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We created this website with the sole purpose of users being able to search quickly and efficiently in the field of cryptocurrency so they will have access to the latest and most accurate information and thereby assisting the crypto-community at large.
Content | Score | Started by | Date posted | ||
3 Büyük Ekosistem ve İçerdiği Tokenler Alternatif Kripto-Paralar
Cosmos için güncelleme;
n/a | semes | January 12, 2021, 07:13:26 AM | ||
2021 Yılı KaydaDeğer ICO'ları Listesi Alternatif Kripto-Paralar
Herkesin ICO kovaladığı dönemdeyiz sanırım.Bu liste hepinize faydalı olacaktır;L…
n/a | semes | January 11, 2021, 07:34:29 AM | ||
3 Büyük Ekosistem ve İçerdiği Tokenler Alternatif Kripto-Paralar
Bu ekosistemleri ve içerdği tokenları biliyoruz. da bu konunun amacı ekosistemle…
n/a | semes | January 02, 2021, 08:34:55 AM | ||
GrayScale Ne Yapmak İstemektedir? Alternatif Kripto-Paralar
Biliyorsunuz 2-3 yıldır büyük firmalar BTC alıyor diye duyuyoruz. Bunlardan bir…
n/a | semes | January 02, 2021, 08:09:24 AM | ||
3 Büyük Ekosistem ve İçerdiği Tokenler Alternatif Kripto-Paralar
Hatta coşmuşken size daha fazla fikir verecek bazı görseller daha paylaşmak iste…
n/a | semes | January 01, 2021, 05:20:25 AM | ||
XRP'dan çıkan fiat nereye yönleniyor? Alternatif Kripto-Paralar
Öyle kaçan para diye bir şey olmayabilir bence de evet. Fiyat mantığını kavramak…
n/a | semes | January 01, 2021, 05:15:03 AM | ||
3 Büyük Ekosistem ve İçerdiği Tokenler Alternatif Kripto-Paralar
Artık gelecek vaat eden diğer yapıları göz ardı edebilir sanırım. Şu anda gelece…
n/a | semes | January 01, 2021, 05:05:12 AM | ||
Polkadot Alternatif Kripto-Paralar |
n/a | semes | January 01, 2021, 04:58:43 AM | ||
Polkadot Alternatif Kripto-Paralar |
n/a | semes | January 01, 2021, 04:41:40 AM | ||
Binance Launchpool CertiK (CTK) Alternatif Kripto-Paralar
Çok ilginç bu adamların gayet cömert faucet'leri vardır bir ara katılmadım. Par…
n/a | semes | October 22, 2020, 12:40:11 PM | ||
SMA Disease and Babies Need Help Off-topic
If those details in your link is not in english then better stick with your loca…
n/a | semes | October 02, 2020, 02:51:08 AM | ||
SMA ve Büyüyen Sorunlarımız Konu Dışı
Yeni bir bebemiz var;
n/a | semes | September 11, 2020, 01:32:42 AM | ||
SMA Disease and Babies Need Help Off-topic
As some of you know, there is a very nasty disease called SMA that causes a high…
n/a | semes | September 09, 2020, 02:33:19 AM | ||
SMA ve Büyüyen Sorunlarımız Konu Dışı
SMA hastalığını eminim hepiniz duyuyorsunuzdur. Spinal Müsküler Atrofi (SMA), SM…
n/a | semes | September 09, 2020, 02:22:33 AM | ||
Polkadot Ekosistemi ve Hakkında Herşey [ANA KONU] Alternatif Kripto-Paralar
Polkadot'u bundan 3-4 ay kadar önce öğrendim. O sıralar 90-100$ civarlarındaydı…
n/a | semes | August 28, 2020, 08:24:23 AM | ||
[BOUNTY][INJ] Injective Protocol - Merkeziyetsiz Borsa Protokolü 🚀 Duyurular (Alternatif Kripto-Paralar)
Değişik bir proje ve takibe aldım. Normal şartlarda DEX olayına çok inanmıyorum…
n/a | semes | July 10, 2020, 08:11:37 AM | ||
✔️ 2Key Network | Referral Programları için Hepsi-bir-Arada Platform! 5 Borsa ✔️ Duyurular (Alternatif Kripto-Paralar)
Unifyre ile iş yapması güzel bir hareket oldu. Unifyre nin arkasında token olara…
n/a | semes | July 10, 2020, 08:04:21 AM | ||
Enflasyon mu Deflasyon mu ? Enflasyon hikayeleri baydı mı ? Ekonomi
Bir enflasyon yaygarasıdır gidiyor enflasyon olacakmış vs vs. Olabilir mi olamaz…
n/a | semes | July 03, 2020, 08:20:40 AM | ||
Defi Money Market fiyat, tartışma ve spekülasyon alanı Alternatif Kripto-Paralar
Bende konuya ilgi duydum. Aslında uzun zamandır bu işlerden uzak Telegram üzerin…
n/a | semes | June 22, 2020, 05:58:30 AM | ||
Wish ile alışveriş yaptınız mı? Konu Dışı
