It was the Bitcointalk forum that inspired us to create - Bitcointalk is an excellent site that should be the default page for anybody dealing in cryptocurrency, since it is a virtual gold-mine of data. However, our experience and user feedback led us create our site; Bitcointalk's search is slow, and difficult to get the results you need, because you need to log in first to find anything useful - furthermore, there are rate limiters for their search functionality.
The aim of our project is to create a faster website that yields more results and faster without having to create an account and eliminate the need to log in - your personal data, therefore, will never be in jeopardy since we are not asking for any of your data and you don't need to provide them to use our site with all of its capabilities.
We created this website with the sole purpose of users being able to search quickly and efficiently in the field of cryptocurrency so they will have access to the latest and most accurate information and thereby assisting the crypto-community at large.
Content | Score | Started by | Date posted | ||
🚀 |ANN|MYSTERIUM NETWORK-VPN terdesentralisasi yg dibangun pd blockchain |MYST| Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
sayang gak ada bounty sosmed ... semoga sukses ajalah koin ini
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 23, 2017, 07:34:36 PM | ||
[ANN] [ICO] Polybius - Bank yang Teregulasi sebagai Generasi Blockchain Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
Project altcoin dengan konsep baru dibidang kesehatan. Ini bklan jadi project me…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 23, 2017, 07:27:41 PM | ||
[ANN][OPL] OnPlace Inc. – Become an investor of private companies Announcements (Altcoins)
stay tune... waiting more info bounty
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 23, 2017, 07:19:31 PM | ||
[ANN][OPL] OnPlace Inc | KAMPANYE BOUNTY ( SEGERA ) Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
maaf agan ane mau nanya nih, apakah ente udah reserved terjemahan ini dan di app…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 23, 2017, 07:10:26 PM | ||
[ANN][XBTY] Proyek GetBounty - Token ETHEREUM - Distribusi Gratis dimulai Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
ada update pleng gress kagak brow ttg distribusi xbty.. keknya macet lage ye dis…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 23, 2017, 11:26:05 AM | ||
[ANN][ICO] setiap pemain adalah partner Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
wah ketinggalan info nih saya ... kira2 yg bisa di kerjakan sekaran bounty apa a…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 23, 2017, 11:07:01 AM | ||
[ANN] ▄︻̷ ┻ ═━一 • • • • AMMO Rewards • • • • 一━═┻̷ ︻▄ ICO Coming Soon Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
ICO di mulai hari ini tpi kok gak ada info buat bounty nya ya ? apa emang sengaj…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 23, 2017, 10:52:31 AM | ||
[ANN] ▄︻̷ ┻ ═━一 • • • AMMO Rewards • • • 一━═┻̷ ︻▄ ICO Starts 05/23/17 17:00 GMT Announcements (Altcoins)
hy dev.. why not any bounty sign camp or social media ?
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 23, 2017, 10:50:18 AM | ||
[ANN] 🚀Unlimited 🚀 ULM 🚀 X11 🚀 Special bounties 🚀 New concept Altcoin Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
wah perlu di coba buat koleksi coin,yang penting gratissss.langsung ke TKP be…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 23, 2017, 10:45:31 AM | ||
[ANN][ICO][BONTI]FundYourselfNow - Merevolusi Crowdfunding Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
untuk link spreadsheet facebook apa memang dihapus ya gan ? ane buka disini kok…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 23, 2017, 10:43:11 AM | ||
ANN [PTOY] Patientory Kesehatan di dalam Blockchain Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
hadeh rasanya gimana gitu setidaknya satu kali per harinya saya cek tve dalam 1…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 23, 2017, 10:12:45 AM | ||
[ANN][ICO] Minexcoin - A new era of payments Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
bagaimana jika ico minexcoin tidak mencapai target ? apa bounty akan di bayarYan…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 23, 2017, 09:17:24 AM | ||
[ANN] COINDASH - Masa depan trading - ICO Juli 2017 Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
waduh untuk kampanye bounty hanya 1% (satu persen)nyimak dulu deh, sapa tau ada…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 23, 2017, 09:00:33 AM | ||
[ANN] Crypviser - The Most Secure Solution For Confidential Interactions Announcements (Altcoins)
good luck im joined bounty fb and twitter
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 23, 2017, 06:27:16 AM | ||
[ANN] Crypviser - Solusi Paling Aman Untuk Interaksi Rahasia Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
bookmark dulu lah ini thread kayaknya bagus sambil ikut bounty sosmednya
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 23, 2017, 05:35:44 AM | ||
[ANN]BITBOOST - Sebuah Blok - E-commerce yang Terdesentralisasi Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
lumayan capek baca thread 5tab kirain ada bounty sosmed ehh gak nemu jugawkwkwk…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 22, 2017, 11:47:29 PM | ||
[ANN] COINDASH - Masa depan trading - ICO Juli 2017 Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
mari merapat yg nunggu bounty sosmed sekarang udah mulaiUntuk bergabung dengan b…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 22, 2017, 11:41:46 PM | ||
COINDASH - Future of trading - ICO July 2017 Announcements (Altcoins)
hy dev.. where to see spreadsheed bounty social media ?
