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We created this website with the sole purpose of users being able to search quickly and efficiently in the field of cryptocurrency so they will have access to the latest and most accurate information and thereby assisting the crypto-community at large.
Content | Score | Started by | Date posted | ||
[∞ YH] 1% fee solo mining USA/DE 241 blocks solved! Pools
If you simply put a COMMA after ever 3 numbers i.e. 2,988,020,218 to make readin…
n/a | wavelengthsf | November 13, 2017, 02:59:29 PM | ||
[45+PH] KanoPool 0.9% PPLNS US,DE,SG,JP,NL,NYA 🐈 Pools
As of posting this, its been 22 min since the network found a block - TX fees mi…
n/a | wavelengthsf | November 13, 2017, 02:56:31 PM | ||
[SOLD OUT!] FutureBit Moonlander 2 Official Pre-order Thread Computer hardware
Awesome that the pics also confirm who the ASIC supplier is. I know a lot of peo…
n/a | wavelengthsf | November 13, 2017, 12:52:20 PM | ||
If i buy 10 video cards GeForce GTX 1070 and start mining Mining (Altcoins)
Mining Bitcoin? Never. You will never get an ROI with GPU mining for Bitcoin.If…
n/a | wavelengthsf | November 13, 2017, 11:51:30 AM | ||
[ANN] FutureBit Moonlander 2: The Most Powerful and Efficient USB Stick Miner! Mining (Altcoins)
Thanks for the update! Exciting to get my hands on them.
n/a | wavelengthsf | November 13, 2017, 10:45:10 AM | ||
13 November Break Even Rates For: BitMain S9 / WhatsMiner M3 / Ebit E9 Mining speculation
You're not factoring in difficulty increases and electrical costs, so seems like…
n/a | wavelengthsf | November 13, 2017, 08:02:30 AM | ||
[45+PH] KanoPool 0.9% PPLNS US,DE,SG,JP,NL,NYA 🐈 Pools
Definitely some recent error with the stats at least - the site shows all questi…
n/a | wavelengthsf | November 12, 2017, 10:55:21 PM | ||
Miner Life and Dead Hashboards Hardware
Using incorrect PSUs seems like it'd be a common reason
n/a | wavelengthsf | November 07, 2017, 02:04:59 PM | ||
[∞ YH] 1% fee solo mining USA/DE 240 blocks solved! Pools
Congrats to the lucky winner today!
n/a | wavelengthsf | November 07, 2017, 01:07:22 PM | ||
Viewing whats being hashed?... Mining (Altcoins)
EWBF, mining zenYou're in the wrong section - needs to be in the alt coin sectio…
n/a | wavelengthsf | November 07, 2017, 12:44:17 PM | ||
Viewing whats being hashed?... Mining (Altcoins)
What software are you using? CGMiner, for example, has a verbose output option.…
n/a | wavelengthsf | November 07, 2017, 11:46:28 AM | ||
[50+PH] KanoPool 0.9% PPLNS US,DE,SG,JP,NL,NYA 🐈 Pools
So much fun getting that notification that a block was found! Let's keep crackin…
n/a | wavelengthsf | November 07, 2017, 11:41:19 AM | ||
[50+PH] KanoPool 0.9% PPLNS US,DE,SG,JP,NL,NYA 🐈 Pools
Looking to purchase more Antminer S9s. Don't want to pay the ebay prices. I sear…
n/a | wavelengthsf | November 07, 2017, 10:18:00 AM | ||
Programmable asics Hardware is an example of an…
n/a | wavelengthsf | November 07, 2017, 10:13:56 AM | ||
GekkoScience 2Pac BM1384 Stickminer Official Support Thread Hardware
cgminer -o stratum+tcp:// -u 3E2m8V8dQvSQDJMHQD5dcCHM5AhYQDP…
n/a | wavelengthsf | November 07, 2017, 10:10:26 AM | ||
Need Help on Mining Ops business structure Mining speculation
I don't understand why you can't monitor your power usage and tell him he only g…
n/a | wavelengthsf | November 07, 2017, 09:58:32 AM | ||
Ebit e9 miner with 6.8Th/s from Ebang company a new rival for existing producers Hardware
Any opinions on these to help decide if i should get a few or not?Already read t…
n/a | wavelengthsf | November 07, 2017, 09:25:14 AM | ||
what can i mine with 8 pcs of antminers S2 Hardware
No, you can only mine SHA-256 coins with your SHA-256 ASICs.See the list here:ht…
n/a | wavelengthsf | November 07, 2017, 09:04:02 AM | ||
Ebit e9 miner with 6.8Th/s from Ebang company a new rival for existing producers Hardware
That's probably not the only reason behind them moving to Cash. Considering they…
n/a | wavelengthsf | November 06, 2017, 06:44:58 PM | ||
Miners in Northern California- PG&E territory charge .27/ Kwh $5.18/Day for L3 Mining (Altcoins)
You need to find a place to get industrial rates. Even then, its expensive (arou…
n/a | wavelengthsf | November 06, 2017, 06:03:08 PM | ||
[50+PH] KanoPool 0.9% PPLNS US,DE,SG,JP,NL,NYA 🐈 Pools
Block monday in effect?
