ICO, cela ne sert à rien.J'ai fait…
n/a | CarlOrff | May 21, 2018, 11:33:44 PM | ||
can you confirm to me that PIVX to an unlimited monetary creation (no max supply…
n/a | CarlOrff | May 18, 2018, 11:53:03 AM | ||
can you confirm to me that PIVX to an unlimited monetary creation (no max supply…
n/a | CarlOrff | May 18, 2018, 05:14:41 AM | ||
[ANN][BTCZ] BitcoinZ - zkSNARKs 21b max POW-Equihash No-Premine No-Dev Tax Announcements (Altcoins)
Coinbene refused to list our coin because of country restrictions on anonymous c…
n/a | CarlOrff | May 17, 2018, 09:30:07 AM | ||
[ANN][BTCZ] BitcoinZ - zkSNARKs 21b max POW-Equihash No-Premine No-Dev Tax Announcements (Altcoins)
And about Coinbene ?
n/a | CarlOrff | May 17, 2018, 09:20:31 AM | ||
☑☑☑[ANN][BSD] BitSend -The first Segwit Masternodecoin New Version Announcements (Altcoins)
Are you runing the BSD masternode with a VPS or simply with your home computer ?…
n/a | CarlOrff | May 17, 2018, 01:39:13 AM | ||
[ANN] [CPU mining] WAVI [YescryptR32] [NO Pre-mine] [Masternode] Announcements (Altcoins)
Anyone else have an issue with wallet error of transaction to big when sending y…
n/a | CarlOrff | May 08, 2018, 05:19:49 PM | ||
Minage Vs Staking Vs Masternode Mining et Hardware
Bonsoir Je ne connaissais pas le principe d'un MN partagé.Ya des sites dédiés p…
n/a | CarlOrff | May 08, 2018, 01:59:36 AM | ||
[ANN] [CPU mining] WAVI [YescryptR32] [NO Pre-mine] [Masternode] Announcements (Altcoins)
Any news about new exchanges, about CoinMarketCap referencement ?
n/a | CarlOrff | May 07, 2018, 03:06:38 AM | ||
[ANN][BTCZ] BitcoinZ - zkSNARKs 21b max POW-Equihash No-Premine No-Dev Tax Announcements (Altcoins)
What is the best GPU for mining BitcoinZ AMD or Nvidia ?nVidia, of course.
n/a | CarlOrff | May 07, 2018, 01:04:57 AM | ||
Un VPS vraiment gratuit ? Débutants
Pour 2/3€ y'a des très bon VPS. Sinon si t'es vraiment un gros rat à pas vouloir…
n/a | CarlOrff | May 06, 2018, 07:19:40 AM | ||
[ANN][BTCZ] BitcoinZ - zkSNARKs 21b max POW-Equihash No-Premine No-Dev Tax Announcements (Altcoins)
Someone has the color code of the yellow and the blue in the BitcoinZ logo (like…
n/a | CarlOrff | May 06, 2018, 05:15:15 AM | ||
Un VPS vraiment gratuit ? Débutants
Pour 2/3€ y'a des très bon VPS. Sinon si t'es vraiment un gros rat à pas vouloir…
n/a | CarlOrff | May 06, 2018, 02:39:17 AM | ||
[ANN] [CPU mining] WAVI [YescryptR32] [NO Pre-mine] [Masternode] Announcements (Altcoins)
How many coin do we must have to create a MN?Why the FP dosn't explain that ? S…
n/a | CarlOrff | May 06, 2018, 02:23:06 AM | ||
[ANN] [CPU mining] WAVI [YescryptR32] [NO Pre-mine] [Masternode] Announcements (Altcoins)
im using cpuminer opt 3.8.4, with 4 threads i got 95-105 hash only and connecte…
n/a | CarlOrff | May 05, 2018, 06:02:51 PM | ||
[ANN] [CPU mining] WAVI [YescryptR32] [NO Pre-mine] [Masternode] Announcements (Altcoins)
How many coin do we must have to create a MN?Why the FP dosn't explain that ? S…
n/a | CarlOrff | May 05, 2018, 08:46:55 AM | ||
Un VPS vraiment gratuit ? Débutants
Le masternode ne mine pas en PoW : il a une chance statistique de gagner le rewa…
n/a | CarlOrff | May 05, 2018, 02:44:23 AM | ||
[ANN][BTCZ] BitcoinZ - zkSNARKs 21b max POW-Equihash No-Premine No-Dev Tax Announcements (Altcoins)
Is there a BitcoinZ avatar somewhere ?
