I have 5 active connection in NYN wallet but syncing is stuck. yesterday at 58%, today at 48%. appdata also holds no folder for NYN wallet, only for NYAN. wouldt know what to put in a folder like that or how to name it.
The thing just wont sync!! NYAN synced without problem. Strange thing: they both received 2x 337 coins
please advice
hi, the correct folder name should be nyancoin in this location on windows: c:\users\
if it wont load the block chain, you can backup the files in that folder (mainly wallet.dat, then with the wallet.dat sitting by itself in the folder, run the wallet again and it should sync up, if you want u can add a .conf file like the one in the first post here and have it in the nyancoin folder next to wallet.dat and it needs to be named nyancoin.conf
Thank you.
I'm sorry but:
-backup which files? i have only qt exe from zip.
-when i make folder nyancoin in folder NyanCoin nothing changes,creating lowercase folder, nyancoin, in roaming only suggests replacing NyanCoin which i dont want.
-blockchain? what blockchain? no NYN blockchain file available, or any other file to support NYN qt.
- roaming folder NyanCoin is for NYAN, not NYN, it dont collaborate
- is dont know how to configure conf file. the sample file looks like it needs adjusting, add own ip??, but i dont know if that is correct
with 7 active connections it's still stuck.
hi, yea it should work without the conf actually, were gonna add the seed nodes to it but its built in so its less confusing to make a conf just to sync. If you have a previous nyancoin folder under the roaming dir, u can rename it to nyancoin2 and then when u run the nyn qt it'll then make its own nyancoin directory next to the folder, nyancoin2, that u just renamed, so u can then switch between them by renaming, it should start downloading the blockchain from the first block then and wont be finding other peers either. Make sure to always backup any wallet.dat files though and maybe rename to something memorable so u know which wallet they r from, if its still not syncing let me know I can get some nodes to add to a conf file.
That worked! All synced and backed now. Thank you very much for your help!