n/a | wavelengthsf | November 06, 2017, 05:54:30 PM | ||
BTC miners in big quantity Hardware
In addition to the consumer makers like eBit or Bitmain, you could also reach ou…
n/a | wavelengthsf | November 06, 2017, 04:26:21 PM | ||
Ebit e9 miner with 6.8Th/s from Ebang company a new rival for existing producers Hardware
wire transfer only was disappointing. was hoping to buy with BTC. kinda shows a…
n/a | wavelengthsf | November 06, 2017, 04:24:47 PM | ||
HELP / ADVISE NEEDED Mining support
I see, but the problem is that on the site of the pool there is link to "their f…
n/a | wavelengthsf | November 06, 2017, 09:54:33 AM | ||
[∞ YH] 1% fee solo mining USA/DE 240 blocks solved! Pools
hehe thanks for that bitter truth bro.. I appreciate it The cool part - the pric…
n/a | wavelengthsf | November 04, 2017, 08:54:04 AM | ||
Alternative for s9 and avalon 741 Hardware
There's the eBit - They're a legit company and their…
n/a | wavelengthsf | November 04, 2017, 08:07:57 AM | ||
[50+PH] KanoPool 0.9% PPLNS US,DE,SG,JP,NL,NYA 🐈 Pools
What animal was just sacrificed? Yay for blocks!
n/a | wavelengthsf | November 03, 2017, 03:38:49 PM | ||
Bitmain Refund for BTC orders Service Discussion
They'll most likely refund the price you paid, not the amount of currency you pa…
n/a | wavelengthsf | November 03, 2017, 10:02:14 AM | ||
Ebit e9 miner with 6.8Th/s from Ebang company a new rival for existing producers Hardware
Thanks.Any manual or information on the web interface.Not that I'm aware of.
n/a | wavelengthsf | November 02, 2017, 09:23:11 PM | ||
[50+PH] KanoPool 0.9% PPLNS US,DE,SG,JP,NL,NYA 🐈 Pools
While checking the block we just found, I found this interesting address in a tr…
n/a | wavelengthsf | November 02, 2017, 08:30:12 PM | ||
[50+PH] KanoPool 0.9% PPLNS US,DE,SG,JP,NL,NYA 🐈 Pools
Yay for a block! (a few hours after i got my 20th/s of avalons pointed to the po…
n/a | wavelengthsf | November 02, 2017, 07:40:37 PM | ||
C13 to C19 Power Cable Hardware
Beautiful analogy lol.So to be clear, this bitmain power supply which accepts a…
n/a | wavelengthsf | November 02, 2017, 03:04:05 PM | ||
Ebit e9 miner with 6.8Th/s from Ebang company a new rival for existing producers Hardware
Just received 2 x E9 T after waiting a month and a lot of pestering. I am in the…
n/a | wavelengthsf | November 02, 2017, 03:00:13 PM | ||
[50+PH] KanoPool 0.9% PPLNS US,DE,SG,JP,NL,NYA 🐈 Pools
They were clear that they weren't announcing a timeframe. They couldn't even tel…
n/a | wavelengthsf | November 02, 2017, 12:15:28 PM | ||
Best psu for S7 Mining support
What country are you in?If you're in the US, there are many better power supplie…
n/a | wavelengthsf | November 02, 2017, 10:02:25 AM | ||
where to buy cheap Ethereum mining hardware Service Discussion (Altcoins)
Wrong section - this is Bitcoin only.
n/a | wavelengthsf | November 02, 2017, 10:01:31 AM | ||
How many miner to produce considerable returns? Mining speculation
Yes, mining is expensive and requires planning and thought. The 1000 number was…
n/a | wavelengthsf | November 02, 2017, 08:43:57 AM | ||
How many miner to produce considerable returns? Mining speculation
The number of miners doesn't really impact your returns, it's more your power, m…
n/a | wavelengthsf | November 02, 2017, 08:30:30 AM | ||
when a modern US bitcoin ASIC? Mining speculation
The bitcoin mining market is too niche for a company like Intel to really care.…
n/a | wavelengthsf | November 01, 2017, 06:10:32 PM | ||
Avalon 741 0verheating Mining support
My avalon fans all blow air away from the machine, not into it.
