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Content | Score | Started by | Date posted | ||
Alex jones calls Bitcoin a "Bubble" & "Globalist NWO" Creation Off-topic
Well, love and hate must co-exist in order to stop brainwashing.I know there are…
n/a | polarhei | December 04, 2013, 08:29:02 AM | ||
Satoshi unmasked? Bitcoin Discussion
Well, many stories are not stable. Who is Satoshi? Satoshi may be just a group n…
n/a | polarhei | December 04, 2013, 08:22:50 AM | ||
2013-11-12 如果你以為 Bitcoin 只是電子貨幣,那你只看到巨大冰山的一角 媒体
我接受過記者訪問, 我再三強調BITCOIN不是電子貨幣,是股票. 由數以億計平民共同維護的"公司". "公司"的市值主要受算式, 莊家,用戶接受的情況,政府的…
n/a | polarhei | December 04, 2013, 08:21:25 AM | ||
2013-11-17 比特币带给这个世界哪些难题? 媒体
類似位元幣的東西流出市場. 主要是回應紙鈔供應量. 在我開始之前, 首先先由中原開始的. 昔日的貨幣發行制度以政府手持的黃金和白銀的數目而決定數目的 (有皇印做…
n/a | polarhei | December 04, 2013, 08:15:25 AM | ||
2013-10-17 中国数万人网淘比特币 服务器宕机成垃圾代码 媒体
只要中央電視台說的話, 不管人品也好, 人民盡量會引入多一點. 如果有一日, 我們不需要原油製造所需的話, 美元先會遭衰減, 始終美元只是數拾個人就可以改變的東…
n/a | polarhei | December 04, 2013, 08:09:33 AM | ||
2013-10-25 比特币的用途 媒体
还有一点就是如何做到公平的挖矿不可能, 任何公司的運營, 只有第一代能享有最大的權益. 第二代少很多. 我自己看. 雖然, 比特幣是數字, 但群組嘗試解決三大問…
n/a | polarhei | December 04, 2013, 08:04:28 AM | ||
2013-11-09 新浪网:比特币疯狂上涨 玩家想靠比特币买房 媒体
有可能的. 不過, 我反而認為, 用它買氣墊船反而更有可能.
n/a | polarhei | December 04, 2013, 07:58:26 AM | ||
投资BTC亏惨了! 中文 (Chinese) |
n/a | polarhei | December 04, 2013, 07:45:34 AM | ||
Buying stocks with Bitcoin profits Economics
This is these seller's idea. money makes money, simple.
n/a | polarhei | December 04, 2013, 07:43:13 AM | ||
Please Read!! Help Stop This Madness. Economics
Well, who have not started on or before the 2nd Era, then these people are norma…
n/a | polarhei | December 04, 2013, 07:41:25 AM | ||
2013-11-27 Guardian: 7,500 Bitcoins thrown in bin Press
This may be the most stupidest thing to hear. May make the market good as At las…
n/a | polarhei | November 28, 2013, 10:07:10 AM | ||
Depressed that I was not an early adopter Bitcoin Discussion
Can't help but feel this wayOctober this year is the last call, I'm afraid. But,…
n/a | polarhei | November 24, 2013, 10:42:29 PM | ||
炒币策略,这里是赚的多还是亏的多? 中文 (Chinese)
按目前情況而言,虧的多(如果你在高位買入的話). 不過人們不太理會.我主要持採礦合約, 始終,在這一刻,如果選擇正確的公司,大家樂.
n/a | polarhei | November 24, 2013, 10:41:15 PM | ||
Does mining require a professional Mining |
n/a | polarhei | November 23, 2013, 07:39:02 AM | ||
Reduction in return from CEX Mining
Registering as a UK company means nothing - apart from making them an Official s…
n/a | polarhei | November 23, 2013, 07:34:09 AM | || : Doesnt mining profits come in BTC ? Mining
namecoin can be paid for GHS. The other two. Well, some people are insterested i…
n/a | polarhei | November 23, 2013, 07:29:43 AM | ||
[GIVEAWAY] [CMC] 1 Cosmoscoin per person Altcoin Discussion
n/a | polarhei | November 22, 2013, 11:08:20 AM | ||
[PPC] Free Peercoin Giveaway - Just post your wallet Altcoin Discussion
PUpKjGThd9xy5KSvqAyExZW9ibZm84WYAaPls folo up
n/a | polarhei | November 22, 2013, 11:07:31 AM | ||
Neural Bitcoin miner? CPU/GPU Bitcoin mining hardware
I don't fully trust this.
