Сегодняшние новости подтверждают не основанный ни на чем тренд вверх, а именно BTCChina и OKCoin возобновили причем/вывод платежей в фиате. Правда пока через
жоваучеры, но хоть какой сдвиг.
http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1tnw8w/okcoincom_reopens_deposits/http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1tnw8w/okcoincom_reopens_deposits/Опубликованы 6 неожиданностей 2014 года
http://www.marketwatch.com/story/6-market-surprises-for-2014-2013-12-24?link=sfmwсреди них такой слушок , что ОПЕК рассматривает биткоин как замену доллара при расчетах нефтью. О_О , я хз что они курили , но мы только за ))))
There has been speculation for months about whether bitcoins might be accepted as legal tender by a major developed nation, whether the Chinese will accept them, or whether big web retailers will take then instead of conventional currencies. But the big breakthrough for digital money is more likely to come from the oil cartel, OPEC.
For decades, oil has been priced in dollars but key member states such as Iran, Algeria or Angola are not particularly friendly to the United States, even if they are not quite as hostile as they once were. They have been making noises about switching the price of oil out of the American currency for years, but have never quite managed to agree on alternative.
The euro was a runner for a while, until it started to implode. But what about bitcoins? It is a global currency, with no central bank trashing its value, and it might well prove a better store of value for countries that know their oil won’t last forever. If any single move establishes bitcoin as a serious monetary rival to the dollar, that will be it — and there will be more than a few wry smiles in Tehran over that.
Лень переводить, основной смысл текста мол бла бла бла , доллар плохой, евро тоже не очень, а вот почему бы нам не посомтреть на криптовалюты? Вилами по воде конечно, но даже такие слухи, это зэр гуд.