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 22, 2017, 09:21:42 PM | ||
[ANN] [ICO] Polybius - Bank yang Teregulasi sebagai Generasi Blockchain Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
mau ikutan bounty sosmed nya tapi sepertinya belum maksimal hasilnyadi lihat lih…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 22, 2017, 10:51:20 PM | ||
[ANN][COR]CORION Platform Gateway to the Crypto World! ICO, Bounty Campaign Announcements (Altcoins)
Hello everyone! Please do understand that translation is important to us. We are…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 22, 2017, 10:46:59 PM | ||
[PRE-ANN] [ICO] [WGR] | Wagerr | Taruhan Dalam Blockchain Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
Dapatkan hadiah 100 WGR untuk Kontes meme di twitterLakukan tweet dengan meme me…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 22, 2017, 10:32:55 PM | ||
[ANN] Bancor | Protokol untuk Smart-tokens, solusi untuk liquiditas Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
setelah baca2 kok sepertinya ribet banget ya buat join bounty sosmednya jadi ra…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 22, 2017, 10:21:37 PM | ||
[ICO]🚀 memberikan pinjaman dengan inisiasi strategi One-Belt-One-Road Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
ikut jawab yang jelas merah dan biru sudah dipake superman makanya pilih hitam s…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 22, 2017, 10:12:36 PM | ||
Candor : cryptocurrency pension system Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
ini dev nya siapa gan? infonya jadi kurang greget di thread aslinya dev nya new…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 22, 2017, 10:01:24 PM | ||
Candor : cryptocurrency pension system Announcements (Altcoins)
not any information about bounty ?
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 22, 2017, 09:59:31 PM | ||
[ANN][MSK] MaskCoin | [ICO] Kampanye bounty MaskNetwork Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
Ini termasuk koin lama gan , dan sekarang muncul lagi untuk dikembangkan lebih b…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 22, 2017, 09:54:34 PM | ||
COINDASH - Future of trading - ICO July 2017 Announcements (Altcoins)
Hey CoinDashers!!!Greetings from New York! We are receiving great feedbacks from…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 22, 2017, 09:09:58 PM | ||
[ANN] COINDASH - Masa depan trading - ICO Juli 2017 Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
mari merapat yg nunggu bounty sosmed sekarang udah mulai
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 22, 2017, 09:00:23 PM | ||
🚀 |ANN|MYSTERIUM NETWORK-VPN terdesentralisasi yg dibangun pd blockchain |MYST| Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
wah ada yang baru lagi ... gelar tiker dulu sambil nunggu info bountynya
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 22, 2017, 08:53:51 PM | ||
Berburu Coin Gratis dari stellar Giveaway Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
mencoba peruntungan... otewe tkp ... thanks infonya gan
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 22, 2017, 08:51:40 PM | ||
COINDASH - Future of trading - ICO July 2017 Announcements (Altcoins)
seems to be a decent project.I will stay tuned.agree with you sir im trust this…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 22, 2017, 09:35:47 AM | ||
[ANN][ICO] Minexcoin - A new era of payments Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
wait and see saja..semoga iconya sukses.dan yang ikutan bounty juga ikut sukses…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 22, 2017, 05:45:19 AM | ||
[ANN] COINDASH - Masa depan trading - ICO Juli 2017 Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
belum ada berita terbaru kah tentang bounty nya? mau ikutan bounty sosial median…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 22, 2017, 05:37:58 AM | ||
[BOUNTY] [ICO] PATIENTORY: Blockchain-Secured Medical Records Marketplace (Altcoins)
