It was the Bitcointalk forum that inspired us to create - Bitcointalk is an excellent site that should be the default page for anybody dealing in cryptocurrency, since it is a virtual gold-mine of data. However, our experience and user feedback led us create our site; Bitcointalk's search is slow, and difficult to get the results you need, because you need to log in first to find anything useful - furthermore, there are rate limiters for their search functionality.
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We created this website with the sole purpose of users being able to search quickly and efficiently in the field of cryptocurrency so they will have access to the latest and most accurate information and thereby assisting the crypto-community at large.
Content | Score | Started by | Date posted | ||
Is there a chance i will double or even triple my investment if i buy BTC now? Trading Discussion
Of course there is a chance! I believe that it's not just a chance, but a real f…
n/a | electron-coin | May 22, 2018, 07:17:56 PM | ||
do you believe in luck? Trading Discussion
In order to be a successful trader you just need to be smart. And this will help…
n/a | electron-coin | May 20, 2018, 05:31:14 PM | ||
Are you all in when trading? Trading Discussion
Yes, a really unpleasant situation. We need to draw conclusions from it. It is n…
n/a | electron-coin | May 20, 2018, 07:56:22 AM | ||
An insider scoop on why "PUMP" groups are a SCAM Trading Discussion
I think that any intelligent person will never listen to advice in such groups.…
n/a | electron-coin | May 20, 2018, 07:49:19 AM | ||
Is worth buying coins under $1? Trading Discussion
It's good to buy coins that are not yet on top and cost less than $ 1. But even…
n/a | electron-coin | May 18, 2018, 07:49:44 PM | ||
If bitcoin is gone will the other coin survive? Trading Discussion
Of course not. Not everything in the crypto world revolves around the mighty bit…
n/a | electron-coin | May 17, 2018, 01:34:03 PM | ||
What to do if you lose $2,000 in trading? Trading Discussion
If you don't want to lose, you need to believe in what you are doing. You did no…
n/a | electron-coin | May 16, 2018, 04:23:12 PM | ||
If you want to be successful in trading.. Trading Discussion
This statement is true at 50%. A smart trader knows, understands and feels when…
n/a | electron-coin | May 16, 2018, 04:09:38 PM | ||
What are common mistakes and problems of the traders? Trading Discussion
Fear . I think this is the problem most traders encounter. And my self is like t…
n/a | electron-coin | May 16, 2018, 03:57:14 PM | ||
day trading effective? Trading Discussion
I think that day trading is a good idea. You will receive a colossal experience…
n/a | electron-coin | May 16, 2018, 02:13:48 PM | ||
Is trading actually worth it? Trading Discussion
I am sure that in this sphere people earn a millions (and some billions). The on…
n/a | electron-coin | May 14, 2018, 07:53:51 PM | ||
Altcoins are dying !!! Trading Discussion
Oh dude, you did not see what happened next, in a few days . In fact, altcoyns…
n/a | electron-coin | May 14, 2018, 06:33:20 PM | ||
Day Trading Crypto. Need HELP Trading Discussion
In my opinion, you need to start by studying technical analysis. I started with…
n/a | electron-coin | May 13, 2018, 06:12:36 PM | ||
Best exchange to invest for the long terms, Trading Discussion
Your savings are best kept on wallet(s). But if you sometimes trade, then there…
n/a | electron-coin | May 13, 2018, 05:56:56 PM | ||
Is Bitcoin the best Long-term Hold? Trading Discussion
Bitcoin is called digital gold for a reason. I think that today, bitcoin is one…
n/a | electron-coin | May 13, 2018, 04:48:05 PM | ||
new to this things Trading Discussion
