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Content | Score | Started by | Date posted | ||
[JCE] Ultrafast CN-Heavy/Tube/HVX miner, low power, Vega56 1750+h/s Mining (Altcoins)
Could someone share proper settings and estimated h/s for 5704GB -580 8GB for h…
n/a | fenomenyaa | November 26, 2018, 03:30:22 PM | ||
Satılık rig rx 470 UYGUN FİYAT Pazar Alanı
Psular marka ve modeli nedir?tşkler.Belirtilmeiş rigde cpju ve ram mevcutmu veri…
n/a | fenomenyaa | November 13, 2018, 01:54:00 PM | ||
[ANN] TeamRedMiner - CNv8 - Vega 64 2200+h/s Rx470 1025+h/s Low Power Draw Mining (Altcoins)
something wrong on nanopool with this miner newer seen smthg like this on…
n/a | fenomenyaa | November 12, 2018, 04:00:32 PM | ||
[ANN] TeamRedMiner - CNv8 - Vega 64 2200+h/s Rx470 1025+h/s Low Power Draw Mining (Altcoins)
something wrong on nanopool with this miner newer seen smthg like this on…
n/a | fenomenyaa | November 10, 2018, 04:29:37 PM | ||
[ANN] TeamRedMiner - CNv8 - Vega 64 2200+h/s Rx470 1025+h/s Low Power Draw Mining (Altcoins)
Team Red Miner v0.3.7 released…
n/a | fenomenyaa | November 08, 2018, 05:49:51 PM | ||
[ANN] TeamRedMiner - CNv8 - Vega 64 2200+h/s Rx470 1025+h/s Low Power Draw Mining (Altcoins)
Still same problem on win10 18.5.1 rx470-480 series G4400 4Gb ram.All rigs stabl…
n/a | fenomenyaa | November 05, 2018, 09:27:57 AM | ||
[ANN] TeamRedMiner - CNv8 - Vega 64 2200+h/s Rx470 1025+h/s Low Power Draw Mining (Altcoins)
Still same problem on win10 18.5.1 rx470-480 series G4400 4Gb ram.All rigs stabl…
n/a | fenomenyaa | November 02, 2018, 11:53:06 AM | ||
GPU & CPU Hashrates/Benchmarks for Ravencoin Mining! Mining (Altcoins)
Honestly, the reported hashrate from pool dashboard is different from the miner…
n/a | fenomenyaa | November 01, 2018, 05:17:53 AM | ||
[ANN] TeamRedMiner - CNv8 - Vega 64 2200+h/s Rx470 1025+h/s Low Power Draw Mining (Altcoins)
Whenever the vards initialize or not, the miner works super nice from what I hav…
n/a | fenomenyaa | October 30, 2018, 11:57:24 AM | ||
[ANN] TeamRedMiner - CNv8 - Vega 64 2200+h/s Rx470 1025+h/s Low Power Draw Mining (Altcoins)
Guys,I need help.My mining rigs are riserless motherboards with 7x vega. These b…
n/a | fenomenyaa | October 30, 2018, 10:04:01 AM | ||
Satılık 10 adet fatura ve kutulu Asus 1070ti rog strix ve cerberus Pazar Alanı
düz 1070 den bahsetmiyor ti modelinden bahsediyor fiyat faiş de değil hani mantı…
n/a | fenomenyaa | October 09, 2018, 10:39:34 AM | ||
Satılık 10 adet fatura ve kutulu Asus 1070ti rog strix ve cerberus Pazar Alanı
İstediğiniz miktar yüksek değil çok yüksek ,satma niyetiniz varise ciddi revize…
n/a | fenomenyaa | October 07, 2018, 01:07:39 PM | ||
Evde Elektrik kapasitesini arttirma Madencilik
Daha önce resimlerle detaylı anlatım paylaşarak trifaze sistemi monofaze olarak…
n/a | fenomenyaa | September 10, 2018, 04:19:52 PM | ||
4 ADET RİG SATILIK:16 ADET 1070 - 3 ADET 1060 RYZEN 1700 VE M2SSD Pazar Alanı
1070 için 17501070ti için 1850TL öneriyorum.
n/a | fenomenyaa | May 28, 2018, 11:01:52 AM | ||
6 x 1080 ti MSI Gaming X - ACIL IHTIYACTAN FIYAT DUSTU - Vatan Garantili Pazar Alanı
Vgalar için yapmış olduğum adet başı 2700 teklif geçerlidir.
n/a | fenomenyaa | May 15, 2018, 03:06:16 PM | ||
Is Antec HCG-850 good for mining ? Mining (Altcoins)
Antec HCG-850 is decent psu ,based on Seasonic Focus platform.One of the best ps…
n/a | fenomenyaa | May 11, 2018, 02:48:04 PM | ||
6 x 1080 ti MSI Gaming X - Satilik Rig - Istanbul Pazar Alanı
SAdece ekran kartları için adet başı 2700TL ödeme yapabilirim.
n/a | fenomenyaa | May 03, 2018, 04:41:52 PM | ||
Gateless Gate Sharp 1.3.2: Now with memory timing mods and CryptoNight-Heavy! Mining (Altcoins)
@zazawaPls fix the problems on 580 4GB cards. 1.3.2 ver. tries to allacote 4.3 g…
n/a | fenomenyaa | April 14, 2018, 03:43:22 PM | ||
Gateless Gate Sharp 1.3.2: Now with memory timing mods and CryptoNight-Heavy! Mining (Altcoins)
@zazawaPls fix the problems on 580 4GB cards. 1.3.2 ver. tries to allacote 4.3 g…
n/a | fenomenyaa | April 14, 2018, 08:26:29 AM | ||
Gateless Gate Sharp 1.3.2: Now with memory timing mods and CryptoNight-Heavy! Mining (Altcoins)
Dear Devoloper,i have 20+ mixed 8 gpu rigs(rx 470,480,570,580) ,1-All same type…
n/a | fenomenyaa | April 13, 2018, 03:45:53 AM | ||
Gateless Gate Sharp 1.3.2: Now with memory timing mods and CryptoNight-Heavy! Mining (Altcoins)
Dear Devoloper,i have 20+ mixed 8 gpu rigs(rx 470,480,570,580) ,1-All same type…
n/a | fenomenyaa | April 12, 2018, 01:06:31 PM | ||
3 aylık,TR garantili faturalı 6X sapphire rx570 8gb nitro+OC Rig Pazar Alanı
SAdece vgaları satıyormusunuz?Vgaların Ramler modülleri ne?(Micron,samsung,hynix…
n/a | fenomenyaa | April 12, 2018, 12:59:18 PM | ||
Asus rx580 dual 8 gb - 1350 TL Pazar Alanı
Kartların kazım hızları nedir?Ramler modülleri ne?(Micron,samsung,hynix)
n/a | fenomenyaa | April 12, 2018, 12:44:49 PM |