i think anti god posting should be illegal and punishable too.
Ah... My good old Inquisition, where you burned alive the Jews and the heretics on the public place. You miss me a lot ...
If some dumbass Christian tries to kill me... I'ma try to kill him right back! (lessons learned from watching Firefly/Serenity)
If God is with me, you won't have any chance. I may not even have to do anything, because he could make you die just right now. I would not kill you, because even if you're backward, you seem to have some reflexion power (even if it is misused, it is still here).
Your God does not exist
Some asshole made up a bunch of stories to extort 10% of your money and get you to believe any bullshit they tell you to believe
That's it... That's the big secret of religion... It's all about money and brainwashing people into sheeple
It worked great for 1900+ years when the average person could not read, much less own a bible... They had no choice but to accept the preachers word as Gods word...
A bit of history wouldn't be too much. There was no structurated Chruch like nowadays before a long time after the Birth. Do you think that the million of first Chrisitian were being "stolen" by the Church ? As a religious, I can understand you, but you can't do the same. You can fake an idiot, but this idiot can't do act as a genius
It's difficult to interpret your poor spelling and grammer, but I'll give it a try... It sounds like you want a history lesson
Christianity was not a thing until around 330AD when the Roman Empire adopted Christianity as the official religion... so yeah, there was no "structurated Chruch" [sp] until 330 AD
I don't know what you mean by "stolen by the Church" (or why you capitalize the word church)
But yes, the first Christians were basically stolen... Rome told them to convert to Christianity or die... literally... convert or die
They stole the pagan holidays which people already celebrated (Easter and Yule (spring equinox and winter solstice)) in an effort to make the transition easier for the populace
Any questions?