n/a | wavelengthsf | November 01, 2017, 03:18:56 PM | ||
[50+PH] KanoPool 0.9% PPLNS US,DE,SG,JP,NL,NYA 🐈 Pools
I know this may not be the best place to ask, but this is the only thread i am a…
n/a | wavelengthsf | November 01, 2017, 01:27:33 PM | ||
[50+PH] KanoPool 0.9% PPLNS US,DE,SG,JP,NL,NYA 🐈 Pools
Come on block - I don't know who all the anime goddess are, but let's get some b…
n/a | wavelengthsf | October 31, 2017, 01:38:53 PM | ||
[50+PH] KanoPool 0.9% PPLNS US,DE,SG,JP,NL,NYA 🐈 Pools
Come on block - I don't know who all the anime goddess are, but let's get some b…
n/a | wavelengthsf | October 31, 2017, 12:31:55 PM | ||
[ANN] FutureBit Moonlander 2: The Most Powerful and Efficient USB Stick Miner! Mining (Altcoins)
Ok guys how useful is this hub for mining with these? Opinions please. http://ww…
n/a | wavelengthsf | October 30, 2017, 06:40:44 PM | ||
[60+PH] KanoPool 0.9% PPLNS US,DE,SG,JP,NL,NYA 🐈 Pools
Hi, i have been mining in this pool for almost 3 days but i didn't get paid !i c…
n/a | wavelengthsf | October 30, 2017, 06:12:45 PM | ||
Quantum Mining?? Mining (Altcoins)
Hashing algorithms are one way, and thus, quantum resistant. So a quantum comput…
n/a | wavelengthsf | October 30, 2017, 12:59:05 PM | ||
4 pin fan for antminer Mining support
I'm not sure what you mean by "any", but you need to make sure you have the righ…
n/a | wavelengthsf | October 30, 2017, 12:01:35 PM | ||
How to connect L3+ and control remote miners Mining (Altcoins)
What's your setup for the stratum proxy? Your setup should definitely work -- ar…
n/a | wavelengthsf | October 30, 2017, 08:22:44 AM | ||
[ANN] FutureBit Moonlander 2: The Most Powerful and Efficient USB Stick Miner! Mining (Altcoins)
Thank you for your answer. Wouldn't 1.2A be enough for the expected hashrate? I…
n/a | wavelengthsf | October 29, 2017, 02:48:53 PM | ||
Antminer S9/D3 Sound/Silencer/Noise Mining support
Alright, I understand, but let's say I just have the cooler sitting in a corner…
n/a | wavelengthsf | October 28, 2017, 03:44:38 PM | ||
power for avalonminer controller Mining support
and the canakit 2.5 amp will not run 4 auc3's with say 3 miners on each oneGot…
n/a | wavelengthsf | October 28, 2017, 12:00:13 PM | ||
Ebit e9 miner with 6.8Th/s from Ebang company a new rival for existing producers Hardware
HagssFIN could you link the page to buy a 9th miner?I have this link I want…
n/a | wavelengthsf | October 28, 2017, 11:34:46 AM | ||
power for avalonminer controller Mining support
I was thinking the same thing! It'd be awesome to power a Pi with a PCIe - Micro…
n/a | wavelengthsf | October 28, 2017, 11:32:44 AM | ||
Antminer S9/D3 Sound/Silencer/Noise Mining support
The silver tubes are to funnel air into and out of the cooler. The miner is prod…
n/a | wavelengthsf | October 27, 2017, 07:49:18 PM | ||
[∞ YH] 1% fee solo mining USA/DE 240 blocks solved! Pools
That'll change after the 2x fork...You think they'll switch over to the 2x chain…
n/a | wavelengthsf | October 27, 2017, 05:45:13 PM | ||
[∞ YH] 1% fee solo mining USA/DE 240 blocks solved! Pools
Bitcoinwisdom projected a slight drop just before the change, then the massive j…
n/a | wavelengthsf | October 27, 2017, 05:18:31 PM | ||
AVALON 6 CURRENTLY Mining support
meantime a dumb question.the Pi nor settings etc can make only 1 board hash righ…
n/a | wavelengthsf | October 27, 2017, 04:42:13 PM | ||
AVALON 6 CURRENTLY Mining support
guess I'll hunt for a decent deal on one.maybe someone here??$299 is a pretty go…
n/a | wavelengthsf | October 27, 2017, 02:23:00 PM | ||
[60+PH] KanoPool 0.9% PPLNS US,DE,SG,JP,NL,NYA 🐈 Pools
Put another way, a 20% difficulty increase - which we just had - means, if BTC p…
n/a | wavelengthsf | October 27, 2017, 02:18:11 PM | ||
I HAVE 50.000 dollars to invest, help please! Mining (Altcoins)
What're your goals? This is the Bitcoin mining area, so if you want to talk abou…
n/a | wavelengthsf | October 27, 2017, 12:04:02 PM | ||
[ANN] FutureBit Moonlander 2: The Most Powerful and Efficient USB Stick Miner! Mining (Altcoins)
Thats klintay's new hub he was generous enough to give me one for testing (eyebo…