n/a | polarhei | November 22, 2013, 06:31:15 AM | ||
Bitcoin de Coral(Group mine and group investment project) Group buys
Estimation is based on few factors1. 0.1 BTC per 1 Gh/s (although it is roughly…
n/a | polarhei | November 22, 2013, 05:15:32 AM | ||
best mining equipment for $1000 dollars to mine this year CPU/GPU Bitcoin mining hardware
best mining equipment for $1000 dollars to mine this year any ideas? 10 blue fur…
n/a | polarhei | November 22, 2013, 05:11:10 AM | ||
Why is hardware so bloody expensive right now? CPU/GPU Bitcoin mining hardware
I cannot believe the price of hardware right now.Block Erupter USB's going for l…
n/a | polarhei | November 22, 2013, 05:05:19 AM | ||
When Will Bitcoin Reach $1000?? Beginners & Help
It is possible to, volume on mtgox is decreasing
n/a | polarhei | November 21, 2013, 11:15:28 AM | ||
关于LABCOIN,大家应该联合起来报案! 挖矿
該東西, 騙子的多. 即使報警也好,作用太小.
n/a | polarhei | November 21, 2013, 11:05:58 AM | ||
等到明年2、3月份,所有T级以下算力的矿工就准备歇了吧 挖矿
如果成事真的很好, 在該時候, 應該可以交還所需. 我自己要設法獲大量.
n/a | polarhei | November 21, 2013, 11:04:07 AM | ||
比特币投资风险参考 中文 (Chinese) |
n/a | polarhei | November 21, 2013, 11:00:26 AM | ||
CCTV-2 今晚22:30分播出 "中国大妈"蜂拥入场BTC交易所 媒体
在政治下, 相信是正面,始終, 只要沒有人買原油, 問題會浮現.
n/a | polarhei | November 21, 2013, 10:58:18 AM | ||
BitKoin de Koral(Mining Service,位元樂) Introduced by polarhei Services
"不管你手上有多少. 只要誰佔咸陽, 誰可得天下"USD 99.99 per 1 GH/s (stable price,I have 2 Gh/s in re…
n/a | polarhei | November 21, 2013, 10:50:36 AM | ||
Is Bitcoin a Pyramid or Ponzi scheme & what are the ramifications? Economics
Bitcoin supply is limited, the amount set is known from source code.If for ponzi…
n/a | polarhei | November 21, 2013, 10:24:08 AM | ||
所有被Avalon、南瓜张(ngzhang)、Yifu Guo(BitSynom) 骗过的人,都去给他们差评! 挖矿
n/a | polarhei | November 13, 2013, 05:24:36 AM | ||
50pcs 烤猫USB+49port hubs 1.4BTC 挖矿
被烤猫算过得价钱你别想回本。好想知道谁买了烤猫矿机的现在回本了吗?半年了。單以它,沒有可能. 現在最低限度,三龍合一才有機會. 我自己主要用合約, 主要原因是運…
n/a | polarhei | November 13, 2013, 05:22:15 AM | ||
这个挖矿板块干嘛的。 挖矿
现在机子开着的还能有多少利润呢看你有多少而定. 一般而言,如果單以開機子的話,容錯值太少的話(少於500GH/s),你得不到甚麼. 建議與"沛公"(…
n/a | polarhei | November 13, 2013, 05:15:15 AM | ||
自己看吧,烤猫在忙矿机的液冷。 挖矿
n/a | polarhei | November 13, 2013, 05:08:13 AM | ||
有谁听过蜂窝矿机?求证 挖矿会不会是骗子我还是远离这样的所谓的云矿机吧。电费不贵,还是把矿机放家里的好。我有聽過.但我不太相信這…
n/a | polarhei | November 13, 2013, 05:06:21 AM | || May be the most powerful mining pool in world Mining was not so noticeable until right now.The first design introduces borro…
n/a | polarhei | November 13, 2013, 05:01:07 AM | ||
Is it worth buying & selling? CPU/GPU Bitcoin mining hardware
The being asked, Do on contracts first, always. I think, It 's time to buy many.…
n/a | polarhei | November 09, 2013, 11:08:54 AM | ||
AMD R9 290X? Altcoin Discussion
It will perform ~15% better on mining overall. ASICS perform ~500% better than G…
n/a | polarhei | November 09, 2013, 11:06:41 AM | ||
BTC转账不付费用,什么时候能到 中文 (Chinese)
有两笔从外面转过来的BTC,交易费用是0。几个小时了,一个确认都没有一般这种情况会什么时候才能到要看三個條件而定1. > 0.01 BTC2. 成熟程度3. 有…
n/a | polarhei | November 09, 2013, 10:56:39 AM | ||
China's adoption of BTC Politics & Society