New bounties are up! Here’s your chance to earn PTOY tokens and help Patientory…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 22, 2017, 05:20:36 AM | ||
ANN [PTOY] Patientory Kesehatan di dalam Blockchain Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
Bounty di TVE itu apa ada batasnya gan ? apa hanya tiap hari hanya beberapa yan…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 21, 2017, 08:37:38 PM | ||
Populous Pasar Faktur pada Blockchain - Tanggal Crowdsale/ICO 16 July Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
telat ikut bounti .... hduwhhh ya udahlah mungkin belum rejeki
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 21, 2017, 08:30:41 PM | ||
ANN [PTOY] Patientory Kesehatan di dalam Blockchain Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
amankan dulu walaupun telat
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 21, 2017, 07:56:32 PM | ||
[ANN] COINDASH - Masa depan trading - ICO Juli 2017 Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
ayow agan2 di ramaikan thread ini semoga aja project nya sukses dan kita dapat c…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 21, 2017, 07:39:53 PM | ||
COINDASH - Future of trading - ICO July 2017 Announcements (Altcoins)
Hello CoinDashers!We want to stop in the middle of all the rush at NYC and give…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 21, 2017, 07:29:24 PM | ||
[ANN] [ICO] Polybius - Bank yang Teregulasi sebagai Generasi Blockchain Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
wah ini projek belum dimulai ya ICOnya,,,?belum gan ,masih tahap promosi tentang…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 21, 2017, 07:20:40 PM | ||
[ANN] Notaris (NTRY) Proyek - BOUNTY TELAH KELUAR SEKARANG! Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
bagaimana dengan bountysosmednya apa sudah bisa diikuti???bounty sosmed sudah fu…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 21, 2017, 07:15:12 PM | ||
[LNK] Twitter Campaign(CFNP) | {318 BTC Raised} ~ICO in Progress~ Marketplace (Altcoins)
Recent Twitter audit:Twitter account: Name:mron…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 21, 2017, 12:43:43 PM | ||
[ANN][XBTY] Proyek GetBounty - Token ETHEREUM - Distribusi Gratis dimulai Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
udah ada kabar belum koin XBTY bisa di tradingkan dimana? untuk program bounty t…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 21, 2017, 11:42:50 AM | ||
[PRE-ANN] [ICO] [WGR] | Wagerr | Taruhan Dalam Blockchain Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
keliatannya bagus nih prospeknya.sayang belum bisa ikutan.sapa masih sempet ikut…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 21, 2017, 11:38:18 AM | ||
[ANN][MSK] MaskCoin | [ICO] Kampanye bounty MaskNetwork Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
ya nggak tau ni ane juga udah daftarbounty twitter nya tapi nggk masukdi daftar…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 21, 2017, 11:20:35 AM | ||
[ANN] [EON] EXSCUDO - Nextgen Financial Ecosystem | ICO l BOUNTY CAMPAIGN Tokens (Altcoins)
Total Value1,613 BTC / 3,350,507 USDContinue to keep good progress..Good news, k…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 21, 2017, 10:55:58 AM | ||
[ANN][XBTY] Proyek GetBounty - Token ETHEREUM - Distribusi Gratis dimulai Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
udah ada kabar belum koin XBTY bisa di tradingkan dimana? untuk program bounty t…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 20, 2017, 09:40:00 PM | ||
[ANN] COINDASH - Masa depan trading - ICO Juli 2017 Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
belum kayaknya gan... aku juga lagi nunggu.. tongkrongi terus aja thread iniane…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 20, 2017, 09:31:58 PM | ||
[ANN] 🚀Unlimited 🚀 ULM 🚀 X11 🚀 Special bounties 🚀 New concept Altcoin Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
Wah newbie boleh ikut ya gan? Ane meluncur deh install walletnya.Semoga aja gak…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 20, 2017, 09:15:45 PM | ||
COINDASH - Future of trading - ICO July 2017 Announcements (Altcoins)
