Hello all,
@ensurance982: we did not post the last week because we were very busy keeping contact to interested investors. But we are still here and it seems it is time to respond.
There have been heavy discussions about the hasrate development. Fur111 predicts a hashrate development of up to 107'753 PH/s n 18 months. Do you know what this means? Let' summarize it in numbers:
- the prize per GH/s is now 0.87$ at the cheapes seller. But let's assume it goes down to 0.5$ per GH/s. Bringing 100'000 PH/s into the market would require 50 billion USD investment in the Bitcoin mining market. A market which currently brings 650 million USD per year. Bitfury raised 'only' 20 million USD. So, where do you find an investor who spends 50 billion USD which he will never see again? It is impossible for a market to grow exponentially without end, at some point it must end, the question is where. About this point we can discuss but not in such an unrealistic manner as 100'000 PH/s.
- the point of fees for mining is a legal one raising the hash rate above the limit we expect. BUT: we would benefit from this in the same way as all other miners would, too. So, this would have no negative influence on the investment.
The investment:
Here's my opinion: 10% per year (30% after 3 years) isn't bad, but no one knows how much the investment will return. When a prospectus says the goal is 10%/yr, I assume it's more likely to be 5%/yr. Ie. I would like some margin of error for their claim, and at 5%/yr it's way too risky (I'd rather buy Intel or Berkshire Hathaway stock, which have roughly the same year-on-year return).
Intel has proven that it can get a 5-10% return per year on capital:
http://ycharts.com/companies/INTC/pe_ratioThis company is simply claiming it can get 10%/year.
I'd much rather invest in an established company with a 5%/yr return than a new, unknown company who claims 10%/yr returns.
This is a quite simple look, you have forgotten a number of things:
1. this is the dividend after 3 years. But one year later you have another 30 % dividend payout, and one year later again. So, over 5 years you get roughly 20% per year as dividend becoming better with every year.
2. you ingore the share value. With a turnover of 50 million USD and a profit of 20 million USD after 3 years the company is worth much much more than the initial value. So your real return rate is the rise in the share value AND the dividend payout resulting in a much higher return rate after 3 years.
Best regards