Büyük ihtimalle o alacağınız ürünün bir parçası vs. olabilir hocam. Bence açıkla…
n/a | semes | November 19, 2019, 08:39:05 AM | ||
What is Happening with Altcoin Discussion
Recently, there were many traders complaining about Bitmax. When such bad smells…
n/a | semes | October 03, 2019, 02:06:23 AM | ||
Bounty - Airdrop listesi Ekim-Kasım-Aralık Konu Dışı
eline sağlık. Kimse artık böyle şeylerle uğraşmak istemiyor. Zamanım olsa kendim…
n/a | semes | October 03, 2019, 02:02:35 AM | ||
Binance Yeni Coin Algorand (ALGO) 2019/06/22 0:00 AM (UTC). Alternatif Kripto-Paralar
Şu proje ekibine güveniyorum konusuna takığım bende. Nasıl güveniyorsunuz yahu?…
n/a | semes | September 27, 2019, 03:49:23 AM | ||
Binance Yeni Coin Algorand (ALGO) 2019/06/22 0:00 AM (UTC). Alternatif Kripto-Paralar
Bügün itibari ile yüklü girdim. Artık stake geliri ya da bir pump ile birşeyler…
n/a | semes | September 24, 2019, 03:10:23 AM | ||
✅ [LİSTELENDİ] CryptoMarketAds ile Kripto Reklam Dünyası Değişiyor Duyurular (Alternatif Kripto-Paralar)
Bounty'ler ne zaman dağıtılacak bilginiz var mı biteli epey zaman oldu ama ses s…
n/a | semes | September 24, 2019, 03:05:21 AM | ||
✅ [LİSTELENDİ] CryptoMarketAds ile Kripto Reklam Dünyası Değişiyor Duyurular (Alternatif Kripto-Paralar)
Bounty'ler ne zaman dağıtılacak bilginiz var mı biteli epey zaman oldu ama ses s…
n/a | semes | September 23, 2019, 08:28:29 AM | ||
[Bounty][XCARD]✅Spend Anywhere, Any Cryptocurrency, With Any Payment Card🔛💲💳✅ Bounties (Altcoins)
Great to be here. I will wear your signature now.Hope the project will be succed…
n/a | semes | September 03, 2019, 05:35:13 AM | ||
[BOUNTY] ELLCRYS - Decentralized Software Development - 500K ELL REWARD 💰🔥🚀 Bounties (Altcoins) |
n/a | semes | July 31, 2019, 07:29:03 AM | ||
[BOUNTY] ELLCRYS - Decentralized Software Development - 500K ELL REWARD 💰🔥🚀 Bounties (Altcoins)
You said bounty will end in 5 weeks.And we've reached 5 weeks yesterday. So boun…
n/a | semes | July 24, 2019, 05:24:23 AM | ||
COTI has bridged with Binance Chain’s BEP2 Altcoin Discussion
Projects continue to move uncontrollably to the Binance chain. COTI is a project…
n/a | semes | July 23, 2019, 04:11:15 AM | ||
Exchanges are not recommended. Service Discussion (Altcoins)
Some exchanges not only deceive traders through fake volumes but also conduct fa…
n/a | semes | July 22, 2019, 02:54:16 PM | ||
Why does Tether supply keeps growing(stable coin) Altcoin Discussion
Bitfinex (tether) "lost" $850mTether lent (embezzled) almost a billion dollars t…
n/a | semes | July 22, 2019, 02:47:39 PM | ||
A good reason to always DYOR before investing Altcoin Discussion
DYOR is of course a very important concept. However, it is very difficult to imp…
n/a | semes | July 21, 2019, 09:25:38 AM | ||
ETH vs ADA Altcoin Discussion
ETH vs ADA by semes
I always say that ADA, NEO, EOS, TRX... etc every coins which we can compare wit…
n/a | semes | July 21, 2019, 09:23:45 AM | ||
Libra – The Good, The Bad & The Ugly Altcoin Discussion
[...]Libra Vs Bitcoin Vs PayPal - The only thing that I think is this with your…
n/a | semes | July 21, 2019, 09:20:24 AM | ||
Privacy, it matters! Altcoin Discussion
And sometimes people can easily evade arrest using privacy when they do bad thin…
n/a | semes | July 19, 2019, 06:05:24 AM | ||
Your opinions on IEOs Altcoin Discussion
...My personal opinion is that IEOs should be discouraged. Firstly, it gives mor…
n/a | semes | July 19, 2019, 06:03:19 AM | ||
So ... It's too early to compare Lybra with Bitcoin? Altcoin Discussion
Libra is a simple global currency and financial infrastructure that empowers bil…
n/a | semes | July 17, 2019, 04:00:30 AM | ||
How you can launch your crypto exchange quickly Altcoin Discussion