n/a | CarlOrff | May 05, 2018, 02:54:55 AM | ||
[ANN] [CPU mining] WAVI [YescryptR32] [NO Pre-mine] [Masternode] Announcements (Altcoins)
Is a static IP required for hosting WAVI masternode? I'm not finding any sold an…
n/a | CarlOrff | May 05, 2018, 01:48:07 AM | ||
[ANN] [CPU mining] WAVI [YescryptR32] [NO Pre-mine] [Masternode] Announcements (Altcoins)
@emike09 & @My9bot : thank you for your reply.@all :My conclusions : 1 - If I w…
n/a | CarlOrff | May 04, 2018, 10:19:46 AM | ||
[ANN] [CPU mining] WAVI [YescryptR32] [NO Pre-mine] [Masternode] Announcements (Altcoins)
Hi all,Do you know if it possible to set up 2 ou more masternodes o the same VPS…
n/a | CarlOrff | May 04, 2018, 01:55:25 AM | ||
[ANN] [CPU mining] WAVI [YescryptR32] [NO Pre-mine] [Masternode] Announcements (Altcoins)
Works long and stable, but the price of the coin does not justify the use of suc…
n/a | CarlOrff | May 04, 2018, 01:46:21 AM | ||
[ANN] [CPU mining] WAVI [YescryptR32] [NO Pre-mine] [Masternode] Announcements (Altcoins)
Hi all,Do you know if it possible to set up 2 ou more masternodes o the same VPS…
n/a | CarlOrff | May 03, 2018, 06:04:54 AM | ||
Un VPS vraiment gratuit ? Débutants
@ElectronLibreEn complément : sur la rentabilité et plus généralement la possibi…
n/a | CarlOrff | May 02, 2018, 02:45:16 AM | ||
Un VPS vraiment gratuit ? Débutants
@Xavier59J'ai donc suivi ton conseil et ai pris un VPS chez PulseHeberg, donc pa…
n/a | CarlOrff | May 01, 2018, 05:51:04 PM | ||
Un VPS vraiment gratuit ? Débutants
Salut, je n'ai pas d'aide à t'apporter mais comme je m'y connais très peu en mas…
n/a | CarlOrff | May 01, 2018, 02:12:06 AM | ||
[ANN] [CPU mining] WAVI [YescryptR32] [NO Pre-mine] [Masternode] Announcements (Altcoins)
If 1080ti over a year old, it did not cost as much as now.False : a 1080Ti is mo…
n/a | CarlOrff | May 01, 2018, 01:44:53 AM | ||
[ANN] [CPU mining] WAVI [YescryptR32] [NO Pre-mine] [Masternode] Announcements (Altcoins)
If 1080ti over a year old, it did not cost as much as now.False : a 1080Ti is mo…
n/a | CarlOrff | April 30, 2018, 05:41:49 PM | ||
[ANN] [CPU mining] WAVI [YescryptR32] [NO Pre-mine] [Masternode] Announcements (Altcoins)
Warning !Be carrefull with BluePool : all the rewards are not send to the legit…
n/a | CarlOrff | April 30, 2018, 04:09:52 AM | ||
[ANN] [CPU mining] WAVI [YescryptR32] [NO Pre-mine] [Masternode] Announcements (Altcoins)
Warning !Be carrefull with BluePool : all the rewards are not send to the legit…
n/a | CarlOrff | April 29, 2018, 11:16:48 AM | ||
[ANN] [CPU mining] WAVI [YescryptR32] [NO Pre-mine] [Masternode] Announcements (Altcoins)
I made my researches about a yescryptr32 software for GPU mining.It was very dif…
n/a | CarlOrff | April 28, 2018, 09:24:54 PM | ||
[ANN] [CPU mining] WAVI [YescryptR32] [NO Pre-mine] [Masternode] Announcements (Altcoins)
Dash v0.12.3 or later is under development.…
n/a | CarlOrff | April 27, 2018, 06:07:35 PM | ||
[ANN] [CPU mining] WAVI [YescryptR32] [NO Pre-mine] [Masternode] Announcements (Altcoins)
I see that the dev is very dedicated to the project. Let's take the facts. 1. th…
n/a | CarlOrff | April 27, 2018, 01:05:24 AM | ||