Check out this great article written by Bitsify…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 20, 2017, 06:34:00 PM | ||
[ANN]BITBOOST - Sebuah Blok - E-commerce yang Terdesentralisasi Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
lumayan capek baca thread 5tab kirain ada bounty sosmed ehh gak nemu juga
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 20, 2017, 07:36:17 PM | ||
[ANN][XBTY] Proyek GetBounty - Token ETHEREUM - Distribusi Gratis dimulai Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
udah ada kabar belum koin XBTY bisa di tradingkan dimana? untuk program bounty t…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 20, 2017, 07:24:36 PM | ||
[ANN] [EON] EXSCUDO - Generasi selanjutnya Ekosistem Keuangan| ICO l CAMPAIGN Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
apakah sudah ada yg di update reward bounty Tiwter ?ane udah kemaren dari 480 st…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 20, 2017, 07:15:44 PM | ||
[ANN][ICO] Minexcoin - A new era of payments Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
sayang banget nih investor masih sedikit apa bakal sukses ini ico minexcoin ?su…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 20, 2017, 07:11:11 PM | ||
[ANN] ▄︻̷ ┻ ═━一 • • • • AMMO Rewards • • • • 一━═┻̷ ︻▄ ICO Coming Soon Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
agan2 sepertinya dev & team lagi mempersiapkan semuanya jadi mereka belum bisa n…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 20, 2017, 07:05:44 PM | ||
[ANN][COR]CORION Platform Gateway to the Crypto World! ICO, Bounty Campaign Announcements (Altcoins)
Why you need aa pre ico?Lby,Creative have not pre ico.They do well.Pre-ICO is no…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 20, 2017, 07:02:44 PM | ||
[PRE-ANN] [ICO] [WGR] | Wagerr | Taruhan Dalam Blockchain Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
Kok ane bingung ya baca terjemahan bounty twitternya?Ini kita disuruh bikin twee…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 20, 2017, 06:59:19 PM | ||
[ANN] 🚀Unlimited 🚀 ULM 🚀 X11 🚀 Special bounties 🚀 New concept Altcoin Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
dev nya kok kena negative trust ya, apakah masih lancar pembayarannya? mau ikuta…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 20, 2017, 06:37:09 PM | ||
[ANN] INPAY | Pertama blockchain ganda token WAVES/ETC | RoadMap Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
nunggu program bounty sosmed semoga cepet update
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 20, 2017, 12:32:56 PM | ||
🔴Unlimited Coin🔴 WALLET UPDATE 🔴 New Unique Concept 🔴 Fees rewards Announcements (Altcoins)
pm send please check
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 20, 2017, 12:19:12 PM | ||
[ANN] 🚀Unlimited 🚀 ULM 🚀 X11 🚀 Special bounties 🚀 New concept Altcoin Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
setelah baca2 di thread utama banyak yg bully dev nya katanya SCAMER gmna menur…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 20, 2017, 12:10:28 PM | ||
[ANN] 🚀Unlimited 🚀 ULM 🚀 X11 🚀 Special bounties 🚀 New concept Altcoin Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
ada yang bisa jelaskan cara addnode walletnya.. sync nya lama banget 3tahun wkwk…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 20, 2017, 11:50:33 AM | ||
[PRE-ANN] [ICO] [WGR] | Wagerr | Taruhan Dalam Blockchain Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
cukup menarik nih... siap2 ikut bounty twitter
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 20, 2017, 11:37:36 AM | ||
[ANN] 🚀Unlimited 🚀 ULM 🚀 X11 🚀 Special bounties 🚀 New concept Altcoin Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
kok gampang ya bounty nya hahahaha .... jejak dulu lah sebelum eksekusi
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 20, 2017, 11:22:07 AM | ||
[ICO]🚀 memberikan pinjaman dengan inisiasi strategi One-Belt-One-Road Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
wah telat nih aku... apa fix di tutup bounty fb dan twitternya gan ?
