So you actually day-traded successfully? That's a rare thing. Most people tend to lose a substantial amount of their savings when they are panicking! Look into the Wall Observer thread! ShroomsKit claims he had 2 BTC just yesterday and traded his way down to 1 BTC now.
How is that even possible with such a small dip in price?
Yeah, exactly, it is a weird kind of record with such modest price dip. I guess he used a lot of leverage. Otherwise, he would have to do a dozen of loosing trades in a row.
EDIT: BTW, I agree that most people loose money day trading, but daytrading != panic selling, they are completely different things .
I really don't know if he was leveraged. Don't think so. I don't have any idea whether he really halved his stash or whether this is even possible with the swings we've seen over the past couple days. In his case it definitely is panic selling/buying, though. He doesn't even try to daytrade, his sentiment switches literally every day from bull to bear and back again!