In order to be able to trade, you need to overcome your fear. You have to alloca…
n/a | electron-coin | May 13, 2018, 09:56:06 AM | ||
day trading effective? Trading Discussion
You have so many questions. You are much interested and frightened.In order to d…
n/a | electron-coin | May 09, 2018, 07:54:53 PM | ||
Day trading was fun! Trading Discussion
I think that this is really fascinating. This causes vivid emotions when your ac…
n/a | electron-coin | May 08, 2018, 06:50:25 PM | ||
How to handle tough times in cryptocurrency? Trading Discussion
It depends on what coins you have. Yes, of course, part of the coins will be res…
n/a | electron-coin | May 08, 2018, 06:41:07 PM | ||
If bitcoin is gone will the other coin survive? Trading Discussion
I think that bitcoin is the founder of the whole crypto currencies. Bitcoin is s…
n/a | electron-coin | May 07, 2018, 07:32:50 PM | ||
How to Come Back? Trading Discussion
I'm sorry to hear that but everything goes around and you should actually know w…
n/a | electron-coin | May 06, 2018, 04:25:21 PM | ||
Day trade is more a lucky thing or skill Trading Discussion
I think that we need to act on the basis of the situation. Trading constantly ev…
n/a | electron-coin | May 06, 2018, 04:06:34 PM | ||
A successful trader must be an educated trader? Trading Discussion
Of course, in order to be a successful trader, we must be educated! But ... you…
n/a | electron-coin | May 06, 2018, 03:39:28 PM | ||
Do you trade for money or emotional satisfaction? Trading Discussion
Of course the most important source of trading is money. But the emotions that a…
n/a | electron-coin | May 06, 2018, 01:49:38 PM | ||
Is Bitcoin a good investment? Bitcoin Discussion
Yes, Bitcoin is a good investment for SOME TIME! Never forget this!
n/a | electron-coin | May 04, 2018, 09:25:03 AM | ||
В Киеве начались столкновения с полицией Политика
Да не допустят майдана, будут жёстко пресекать, а "мировое сообщество" добродушн…
n/a | electron-coin | October 29, 2017, 03:53:05 AM | ||
Стоит ли знакомить детей с криптовалютамl Разное
Думаете детей нужно знакомить с криптовалютой Я думаю скоро наши дети нас учить…
n/a | electron-coin | October 29, 2017, 03:52:18 AM | ||
Книги по Биткойн / Блокчейн на русском языl Новички
А видео интересное есть по криптовалютам?Так в соседнюю ветку загляните, там мор…
n/a | electron-coin | October 29, 2017, 03:51:33 AM | ||
Что вы думаете о катаклизмах в США??? Разное
Сегодня на YouTub'e смотрел репортаж первого канала о том, что в США просыпается…
n/a | electron-coin | October 29, 2017, 03:50:52 AM | ||
Достижение физического бессмертия... Разное
У нас в мире люди до сих пор умирают от гриппа, рака, спида и пневмонии. разобра…
n/a | electron-coin | October 29, 2017, 03:49:27 AM | ||
Как переучить Новички
с такими прыжками курса ценники надо будет по 3 раза в день менять))) кассовых а…
n/a | electron-coin | October 29, 2017, 03:48:01 AM | ||
я живу в самой лутчей стране мира! я живу в Украине! тут каждый угалок создан с…
n/a | electron-coin | October 29, 2017, 03:44:33 AM | ||
Сериалы Разное
Лично мне нравиться "Люцифер".Пусть может кому-то покажется банальным или по ист…
n/a | electron-coin | October 29, 2017, 03:42:05 AM | ||
Если бы вам дали книгу с историей вашей жиk Разное
Было бы там очень много забавных моментов и очень стыдных, была бы возможность…
n/a | electron-coin | October 29, 2017, 03:37:56 AM | ||
Продажа алкоголя Разное
Ограничение времени не решит проблему. Многие купят заранее, будут искать где пр…
n/a | electron-coin | October 29, 2017, 03:34:16 AM | ||
Чей Крым Политика
Крым наш и точка. А "наши" - это те люди, которые там живут
n/a | electron-coin | October 29, 2017, 03:28:15 AM | ||
Путин (Владимир Владимирович) Политика
Да, Путин уже не тот...Мы все поменялись - не заметили?