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 20, 2017, 11:19:01 AM | ||
[ANN] COINDASH - Masa depan trading - ICO Juli 2017 Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
belum kayaknya gan... aku juga lagi nunggu.. tongkrongi terus aja thread ini
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 20, 2017, 05:13:55 AM | ||
[ANN][ICO][BONTI]FundYourselfNow - Merevolusi Crowdfunding Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
menarik nih kayaknya ... joinlah bounty fb dan twitter
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 20, 2017, 05:02:09 AM | ||
[ANN] ▄︻̷ ┻ ═━一 • • • • AMMO Rewards • • • • 一━═┻̷ ︻▄ ICO Coming Soon Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
jejak dulu...di tunggu informasi selanjutnya buat bounty nya gan ammo
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 19, 2017, 10:07:54 PM | ||
[ANN] [ICO] Polybius - Bank yang Teregulasi sebagai Generasi Blockchain Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
join bounty sosmed sapa tau bakal sukses nih koin
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 19, 2017, 10:03:52 PM | ||
[ANN] COINDASH - Masa depan trading - ICO Juli 2017 Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
ikut signature campaign dulu sambil nunggu bounty fb dan twitter di mulai
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 19, 2017, 09:37:00 PM | ||
COINDASH - Future of trading - ICO July 2017 Announcements (Altcoins)
joined signature campaign good luck
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 19, 2017, 09:35:25 PM | ||
[ANN] COINDASH - Masa depan trading - ICO Juli 2017 Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
Ninggalin jejak dulu...sambil nunggu info bounti sosmed.Semoga sukses ikut ning…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 19, 2017, 09:25:24 PM | ||
[ANN] [EON] EXSCUDO - Nextgen Financial Ecosystem | ICO l BOUNTY CAMPAIGN Tokens (Altcoins)
how many btc raised per today ?1,604 BTC / 3,188,287 USD . Rises of up to 5 mill…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 19, 2017, 08:04:12 PM | ||
[ANN][MSK] MaskCoin | [ICO] Kampanye bounty MaskNetwork Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
Mask coin bagus bountynya semoga ICo nya sukses dan meledak di pasaran,, kalo pe…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 19, 2017, 02:52:41 PM | ||
[ANN][MSK] MaskCoin | [ICO] Kampanye bounty MaskNetwork Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
ayow ramaikan thread indonya siapa tau dapat cipratan bounty translate
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 19, 2017, 03:46:57 AM | ||
[ANN][XBTY] Proyek GetBounty - Token ETHEREUM - Distribusi Gratis dimulai Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
Masih belum ada kabar exchange atau info baru? Parah kalau gini jadi abu nih coi…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 19, 2017, 03:20:00 AM | ||
[BOUNTY][ICO]MaskNetwork bounty campaign Bounties (Altcoins)
joined bounty twitter hope lucky
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 19, 2017, 12:53:51 AM | ||
[ANN][MSK] MaskCoin | [ICO] Kampanye bounty MaskNetwork Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
menarik untuk di tunggu kelanjutanya bagaimana sepak terjang koin ini.... nongkr…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 19, 2017, 12:51:57 AM | ||
[ANN] [COR] CORION Platform Pintu masuk ke Dunia Crypto! ICO,Bounty Campaign Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
ikut nongkrong gan... nunggu bounty sosmed di mulai
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 19, 2017, 12:47:42 AM | ||
[ANN][COR]CORION Platform Gateway to the Crypto World! ICO, Bounty Campaign Announcements (Altcoins)
waiting to join bounty twiiter
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 19, 2017, 12:44:52 AM | ||
[ANN][XBTY] Proyek GetBounty - Token ETHEREUM - Distribusi Gratis dimulai Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
suram nih koin kayaknya... dev nya kurang greget
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 19, 2017, 12:40:04 AM | ||
### A ChainWorks Industries (CWI) Project - InfluxCoin | INFX Announcements (Altcoins)
always waiting your update new ANN dev..keep working
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 18, 2017, 09:51:28 PM | ||
[ANN] [EON] EXSCUDO - Nextgen Financial Ecosystem | ICO l BOUNTY CAMPAIGN Tokens (Altcoins)