I recently came across an ad on the coinmarketcap website. There was also a plat…
n/a | semes | July 17, 2019, 03:56:05 AM | ||
IEO can be a safer investment option than ICO Altcoin Discussion
IEO is safer than ICO but the problem is that it is difficult even nearly imposs…
n/a | semes | July 16, 2019, 03:16:09 PM | ||
Vitalik Buterin proposes Ethereum use Bitcoincash blockchain for transactions Altcoin Discussion
Everyone knows the suffering of Ethereum due to it's low scalability. The use an…
n/a | semes | July 16, 2019, 03:14:25 PM | ||
ICO & IEO at the same time possible? Altcoin Discussion
Hello Bitcointalk Community, i wondered if it is possible to do an ICO and an IE…
n/a | semes | July 16, 2019, 03:12:21 PM | ||
About Merit Beginners & Help
About Merit by semes
Hello All,I just want to ak all of you about Merit..why to get merit is so diffi…
n/a | semes | July 13, 2019, 05:16:32 AM | ||
Can a bitcoin exchange or any altcoin transaction be cancelled due to error? Altcoin Discussion
can a BTC exchange be terminated before it has been affirmed, or is it that once…
n/a | semes | July 12, 2019, 03:20:11 AM | ||
Blockstack - Anyone buying this? Thoughts please? Altcoin Discussion
It is easy to understand the appeal of this but can someone highlight the risk a…
n/a | semes | July 12, 2019, 03:10:43 AM | ||
Devs should pls start reconsidering mobile wallet at launching of projects Altcoin Discussion
Till date ive missed some good bounties because they never have mobile wallets o…
n/a | semes | July 11, 2019, 03:22:50 AM | ||
Creator and Developer Gone Altcoin Discussion
There are so many cryptocurrencies in the market.If one day the creators and dev…
n/a | semes | July 10, 2019, 04:12:57 AM | ||
Will BITCOIN run out in 2140? Altcoin Discussion
I forgot the article that says about this.but I remember that, reportedly Satosh…
n/a | semes | July 10, 2019, 04:11:16 AM | ||
Most profitable masternode this 2019? Altcoin Discussion
What do you think is the most profitable masternode this year? and the cheapest…
n/a | semes | July 10, 2019, 04:09:56 AM | ||
Don't doubt the power of Staking coins Altcoin Discussion
Staking coins is way better than mining ,hassle free and no generating of heats…
n/a | semes | July 09, 2019, 08:04:10 AM | ||
How to Identify whether some one has sent FAKE ERC20 token or not? Altcoin Discussion
In my opinion, there is a big problem on the market. Check the contract address…
n/a | semes | July 09, 2019, 08:01:14 AM | ||
Justin Sun Announced the Launch Of BitTorrent Speed Altcoin Discussion
CEO and founder of Tron, Justin Sun announced yet another exciting project for T…
n/a | semes | July 09, 2019, 07:52:06 AM | ||
Bitcoin lead to Alternate coins ? Altcoin Discussion
I do not think that. With the increase in the price of bit coins, why the price…
n/a | semes | June 25, 2019, 12:12:24 PM | ||
Russian Ministry Of Finance Considers Allowing Crypto Trading Altcoin Discussion
Honestly, Bitcoin looks fairly unstoppable at this point (until the whales dump…
n/a | semes | June 24, 2019, 08:17:35 AM | ||
partner search Marketplace (Altcoins)
You are in the wrong place. You may move this thread to "services" or "blockchai…
n/a | semes | June 24, 2019, 08:13:41 AM | ||
A NOOBIE Question Altcoin Discussion
Im just new to this space and I want to know a few things. Where do you list a g…
n/a | semes | June 24, 2019, 04:26:19 AM | ||
Doge coin is good or bad for investment ? Speculation (Altcoins)
hi friends now the current price of doge coin is very low and i want to invest i…
n/a | semes | June 23, 2019, 04:08:31 AM | ||
I just earned some token by logging into the site. But then they obliged KYC and…
n/a | semes | June 23, 2019, 04:05:50 AM | ||
My vision of the market in the coming months Altcoin Discussion