n/a | electron-coin | October 29, 2017, 03:26:26 AM | ||
Лётчики отказались бомбить Сирию Политика
Умозаключения некоторых комментаторов, просто веселят. Складывается ощущение, чт…
n/a | electron-coin | October 29, 2017, 03:20:49 AM | ||
Россия Политика
Агентство Moody's озвучило данные по странам СНГ. "По данным Moody's, в России В…
n/a | electron-coin | October 27, 2017, 03:54:32 PM | ||
Ксения Собчак объявила об участии в выбор Политика
Она не победит, лажает на каждом шагу, взять, например, Крым не наш))))) Все, с…
n/a | electron-coin | October 27, 2017, 03:51:39 PM | ||
Пенсионная реформа на Украине! Политика |
n/a | electron-coin | October 27, 2017, 03:50:57 PM | ||
В Киеве начались столкновения с полицией Политика
Лучше не обращать внимание, как госдеп дергает за веревочки украинских политиков…
n/a | electron-coin | October 27, 2017, 03:50:00 PM | ||
Спорт зал Разное
если ты новичок то нужно взять персонального тренера хотя бы на 2-3 месяца, а по…
n/a | electron-coin | October 27, 2017, 03:45:48 PM | ||
Во все тяжкие Разное
Сериал "Во все тяжкие" для меня был нечто особым и очень крутым. У меня даже дру…
n/a | electron-coin | October 27, 2017, 03:44:43 PM | ||
Сами нашли этот сайт? Разное
мне подсказал мой парень, а ему хороший друг. теперь очень благодарны другу за т…
n/a | electron-coin | October 27, 2017, 03:44:09 PM | ||
А в какие игры вы играете? Разное
Вообще не играю в игры. Зачем время терять? Есть куда более важные дела, наприме…
n/a | electron-coin | October 27, 2017, 03:43:34 PM | ||
Как вы узнали о Русский (Russian)
Через поиск, набирал информацию про биткоины и отзывы о биткоине
n/a | electron-coin | October 27, 2017, 03:40:23 PM | ||
Начали выпадать волосы. Разное
Попробуйте гимнастику Норбекова. Делает чудеса во всем организме и с волосами то…
n/a | electron-coin | October 27, 2017, 03:37:00 PM | ||
Про реф. ссылки Хайпы
А в личку можно рефссылки кидать?можно. Главное, чтобы человек зарегистрировалс…
n/a | electron-coin | October 27, 2017, 03:33:03 PM | ||
Современный детский сад в Китае Разное
Та прям не детский сад а Архитектурная достопримечательность))Прикольно придумал…
n/a | electron-coin | October 27, 2017, 03:16:28 PM | ||
Интересные факты о Советском Союзе, извес Разное
Ах, Союз, Союз.. уже само название объединяющее, созидательное что ли. Да, всяко…
n/a | electron-coin | October 27, 2017, 03:13:56 PM | ||
Гражданский брак, - за или против? Разное
Вообще то понятие гражданский брак с точки зрения законодательства это и есть оф…
n/a | electron-coin | October 27, 2017, 03:07:01 PM | ||
[ANN][BLC] Blakecoin Blake-256 for GPU/FPGA With Merged Mined Pools Stable Net Announcements (Altcoins)
We are behind you Blue. Push forward!