china is communist in name onlyYes.I think, no one can buy up all. I think some…
n/a | polarhei | November 09, 2013, 10:37:43 AM | ||
Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion Speculation
I remembered the first barrier, it is called USD 266 on April 2013.The second wa…
n/a | polarhei | November 09, 2013, 09:54:43 AM | ||
央视迟早害死天朝 中文 (Chinese) |
n/a | polarhei | November 03, 2013, 08:04:51 AM | ||
How can you sure your cloud service does the thing? Mining speculation
Greetings, Here are two address which may add to Bitcoin's or eq…
n/a | polarhei | October 25, 2013, 03:39:25 AM | ||
Invest in Bitcoin, Gold or Silver? Economics
You may have massive amount of fiat, May consider Silver first as Silver has spe…
n/a | polarhei | October 24, 2013, 10:43:52 AM | ||
60个比特币买到的经验和教训 中文 (Chinese)
比特幣只是一公司股份而已. 至於查稅問題, 我相信TM與其共存,畢竟尚有不方便.
n/a | polarhei | October 24, 2013, 10:25:19 AM | ||
CV/Resume for BTC Services
I think this can be too basic which people can do manually.There are some lesson…
n/a | polarhei | October 24, 2013, 10:19:47 AM | ||
My O.S. freezes when GPU mining Mining support
overload or underloaded?
n/a | polarhei | October 24, 2013, 10:17:25 AM | ||
Deflation - the worst argument against buying Bitcoins ever. Bitcoin Discussion
Wait. In a concept of share. Share is normally bounded before release. I don't t…
n/a | polarhei | October 24, 2013, 10:07:29 AM | || 650 Watts per gigahash - reasonable figure? Service Discussion has a stat for mining profitability based on electricity consump…
n/a | polarhei | October 22, 2013, 01:04:16 PM | ||
Mining internet bandwidth usage? Mining support
the bandwidth usage is just low as 56000 bps (roughly 3KB/s) based on transactio…
n/a | polarhei | October 22, 2013, 12:56:07 PM | ||
Everyone says US can't raise debt ceiling forever. Why? Economics
There is not enough production rate in the States. If keeping raise the limit, t…
n/a | polarhei | October 22, 2013, 12:48:46 PM | ||
Any reason why today's system will fail ? Economics
the big player makes too much debts, while other competitions, at most 300,000 M…
n/a | polarhei | October 22, 2013, 12:42:22 PM | ||
均涨幅:0.7%/日 21%/月 900%/年 中文 (Chinese)
n/a | polarhei | October 22, 2013, 12:30:29 PM | ||
Where buy an asic miner? CPU/GPU Bitcoin mining hardware
Only three companies can be trusted1. ASICMINER (Friedcat)2. BitFury3. KncminerH…
n/a | polarhei | October 19, 2013, 09:43:22 AM | ||
Any ASIC worth for Investment? CPU/GPU Bitcoin mining hardware
My personal recommendation is, Do not direct contact with ASIC unless you intend…
n/a | polarhei | October 19, 2013, 09:40:11 AM | ||
政府的监管其实只是一种比特币测试 中文 (Chinese)
它只不過是股票,只是,全人可參與.夠膽你計出來. 我自己也是這樣做.
n/a | polarhei | October 19, 2013, 09:21:47 AM | ||
大家都不挖矿了,纷纷卖矿机,BTC可能还要涨。 中文 (Chinese)
n/a | polarhei | October 19, 2013, 09:19:39 AM | ||
Bitcoin Documentary: Bankers' Worst Fear Bitcoin Discussion
Well, the banker is not fully ready yet. For their vision, It is just a form of…
n/a | polarhei | October 19, 2013, 08:54:46 AM | ||
Your biggest bitcoin regrets? Bitcoin Discussion
Too early to sell.