I think FOMO is loading for Bitcoin. We can see it on the market now already. Bi…
n/a | semes | June 22, 2019, 07:06:49 AM | ||
Is Libra the Ethereum + Ripple + EOS + TRON + .... killer? Altcoin Discussion
Is Libra the Ethereum + Ripple + EOS + TRON + .... killer?https://developers.l…
n/a | semes | June 22, 2019, 07:00:32 AM | ||
Libra's Fee is Your Privacy Altcoin Discussion
Someone please convince me that Facebook isn't going to analyze every transactio…
n/a | semes | June 22, 2019, 06:56:16 AM | ||
So ... It's too early to compare Lybra with Bitcoin? Altcoin Discussion
Libra is a simple global currency and financial infrastructure that empowers bil…
n/a | semes | June 19, 2019, 04:54:12 AM | ||
Trade on Latoken Altcoin Discussion
I am interested in trading in Latoken, a few weeks ago I was invited by friends…
n/a | semes | June 18, 2019, 03:38:05 AM | ||
BNB new IEO coming soon! Altcoin Discussion
Binance has announced that it will sell a token through DEX. This may not be the…
n/a | semes | June 18, 2019, 03:35:37 AM | ||
Which altcoin will whales enter next? Altcoin Discussion
My theory is whales will enter HST decision token next, as HST are about to anno…
n/a | semes | June 17, 2019, 03:17:52 AM | ||
Locked out of HitBTC Altcoin Discussion
It seems I have been locked out of my account over a month now by HitBTC since I…
n/a | semes | June 17, 2019, 03:15:51 AM | ||
ABCC exchange Exchanges
Anyone using this exchange? I am having some coins listed there, since I have ne…
n/a | semes | June 16, 2019, 11:04:48 AM | ||
Russia wants to make a Transaction Island Using Cryptocurrency Altcoin Discussion
General Director of Russia's Eastern Investment and Export Promotion Agency, Leo…
n/a | semes | June 16, 2019, 11:02:05 AM | ||
Ripple giveaway Altcoin Discussion
This thread should be in Bounties section definitely. It is a campaign about an…
n/a | semes | June 16, 2019, 10:57:33 AM | ||
Do you have any idea what Thorecoin is? Altcoin Discussion
As the subject line says, Do you have any idea what this Thorecoin is??I sorted…
n/a | semes | June 15, 2019, 03:21:36 PM | ||
US Citizens are Getting Excluding from Exchange's. It's DEX Time! Altcoin Discussion
Do not use EOSex! It is not working, the project is completely dead. They claim…
n/a | semes | June 15, 2019, 03:19:56 PM | ||
Do you know xCrypt IEO on IDAX? Altcoin Discussion
I heard about the Xcrypt project long ago. First they decided to make ICO. Then…
n/a | semes | June 13, 2019, 01:35:05 AM | ||
New Financial Projects Altcoin Discussion
What do you think for the new trending financial projects like - Compound, dYdX…
n/a | semes | June 13, 2019, 01:31:26 AM | ||
Top 5 coins to buy today? Altcoin Discussion
If someone is going to invest in cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin and Ethereum are alwa…
n/a | semes | June 12, 2019, 05:02:14 AM | ||
How To Know Whether Your Account Has Been Safe Till Now” Altcoin Discussion
You are trusting various internet companies with your passwords. With data breac…
n/a | semes | June 12, 2019, 04:59:01 AM | ||
Is this the end for EOS? Altcoin Discussion
Guys what the hell this article freaked me out:…
n/a | semes | June 11, 2019, 01:13:46 PM | ||
WPP Energy tokens? Altcoin Discussion
WPP tokens are still seen as new projects and managed to make extraordinary sale…
n/a | semes | June 11, 2019, 01:11:34 PM | ||
Can BNB beat Ethereum? Altcoin Discussion
There's something we all miss. BNB is a coin that is headquartered and managed b…
n/a | semes | June 11, 2019, 01:08:36 PM | ||
Drop in ICO Price after listing Altcoin Discussion
If you list the token on Latoken or IDEX, then you can be sure that your token w…
n/a | semes | June 09, 2019, 02:29:11 PM | ||
Who watches the watchman? Altcoin Discussion