[ANN] [CPU mining] WAVI [YescryptR32] [NO Pre-mine] [Masternode] Announcements (Altcoins)
digger 2 Ryzen - 1600 - 558 h/sthe second digs less, the equipment is the same…
n/a | CarlOrff | April 26, 2018, 12:11:28 PM | ||
[ANN] [CPU mining] WAVI [YescryptR32] [NO Pre-mine] [Masternode] Announcements (Altcoins)
digger 2 Ryzen - 1600 - 558 h/sthe second digs less, the equipment is the same…
n/a | CarlOrff | April 26, 2018, 10:07:53 AM | ||
[ANN][BTCZ] BitcoinZ - zkSNARKs 21b max POW-Equihash No-Premine No-Dev Tax Announcements (Altcoins)
Is there a mistake for the block reward in the OP and the whte paper : currently…
n/a | CarlOrff | April 26, 2018, 08:01:09 AM | ||
[ANN] [CPU mining] WAVI [YescryptR32] [NO Pre-mine] [Masternode] Announcements (Altcoins)
For information : I confirm dual chanel is very important with tis algorithm.Cur…
n/a | CarlOrff | April 26, 2018, 03:38:57 AM | ||
[ANN] [CPU mining] WAVI [YescryptR32] [NO Pre-mine] [Masternode] Announcements (Altcoins)
Examining the Wavi code further .... this is obviously a fork of Dash.The same c…
n/a | CarlOrff | April 26, 2018, 02:08:50 AM | ||
[ANN] [CPU mining] WAVI [YescryptR32] [NO Pre-mine] [Masternode] Announcements (Altcoins)
Here's the part of the code that governs the amount of the block reward:Code:CAm…
n/a | CarlOrff | April 25, 2018, 01:22:39 AM | ||
[ANN] [CPU mining] WAVI [YescryptR32] [NO Pre-mine] [Masternode] Announcements (Altcoins)
mining WAVI just jot alot harder. 1/2 reward since block 24001 yeah, hope the pr…
n/a | CarlOrff | April 24, 2018, 08:22:10 AM | ||
[ANN] [CPU mining] WAVI [YescryptR32] [NO Pre-mine] [Masternode] Announcements (Altcoins)
mining WAVI just jot alot harder. 1/2 reward since block 24001 Why ?What is the…
n/a | CarlOrff | April 24, 2018, 01:36:30 AM | ||
[ANN][BTCZ] BitcoinZ - zkSNARKs 21b max POW-Equihash No-Premine No-Dev Tax Announcements (Altcoins)
Suprnova is great to. 0 fee ?= free money.SuprNova is 0 fee to allowing you to d…
n/a | CarlOrff | April 22, 2018, 11:45:14 AM | ||
[ANN] [CPU mining] WAVI [YescryptR32] [NO Pre-mine] [Masternode] Announcements (Altcoins)
That it is crazy is to sell a mastrnode at only 0.01 btc.It is only a buyer affi…
n/a | CarlOrff | April 22, 2018, 03:12:39 AM | ||
[ANN] [CPU mining] WAVI [YescryptR32] [NO Pre-mine] [Masternode] Announcements (Altcoins)
Hi,Where or how can we know the number of masternodes currently alive with the W…
n/a | CarlOrff | April 21, 2018, 04:12:03 AM | ||
[ANN] [CPU mining] WAVI [YescryptR32] [NO Pre-mine] [Masternode] Announcements (Altcoins)
Hi,Where or how can we know the number of masternodes currently alive with the W…
n/a | CarlOrff | April 21, 2018, 03:04:09 AM | ||
Un VPS vraiment gratuit ? Débutants
Merci pour vos réponses qui m'ont l'air pleine de bon sens.Je peux bien mettre 3…
n/a | CarlOrff | April 21, 2018, 02:58:48 AM | ||
Un VPS vraiment gratuit ? Débutants
Je recherche un provider de VPS libre et gratuit.Une offre sérieuse et réelle su…
n/a | CarlOrff | April 20, 2018, 09:49:42 AM | ||
[ANN] [CPU mining] WAVI [YescryptR32] [NO Pre-mine] [Masternode] Announcements (Altcoins)
On other hand, STOP selling MNs for more than 0.01 BTC. 1000 wavi for 0.01 BTC i…
n/a | CarlOrff | April 20, 2018, 04:21:57 AM |