n/a | polarhei | October 19, 2013, 08:53:17 AM | ||
BTC过了今晚就要破1000元人民币了 中文 (Chinese)
n/a | polarhei | October 18, 2013, 11:25:16 AM | || 650 Watts per gigahash - reasonable figure? Service Discussion
the 650W based on general equipment. you know the rest.
n/a | polarhei | October 18, 2013, 11:19:09 AM | ||
new comer guide Mining
greetings. when you watch the introduction of the being, before the third era, y…
n/a | polarhei | October 18, 2013, 11:17:04 AM | ||
POLL - Why are you mining? Mining
Why still mining? According to the selling chart and some open-secret of the sea…
n/a | polarhei | October 18, 2013, 08:33:38 AM | ||
Bitcoind dies always... Bitcoin Technical Support
The basic diagram given mentioning not enough memory space for bitcoind. Bitcoin…
n/a | polarhei | October 18, 2013, 08:30:07 AM | ||
爆炸性的消息,求高手说明 中文 (Chinese)
n/a | polarhei | October 17, 2013, 09:51:29 PM | ||
What should i do? (7x usb erupters) Mining
Use the 7 thumbs on as you will need massive amount of hash to follow up.…
n/a | polarhei | October 16, 2013, 11:01:02 PM | ||
KNC开始向国内发货了。 挖矿
始終可信的. 畢竟, 有良好關係才可以共同獲益.
n/a | polarhei | October 15, 2013, 12:27:54 AM | ||
比特时代:比特币大涨因美国债务危机 追高接盘不可取 中文 (Chinese)
仍然是掘的好. 我自己只認為在零售上, 一份完整的,最多只值七拾伍美元左右
n/a | polarhei | October 15, 2013, 12:23:29 AM | ||
Bitcoin price Speculation
In personal's view, Invest on mining as only mining provides the massive amount…
n/a | polarhei | October 14, 2013, 03:47:33 AM | ||
FBI seizes Silk Road. BTC backbone broken. Economics
The backbone is not broken, It is just getting stronger as Some law enforcement…
n/a | polarhei | October 14, 2013, 03:43:56 AM | ||
[CHART] Bitcoin Inflation vs. Time Economics
I think the being is based on gold. Only deflation will be.Silver also be,tooBut…
n/a | polarhei | October 14, 2013, 03:39:39 AM | ||
Re-visit the question: What is bitcoin's value backed by? Economics
Trust.Trusting only 21M availableTrusting never double spentTrusting the monitor…
n/a | polarhei | October 14, 2013, 03:33:12 AM | ||
Re-visit the question: What is bitcoin's value backed by? Economics
Trust.Trusting only 21M availableTrusting never double spentTrusting the monitor…
n/a | polarhei | October 14, 2013, 03:28:19 AM | ||
US Government Shutdown Economics
The both big parties are playing very dangerous, getting bigger. Let us see if t…
n/a | polarhei | October 14, 2013, 03:19:55 AM | ||
Crash is inevitable on MtGox (soon) Speculation
Currently MtGox is controlled by few groups of people. They probably have two wa…
n/a | polarhei | October 14, 2013, 03:18:33 AM | ||
We all know when to buy, but when do you sell? Speculation
people usually check high point for it.Normally, a reasonable way is +/- 5 dolla…
n/a | polarhei | October 14, 2013, 03:14:32 AM | ||
Bye bye bitcoin Speculation
Well, there are two sides. People now bet on 17 October 2013 will be in another…
n/a | polarhei | October 14, 2013, 03:12:20 AM | ||
2013-10-13 CNBC - "You can't stop bitcoins .... like you can't stop gunpowder" Press
Exactly.The problem is monitoring. Just like ancient times.
n/a | polarhei | October 14, 2013, 12:05:49 AM | ||
Next difficulty ~215,000,000 ? Mining speculation
How accurate would you say that is?Past predictions:Guess Actual145m - 148m170…
n/a | polarhei | October 13, 2013, 09:26:54 AM | ||
What happens when there is a big difficulty drop? Mining
It is possible, but I don't see that happening. The hardware today is so diverse…
n/a | polarhei | October 13, 2013, 09:25:11 AM | ||
End of Big Miners Mining
You forget one thing. Technology is improving massively.There will be much more…
n/a | polarhei | October 13, 2013, 09:20:53 AM | ||
Why are you mining BTC? Mining
Simply as thinking the selling cost is higher than mining cost. I personally thi…
n/a | polarhei | October 13, 2013, 09:15:37 AM | ||
Wow Mining hashrate just broke 2 PH/s according to Mining
Here is the craze beginning.