Let's start with KYC, this ICO project developer's will launch a project and st…
n/a | semes | June 08, 2019, 04:06:22 PM | ||
Meet Facebook’s Crypto Project Team! Altcoin Discussion
More and more news revealing Facebook's Crypto project. This one here https://w…
n/a | semes | June 08, 2019, 04:04:53 PM | ||
LiteCoin Halving CountDown Begins | Know about UpComing LiteCoin Halving Altcoin Discussion
Everyone has been arguing about BTC-BCH and BSV for some time now. In the past,…
n/a | semes | June 07, 2019, 08:29:10 AM | ||
Facebook Sources Say That Stablecoin White Paper Will Come on June 18 Altcoin Discussion
All the news about Facebook's crypto money is just a rumor. So there's still no…
n/a | semes | June 07, 2019, 08:26:46 AM | ||
Switzerland - new crypto paradise in Europe? Altcoin Discussion
Looks like Switzerland is going to overtake Malta as the cryptocurrency bastion…
n/a | semes | June 05, 2019, 09:33:09 AM | ||
Why Tron's Sun Paid $4.57 Million Lunch? Altcoin Discussion
Justin Sun, the TRON & BitTorrent CEO, is on the news because of the huge amount…
n/a | semes | June 05, 2019, 09:31:47 AM | ||
Factors to consider to pick the best altcoin Altcoin Discussion
Not a newbie but new in the altcoin space. I'm trying to find out some altcoin t…
n/a | semes | June 05, 2019, 09:30:26 AM | ||
JP Morgan introduces Zether protocol Speculation (Altcoins)
The software development team at J.P. Morgan Chase, the world’s sixth largest fi…
n/a | semes | June 04, 2019, 12:29:25 PM | ||
BEST IEO TO INVEST Speculation (Altcoins)
In my opinion, one of the best IEO to invest in is the latest project of Binance…
n/a | semes | June 04, 2019, 12:28:07 PM | ||
Binance test stablecoin pegged the pound on Binance Chain Altcoin Discussion
Stable coin logic is very important for this market. However, I do not think the…
n/a | semes | June 03, 2019, 04:14:07 PM | ||
Your Investment Strategy - Bitcoin, Tronx, Kin Altcoin Discussion
if you want to get 10x gain, i think its better to choose a good crypto, reliabl…
n/a | semes | June 03, 2019, 04:12:25 PM | ||
ETN scam is finally gonna end? Altcoin Discussion
Fork coins always carry this risk. Therefore, it is worth to be careful when inv…
n/a | semes | June 01, 2019, 06:53:34 AM | ||
How to withdraw ETH using public address Altcoin Discussion
I lost my seed words but I have my public address, is there any one who can help…
n/a | semes | June 01, 2019, 06:52:24 AM | ||
Is it safe to invest in holo coin? Altcoin Discussion
Well!! Did you know?Holochain is performing absolutely well in the crypto market…
n/a | semes | June 01, 2019, 06:51:13 AM | ||
Campaign is over or you extended it? bounty manager says in a telegram, that we…
n/a | semes | May 14, 2019, 03:57:03 PM | ||
Campaign is over or you extended it?
n/a | semes | May 14, 2019, 06:53:49 AM | ||
High Quality Bounty Airdrop Requirement : Twitter, Telegram, Bitcointalk, etc. Altcoin Discussion
High Quality Airdrop :1. Quarkchain ( Listed…
n/a | semes | May 13, 2019, 06:11:51 AM | ||
What would be the perfect cryptocurrency in your opinion? Altcoin Discussion
If you didn't need to worry about the technical junk behind the scenes that make…
n/a | semes | May 13, 2019, 06:07:30 AM | ||
Why is encrypted messaging important? Value your privacy! Altcoin Discussion
I can't really understand what is related with encrypted messages and Atronocom…
n/a | semes | May 13, 2019, 05:56:08 AM | ||
Which stablecoin is the most reliable? Altcoin Discussion
Hello,I have never really used stablecoins so far, my question simple:Which stab…
n/a | semes | May 12, 2019, 05:05:43 PM | ||
Whats happening with NEO ?? Why its price going Down??? Speculation (Altcoins)
Some platforms, for some reason, have not made a significant improvement for the…
n/a | semes | May 11, 2019, 04:16:23 AM |