n/a | electron-coin | October 14, 2016, 11:16:56 AM | ||
[ANN][BLC] Blakecoin Blake-256 for GPU/FPGA With Merged Mined Pools Stable Net Announcements (Altcoins)
Thanks for offering to help. Blaketrader and the tipbot is more about time that…
n/a | electron-coin | August 14, 2016, 11:34:05 PM | ||
[ANN][BLC] Blakecoin Blake-256 for GPU/FPGA With Merged Mined Pools Stable Net Announcements (Altcoins)
Sorry to report that I am discontinuing BlakeTrader, ElectronTips twitter tipbot…
n/a | electron-coin | August 03, 2016, 09:50:39 AM | ||
[ANN][BLC] Blakecoin Blake-256 for GPU/FPGA With Merged Mined Pools Stable Net Announcements (Altcoins)
Oh, let me check on itEdit: the transaction daemon hung so I had to reset it. Sh…
n/a | electron-coin | June 04, 2016, 10:40:19 PM | ||
[ANN][BLC] Blakecoin Blake-256 for GPU/FPGA With Merged Mined Pools Stable Net Announcements (Altcoins)
FYI, Electron is heading to a reward halving after block 1,051,200. If you're s…
n/a | electron-coin | May 15, 2016, 04:23:17 PM | ||
[ANN][ELT] Electron, Blake-256 coin, merged mined Announcements (Altcoins)
FYI, Electron is heading to a reward halving after block 1,051,200. If you're s…
n/a | electron-coin | May 15, 2016, 04:22:32 PM | ||
[ANN][BLC] Blakecoin Blake-256 for GPU/FPGA With Merged Mined Pools Stable Net Announcements (Altcoins)
I am in a province in Mexico called California
n/a | electron-coin | April 10, 2016, 11:28:26 PM | ||
[ANN][BLC] Blakecoin Blake-256 for GPU/FPGA With Merged Mined Pools Stable Net Announcements (Altcoins)
The transaction server for blaketrader is down. Trading will be stopped for a fe…
n/a | electron-coin | March 16, 2016, 08:05:36 PM | ||
[ANN][BLC] Blakecoin Blake-256 for GPU/FPGA With Merged Mined Pools Stable Net Announcements (Altcoins)
Thanks for the support everybody.Yeah, trading with BlakeTrader is not even clos…
n/a | electron-coin | March 06, 2016, 12:39:27 PM | ||
[ANN][BLC] Blakecoin Blake-256 for GPU/FPGA With Merged Mined Pools Stable Net Announcements (Altcoins)
Everyone involved with the Blake Coin family and child coins owes a big thanks a…
n/a | electron-coin | March 05, 2016, 08:18:36 PM | ||
[ANN][BLC] Blakecoin Blake-256 for GPU/FPGA With Merged Mined Pools Stable Net Announcements (Altcoins)
Too bad AT/Banx is closedReplenished the trading wallets for BlakeTrader. There…
n/a | electron-coin | March 05, 2016, 02:54:33 PM | ||
[ANN][BLC] Blakecoin Blake-256 for GPU/FPGA With Merged Mined Pools Stable Net Announcements (Altcoins)
BlakeTrader is back with limited supply of LTC/PPC/DOGE until I procure more. Ha…
n/a | electron-coin | January 02, 2016, 02:09:54 PM | ||
[ANN][ELT] Electron, Blake-256 coin, merged mined Announcements (Altcoins)
It's too bad you feel this way. Not sure where you heard that.
n/a | electron-coin | December 31, 2015, 10:57:46 AM | ||
[ANN][BLC] Blakecoin Blake-256 for GPU/FPGA With Merged Mined Pools Stable Net Announcements (Altcoins)
BlakeTrader is back with limited supply of LTC/PPC/DOGE until I procure more. Ha…
n/a | electron-coin | December 30, 2015, 11:03:55 PM | ||
[ANN][BLC] Blakecoin Blake-256 for GPU/FPGA With Merged Mined Pools Stable Net Announcements (Altcoins)
I think Blaketrader is down. Hasn't worked since the 24th.Yeah, sorry. Some user…
n/a | electron-coin | December 30, 2015, 03:26:19 PM | ||
[ANN][BLC] Blakecoin Blake-256 for GPU/FPGA With Merged Mined Pools Stable Net Announcements (Altcoins)
Thanks Lion. Happy Holidays everyone!
