"There are still many talks, meetings and negotiations across many industries. From Films and Gaming to Music and eBooks. There are even some things happening on DCore that we have absolutely nothing to do with, that’s the beauty of open source technology. If you are interested in our technology check out DCore. If you want to know more about our company head over to our website."
This was at the bottom of this article from Decent: https://decent.ch/en/a-very-decent-holiday-a-story-to-warm-the-cockles-of-your-heart/?utm_source=Twitter&utm_campaign=DECENTrewind2017
It would be great to get free coins on the other chain!!
The rumour is highly lickly true,if you read the sentence carefully:" There are even some things happening on DCore that we have absolutely nothing to do with, that’s the beauty of open source technology."
So, i should withdraw DCT from exchanges to Web wallet. and i can get new coin with ratio 1 : 1, right?
I'm holding my tokens on DecentGO.
BTW who will fork Decent?
you should be fine with decentGO