Almost 1500BTC collected, very nice, and more than half a month left in the ICO.…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 14, 2017, 05:46:34 PM | ||
[ANN] [EON] EXSCUDO - Nextgen Financial Ecosystem | ICO l BOUNTY CAMPAIGN Tokens (Altcoins)
Anyone having trouble joining the Slack channel for Exscudo?When I put my e-mail…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 11, 2017, 07:48:30 AM | ||
[ANN][XBTY] Proyek GetBounty - Token ETHEREUM - Distribusi Gratis dimulai Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
UPDET terbaru dari dev- Facebook campaign and Translation bounty canceled - http…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 09, 2017, 07:52:03 PM | ||
[ANN] [EON] EXSCUDO - Nextgen Financial Ecosystem | ICO l BOUNTY CAMPAIGN Tokens (Altcoins)
New EXSCUDO Promo Video! job i wa…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 07, 2017, 12:33:11 AM | ||
[ANN][ICO] Minexcoin - A new era of payments Announcements (Altcoins)
8 days again to start ico, wish this project succes hope full can be succes this…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 07, 2017, 12:29:23 AM | ||
[ANN] [XBTY] GetBounty project - Ethereum Token - Free Distribution started Announcements (Altcoins)
anybody knows how much BTCs is this sig campaign worth per week?the amount that…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 07, 2017, 12:21:27 AM | ||
### A ChainWorks Industries (CWI) Project - InfluxCoin | INFX Announcements (Altcoins)
### CWI-COINS - INFLUXCOINhi all ...cory and i have finalized the git transfer t…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 06, 2017, 10:07:09 PM | ||
[ANN][XBTY] Proyek GetBounty - Token ETHEREUM - Distribusi Gratis dimulai Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
sampai sekarang XBTY saya belom di kirim juga gan btw ane pake wallet Windows .p…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 05, 2017, 12:26:01 PM | ||
### A ChainWorks Industries (CWI) Project - InfluxCoin | INFX Announcements (Altcoins)
I'm waiting for more information about this project. Yeah and than market exchan…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 05, 2017, 06:24:54 AM | ||
[ANN] [START] StartCOIN 2.0 - The digital currency for crowdfunding Announcements (Altcoins)
i'm trust this coin will up again.. im buy more now
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 05, 2017, 06:16:01 AM | ||
[ANN][XBTY] Proyek GetBounty - Token ETHEREUM - Distribusi Gratis dimulai Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
harganya kurang greget.. 0.00002 ETH per bounty.. ane cuma dapet sedikit sih.kal…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 03, 2017, 10:44:42 AM | ||
[ANN] [INFX] Influxcoin | Official Project Announcements (Altcoins)
I am researching coins to invest and there is more people like me for sure.I am…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 03, 2017, 10:33:25 AM | ||
[ANN] [EON] EXSCUDO - Generasi selanjutnya Ekosistem Keuangan| ICO l CAMPAIGN Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
saya ikut bounty fb sama twitter jadi 1 akun tpi kok yang fb keteranganya comin…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 02, 2017, 08:38:00 AM | ||
[ANN] [EON] EXSCUDO - Generasi selanjutnya Ekosistem Keuangan| ICO l CAMPAIGN Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
saya ikut bounty fb sama twitter jadi 1 akun tpi kok yang fb keteranganya comin…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | May 02, 2017, 08:29:45 AM | ||
[ANN][XBTY]BOUNTY- Hadiah/Kampanye/Bekerja untuk mendapatkan Token Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
ini bounty dari twitter udah di bagikan ya gan? koq ane check wallet eth udah ad…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | April 22, 2017, 11:36:53 AM | ||
[ANN] [XBTY] GetBounty project - Ethereum Token - Free Distribution started Announcements (Altcoins)
At me why that that the wrong signature, all was copied but there is no bottom l…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | April 22, 2017, 11:10:16 AM | ||
[ANN][XBTY]BOUNTY- Hadiah/Kampanye/Bekerja untuk mendapatkan Token Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia)
ini bounty dari twitter udah di bagikan ya gan? koq ane check wallet eth udah ad…
n/a | mrongoz_imut | April 22, 2017, 12:10:20 AM | ||
[ANN] [EON] EXSCUDO - Nextgen Financial Ecosystem | ICO l BOUNTY CAMPAIGN Tokens (Altcoins)
5 day to lounch ico started... dont late to join
n/a | mrongoz_imut | April 20, 2017, 07:39:20 PM |