Just because you weren't sent merits by the same person twice doesn't mean that re-posting and then getting merits is normal practice.
Your merit fishing tactics were normal? Especially those plagiarized
themes. Collecting information from different Russian websites, translate them in English then take credit by saying, "in this theme I will lecture you how to become a merit whore" blab blab. It's funny how a merit whore argue and wants to make a valid point.
Husires, are you saying Ratimov did not send merit to the duplicated topic? If that's true then the whore lied when said this:
especially for those merit sources who sent merit to newly created duplicates of old topics (I was one of such sources). Personally
And now note this:
Just because you weren't sent merits by the same person twice
The merit whore also said this:
I was not too lazy and checked absolutely all your topics
It's now confusing me what part of his claim is actually true.
1. Did he checked all your topics?
2. Did he lied intentionally to make things bad for you and make his claims more solid?
If you say that Ratimov did not send any merit to the duplicated topic but he came up with these nice claims against you with also saying he was the one who sent merits to duplicate topics then I would say he exaggerated when he said
I was one of such sources, and I would also say all these are nothing but another merit finishing from an elite merit whore.
Edit: Reposted as the post above
[https://ninjastic.space/post/59574934] it was deleted and posted again
[https://ninjastic.space/post/59575488]Edit edit:
Husires, those accusations were made at the end of 2020 and they were based on the fact that I copy someone else's text and use it in my topics, but when I use someone else's text, I do not quote it or highlight it as a quote. Yes, I copied other people's texts, but I always left links, just like you, at the end of the text.
In this article I would like to touch upon such a theme
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/--5296174Merit whore 😉