n/a | polarhei | October 13, 2013, 09:12:36 AM | ||
Airline Reward Points Legal
Why aren't airline reward points considered a centrally issued virtual currency?…
n/a | polarhei | October 13, 2013, 09:11:09 AM | ||
SR Complaint: Bitcoin is Legit Legal
Bitcoin is only just obscured, not anonymous. I think the statement is wrong aft…
n/a | polarhei | October 13, 2013, 09:05:18 AM | ||
Are Bitcoin securities Legal? Legal
Questionable.Currently the securities of the securities is the main problem as b…
n/a | polarhei | October 13, 2013, 09:02:15 AM | ||
Is it legal to give bitcoins as a gift? Legal
Bitcoin is just a product. You can buy, sell or gift others. So It is legal to d…
n/a | polarhei | October 13, 2013, 08:59:06 AM | ||
is it legal to run a public bitcoin exchange that Americans can use? Legal
So I surfed over to bitcoin charts and found an ad for a new exchange in Denver:…
n/a | polarhei | October 13, 2013, 08:57:51 AM | ||
OFFICIAL SOURCE: National Police Corps of Spain seizes Bitcoin Legal
OFFICIAL SOURCE: National Police Corps of Spain seizes BitcoinTranslated from Sp…
n/a | polarhei | October 13, 2013, 08:53:33 AM | ||
What's next? Procedure for seized BTC funds from Silk Road Legal
These people will treat them as Storage to stablize the gold. These people may d…
n/a | polarhei | October 13, 2013, 08:49:08 AM | ||
Is selling hash rate legal? Legal
Is it considered bond/security or simply commodity?ThanksIts illegal, any invest…
n/a | polarhei | October 13, 2013, 08:47:20 AM | ||
Is selling hash rate legal? Legal
Is it considered bond/security or simply commodity?ThanksIt's just commodity or…
n/a | polarhei | October 13, 2013, 08:40:31 AM | ||
Do you like bitcoin, what's your reason? Bitcoin Discussion
Ensuring Do-No-Evil Inside.
n/a | polarhei | October 13, 2013, 08:36:23 AM | ||
This page shows that RMB accounts for 55% of all BTC transaction volume Bitcoin Discussion
hido you want to say that bitcoin in rmb is the new trend?meaning there is more…
n/a | polarhei | October 13, 2013, 08:35:00 AM | ||
Hong Kong Bitcoin Meetup 14/10 (Public Holiday) Meetups
May be regular basis, But I have noticed few things. I think I will need to note…
n/a | polarhei | October 13, 2013, 08:33:33 AM | ||
Government has some siezed coins. What does this mean in long term? Bitcoin Discussion
The 600K bitcoin now treats as real money, according to a judgement's speech. So…
n/a | polarhei | October 13, 2013, 08:32:06 AM | ||
Dwolla is ending service with Bitcoin exchanges Bitcoin Discussion
Dwolla is not able to figure how to adapt the environment so they just select to…
n/a | polarhei | October 13, 2013, 08:25:18 AM | ||
Bitcoin is now no longer about drugs. It is about the same time for gambling. Bitcoin Discussion
Bitcoin is labeled as shares, one complete share worth at least USD 70.00 (Now,…
n/a | polarhei | October 13, 2013, 08:18:26 AM | ||
KNC开始向国内发货了。 挖矿
KNC總算兌換諾言, 我自己也用了它, 但有小問題, 即使他們逐步解決問題也好.
n/a | polarhei | October 13, 2013, 08:04:44 AM | ||
香港比特幣聚會 10月14日 (重陽節) 中文 (Chinese)
看看他們是甚麼人也好, 我與父母討論過, 知道其中一個人叫KRISTIN, 只知道上一,兩次"會議", 通常是無酒不歡, 把酒當歌. 幸好我對酒尚有少許認識,…
n/a | polarhei | October 13, 2013, 08:02:09 AM | ||
告诉大家一个好消息,我昨天用0.02个比特币,购买了早餐 中文 (Chinese)
很好. 不過, 鑑於一般的提存過程, 輕則要一天,重則要數個星期 . 如果更多人接受這一個的. 於是, 毒食物將會完全消失. 因為每筆交易,人人皆知.
n/a | polarhei | October 13, 2013, 07:58:22 AM |