n/a | electron-coin | December 22, 2015, 01:59:30 PM | ||
[ANN][ELT] Electron, Blake-256 coin, merged mined Announcements (Altcoins)
No, no major news right now. Taking a break from developing after the twitter ti…
n/a | electron-coin | November 28, 2015, 10:48:19 PM | ||
[ANN] PHO Photon blake256- MERGE MINE 6 COINS- NO PREMINE - TRADING ON EXCHANGES Announcements (Altcoins)
Are you able to connect to a client?Try one of my VPS ( 1…
n/a | electron-coin | November 19, 2015, 05:13:30 PM | ||
[ANN][BLC] Blakecoin Blake-256 for GPU/FPGA With Merged Mined Pools 500GH/s+ Net Announcements (Altcoins) and is down? Do you know why?…
n/a | electron-coin | October 07, 2015, 06:15:40 PM | ||
[1500 TH] p2pool: Decentralized, DoS-resistant, Hop-Proof pool Pools
AFAIK merge mine works ONLY on same algo, so if you have working "8-round blake…
n/a | electron-coin | August 28, 2015, 03:55:33 PM | ||
[ANN][BLC] Blakecoin Blake-256 for GPU/FPGA With Merged Mined Pools 500GH/s+ Net Announcements (Altcoins)
I haven't kept up with p2pool. Will it work with merged mining and with fast cha…
n/a | electron-coin | August 27, 2015, 09:57:05 AM | ||
[1500 TH] p2pool: Decentralized, DoS-resistant, Hop-Proof pool Pools
Would anybody be willing to help port p2pool to merge mine 8-round blake 256? We…
n/a | electron-coin | August 27, 2015, 09:55:48 AM | ||
[ANN][BLC] Blakecoin Blake-256 for GPU/FPGA With Merged Mined Pools 500GH/s+ Net Announcements (Altcoins)
I haven't kept up with p2pool. Will it work with merged mining and with fast cha…
n/a | electron-coin | August 25, 2015, 06:42:23 PM | ||
[ANN][BLC] Blakecoin Blake-256 for GPU/FPGA With Merged Mined Pools 500GH/s+ Net Announcements (Altcoins)
Is there a bounty for getting p2pool to work for merged blake mining? I will chi…
n/a | electron-coin | August 25, 2015, 11:07:28 AM | ||
[ANN][BLC] Blakecoin Blake-256 for GPU/FPGA With Merged Mined Pools 500GH/s+ Net Announcements (Altcoins)
Sorry for the spam, but I want to see if there is any interest in trading blakec…
n/a | electron-coin | August 22, 2015, 10:15:12 AM | ||
[ANN][BLC] Blakecoin Blake-256 for GPU/FPGA With Merged Mined Pools 500GH/s+ Net Announcements (Altcoins)
Sorry for the spam, but I want to see if there is any interest in trading blakec…
n/a | electron-coin | August 21, 2015, 08:14:15 PM | ||
[ANN] [UMO] UniversalMolecule Blake256 (WIN Downloads Fixed) Announcements (Altcoins)
That's ridiculous. I guess I am sticking with windows 7 and ubuntu.
n/a | electron-coin | August 21, 2015, 08:02:25 PM | ||
[ANN][BLC] Blakecoin Blake-256 for GPU/FPGA With Merged Mined Pools 500GH/s+ Net Announcements (Altcoins)
Blaketrader and @tipElectron tipbot are going to be down until tomorrow. Doing s…
n/a | electron-coin | August 17, 2015, 02:09:51 AM | ||
[ANN][BLC] Blakecoin Blake-256 for GPU/FPGA With Merged Mined Pools 500GH/s+ Net Announcements (Altcoins) |
n/a | electron-coin | August 13, 2015, 06:53:24 AM | ||
[ANN][BLC] Blakecoin Blake-256 for GPU/FPGA With Merged Mined Pools 500GH/s+ Net Announcements (Altcoins)
Tip sent, thanks for helping out!