n/a | wavelengthsf | October 27, 2017, 11:02:32 AM | ||
Antminer s9 connection help Hardware
Hi finally got my Antminer up and running yesterday and confirmed it is too loud…
n/a | wavelengthsf | October 27, 2017, 09:06:30 AM | ||
[ANN] FutureBit Moonlander 2: The Most Powerful and Efficient USB Stick Miner! Mining (Altcoins)
Just finished doing a test production run for ~40 units and all came out fully f…
n/a | wavelengthsf | October 27, 2017, 08:39:54 AM | ||
Avalon A7 announced Hardware
I would double check that IP address , as it looks like that is the first device…
n/a | wavelengthsf | October 26, 2017, 08:16:26 PM | ||
Avalon 741 Wont mine Mining support
Hello, I am having this same issue. None of the guides show if it's required to…
n/a | wavelengthsf | October 26, 2017, 04:48:28 PM | ||
Xtract Tech- BEWARE Scam Accusations
They put an address on their page - 26 Nanling Industrial ZoneMiddle Rd | Guangz…
n/a | wavelengthsf | October 26, 2017, 04:23:01 PM | ||
Ebit e9 miner with 6.8Th/s from Ebang company a new rival for existing producers Hardware
I am getting a red "Calculus is too low" indicator on my e9. Does anyone know w…
n/a | wavelengthsf | October 26, 2017, 04:03:26 PM | ||
[60+PH] KanoPool 0.9% PPLNS US,DE,SG,JP,NL,NYA 🐈 Pools
I think Bitmain's contact database was compromised. MYep - happened a couple mo…
n/a | wavelengthsf | October 26, 2017, 03:18:10 PM | ||
Mining cluster Raspeberry pi 3 Mining (Altcoins)
As i said:You can't mine bitcoin with any off the shelf components or computers.…
n/a | wavelengthsf | October 26, 2017, 12:41:58 PM | ||
Can't connect to Avalon 741 controller Mining support
You need to change the IP address of your PC to be on the same network that Cana…
n/a | wavelengthsf | October 26, 2017, 11:10:08 AM | ||
Avalon 741 Wont mine Mining support
Hello, I am having this same issue. None of the guides show if it's required to…
n/a | wavelengthsf | October 26, 2017, 11:07:59 AM | ||
Mining cluster Raspeberry pi 3 Mining (Altcoins)
You can't mine bitcoin with any off the shelf components or computers.You need s…
n/a | wavelengthsf | October 26, 2017, 11:04:36 AM | ||
Which lowcost coin should i mine Mining (Altcoins)
Mining with what ? GPU ? ASIC ? CPU ? HDD ? Wow. How to mine on HDD??Find a coin…
n/a | wavelengthsf | October 26, 2017, 10:01:39 AM | ||
Avalon A7 announced Hardware
Hey guys, I'm completely new to mining with Avalon 741 hardware. I just received…
n/a | wavelengthsf | October 26, 2017, 09:13:56 AM | ||
[90+PH] KanoPool 0.9% PPLNS US,DE,SG,JP,NL,NYA 🐈 Pools
Thanks for all your work, Kano!Variance is always horrible, but good that it eve…
n/a | wavelengthsf | October 25, 2017, 08:57:25 PM | ||
[90+PH] KanoPool 0.9% PPLNS US,DE,SG,JP,NL,NYA 🐈 Pools
The daemon that the pool runs isn't impacted by something like this: https://git…
n/a | wavelengthsf | October 25, 2017, 03:00:30 PM | ||
About to start Mining Mining support
Im planning to build a mining rig, do you guys know how much it cost? And what a…
n/a | wavelengthsf | October 25, 2017, 10:51:07 AM | ||
[90+PH] KanoPool 0.9% PPLNS US,DE,SG,JP,NL,NYA 🐈 Pools
Just for fun, I pointed all my other miners here too -only a couple dozen TH, bu…
n/a | wavelengthsf | October 24, 2017, 05:48:21 PM | ||
Avalon 741, video output Mining support
You can SSH into the controller and see the logs/output there. I'm not sure if y…
n/a | wavelengthsf | October 24, 2017, 02:30:34 PM | ||
[150+ PH] SlushPool (; World's First Mining Pool Pools
Did anyone else notice an unusual delay in sending payments earlier today/last n…
n/a | wavelengthsf | October 24, 2017, 01:53:14 PM | ||
[90+PH] KanoPool 0.9% PPLNS US,DE,SG,JP,NL,NYA 🐈 Pools
Is there anyway to see the current best share across all workers for the shift (…
n/a | wavelengthsf | October 24, 2017, 11:51:41 AM | ||
[90+PH] KanoPool 0.9% PPLNS US,DE,SG,JP,NL,NYA 🐈 Pools
Don't worry guys - I just pointed my S7 to the pool - its sure to find a block w…
n/a | wavelengthsf | October 24, 2017, 10:15:12 AM | ||
What can i mine with 2GB GPU ? Mining (Altcoins)
Wrong section. You want the altcoins mining area.