n/a | electron-coin | July 07, 2015, 03:52:07 PM | ||
[ANN][BLC] Blakecoin Blake-256 for GPU/FPGA With Merged Mined Pools 500GH/s+ Net Announcements (Altcoins)
@MarSas and @Dunkelheit667, if you use Twitter send me a tweet at @electronTips.…
n/a | electron-coin | July 07, 2015, 02:04:05 PM | ||
Open Source CCE 4.0 Block Explorer Altcoin Discussion
Fantastic work!I have been using the sponsored explorer for over a year and it w…
n/a | electron-coin | June 13, 2015, 01:31:22 PM | ||
[ANN][BLC] Blakecoin Blake-256 for GPU/FPGA With Merged Mined Pools 500GH/s+ Net Announcements (Altcoins)
If you can run a node for blake coin, photon or any other coins in the family ,…
n/a | electron-coin | June 10, 2015, 11:44:54 PM | ||
[ANN][BLC] Blakecoin Blake-256 for GPU/FPGA With Merged Mined Pools 500GH/s+ Net Announcements (Altcoins)
thank youI think this would not harm things but blake coin in the future I see…
n/a | electron-coin | June 04, 2015, 01:10:05 AM | ||
[ANN][ELT] Electron, Blake-256 coin, merged mined Announcements (Altcoins)
Yes, electron ELT is traded on
n/a | electron-coin | May 28, 2015, 02:40:16 PM | ||
[ANN][ELT] Electron, Blake-256 coin, merged mined Announcements (Altcoins)
Haha, that would be nice!
n/a | electron-coin | May 19, 2015, 02:51:48 PM | ||
[ANN][ELT] Electron, Blake-256 coin, merged mined Announcements (Altcoins)
yeah, time flies. Coming up on 1 year next week =)
n/a | electron-coin | May 18, 2015, 06:37:15 PM | ||
[ANN][ELT] Electron, Blake-256 coin, merged mined Announcements (Altcoins)
FYI, we are about 2 weeks from the reward halving.
n/a | electron-coin | May 17, 2015, 12:52:39 PM | ||
@tipElectron Electron coin Twitter Tip Bot Service Announcements (Altcoins)
Sorry about that. Sent you a tweet with your balance
n/a | electron-coin | May 17, 2015, 11:22:22 AM | ||
[ANN][BLC] Blakecoin Blake-256 for GPU/FPGA With Merged Mined Pools 500GH/s+ Net Announcements (Altcoins)
The open source CCE 4.0 repository is now up:I was able to finish the documentat…
n/a | electron-coin | May 09, 2015, 02:15:46 AM | ||
[ANN][BLC] Blakecoin Blake-256 for GPU/FPGA With Merged Mined Pools 500GH/s+ Net Announcements (Altcoins)
The open source code is ready to be published!!!!The code for the open source ve…
n/a | electron-coin | May 08, 2015, 01:07:21 PM | ||
[ANN] [UMO] UniversalMolecule Blake256 (WIN Downloads Fixed) Announcements (Altcoins)
Yes, running nodes at and
n/a | electron-coin | May 06, 2015, 07:51:05 PM | ||
[ANN] PHO Photon (blake 256) MERGE MINE 6 COINS -- NO PREMINE -- COIN CONTROL - Announcements (Altcoins) |
n/a | electron-coin | May 06, 2015, 06:05:18 PM | ||
[ANN][ELT] Electron, Blake-256 coin, merged mined Announcements (Altcoins)
Project Desc- Block reward is 20 coins per block for the first 525,600 blocks (~…
n/a | electron-coin | May 25, 2014, 08:31:44 AM | ||
[ANN][BLC] Blakecoin Blake-256 for GPU/FPGA With Merged Mined Pools 500GH/s+ Net Announcements (Altcoins)
Sorry for the spam.Doing a little giveaway to help promote the tip bot: https://…
n/a | electron-coin | April 20, 2015, 04:50:57 PM | ||
@tipElectron Electron coin Twitter Tip Bot Service Announcements (Altcoins)
See f…
n/a | electron-coin | April 20, 2015, 02:57:33 PM | ||
@tipElectron Electron coin Twitter Tip Bot Service Announcements (Altcoins)
Announcing open beta for the @tipElectron Twitter tip bot!@tipElectron is a free…
n/a | electron-coin | April 20, 2015, 02:57:18 PM | ||
[ANN][ELT] Electron, Blake-256 coin, merged mined Announcements (Altcoins)
Thanks Cinnamon!
n/a | electron-coin | April 18, 2015, 04:53:05 PM |