n/a | wavelengthsf | October 24, 2017, 10:11:48 AM | ||
Miner says zero alive modules Mining support
Change the controller from Static IP to DHCP. It's not actually on the internet.…
n/a | wavelengthsf | October 23, 2017, 08:26:26 PM | ||
Miner says zero alive modules Mining support
I can see your settings and your static IP set on the Pi, but is that actually o…
n/a | wavelengthsf | October 23, 2017, 08:22:33 PM | ||
Miner says zero alive modules Mining support
No, it does not. That is what I am trying to do. I have one miner hooked up to o…
n/a | wavelengthsf | October 23, 2017, 07:36:11 PM | ||
Miner says zero alive modules Mining support
only one for now. Once I get one to work I will plug in the restDoes it work whe…
n/a | wavelengthsf | October 23, 2017, 07:18:06 PM | ||
Miner says zero alive modules Mining support
How many AUC cables do you have connected to the Pi?Does it work if you connect…
n/a | wavelengthsf | October 23, 2017, 07:13:32 PM | ||
Avalonminer 741 x 2 , multiple pools Mining support
You'd need to have two controllers to do this. You can't split them across pools…
n/a | wavelengthsf | October 23, 2017, 07:12:45 PM | ||
Looking for a a review of minerwarez Hardware
Assuming you mean, yes, plenty of people here have used…
n/a | wavelengthsf | October 23, 2017, 03:52:53 PM | ||
Looking for a a review of minerwarez Hardware
Assuming you mean, yes, plenty of people here have used…
n/a | wavelengthsf | October 23, 2017, 02:39:37 PM | ||
Antminer S9 location Mining support
It is about 3U tall and it uses 1500w of power, so be sure to factor that into y…
n/a | wavelengthsf | October 23, 2017, 09:32:36 AM | ||
Making your own PCI-e cables? Mining support
Thanks as always!
n/a | wavelengthsf | October 23, 2017, 09:12:20 AM | ||
Making your own PCI-e cables? Mining support
I've done plenty of ethernet and phone cables in my life, but I was wondering if…
n/a | wavelengthsf | October 23, 2017, 08:49:54 AM | ||
GekkoScience Compac BM1384 Stickminer Official Support Thread Hardware
hello everyone, there is an option to configure on "cgminer" to control the 2PAC…
n/a | wavelengthsf | October 23, 2017, 08:43:58 AM | ||
Creating Cryptopo Coin Altcoin Discussion…
n/a | wavelengthsf | October 23, 2017, 08:40:48 AM | ||
USB-Stick Miner GekkoScience 2Pac and Cgminer starting difficulties Mining support
Start /D "C:\cgmine" cgminer.exe -o stratum+tcp:// -u…
n/a | wavelengthsf | October 23, 2017, 07:55:01 AM | ||
GekkoScience 2Pac BM1384 Stickminer Official Support Thread Hardware
It seems like all the pools I'm adding to Minero are dead pools?Photohttps://dri…
n/a | wavelengthsf | October 23, 2017, 07:51:34 AM | ||
Another S9 card FOOKED !!!! Mining support
Wait a this legit? I knew they had a facility in California, but I didn…
n/a | wavelengthsf | October 22, 2017, 05:57:51 PM | ||
GekkoScience 2Pac BM1384 Stickminer Official Support Thread Hardware
Is it going to goof things up if I did a: cudo alt-get install cgminer and (sep…
n/a | wavelengthsf | October 22, 2017, 05:52:07 PM |