I think the clock is showing the directions for the positions or locations of each mnemonic words as described beneath the clock, also take note of the NUMBER 12 of the clock, where the 12 is directly pointing at is where there is a STOP SIGN which the Letter O is circling the hand of the statue of liberty so we definitely have proof that this is a 12 seed phrase mnemonic but what we don't know is if it's an electrum wallet or a bip39 wallet because some words appearing in this picture is complying with the electrum seed phrases for example we have the "BREATHE" which is only an electrum wallet seed phrase and also we have the STOP which is an electrum wallet seed phrase. the only possibility is to find and see if the STOP sign is nothing but a caution and we can treat the "BREATHE" as an entropy. more clues are welcome though this is just an assumption based on my findings
All about the clock
“rerum cognoscere causas” a quote from Virgil, which means, “to learn the meaning of reality.” "Knowing the causes of things"
Fiat iustitia, et pereat mundus is a Latin phrase, meaning "Let justice be done, though the world perish".
Ubi bene ibi patria ("Homeland is where it (life) is good"; lit. where good, there fatherland).
"Cyммa двyx чиceл" and translates to "Sum of two numbers"
the cipher in the middle of 10 and 11 where the hour needle points to "is in Russian: "Cyммa двyx чиceл" and translates to "Sum of two numbers""
in the middle of 12 and 1 on the seconds needle is written "moon"
in the middle of 1 and 2 on the minute needle is written "tower"
Number 1 is pointing towards the "Covid 19 is a hoax 5G is the killer" direction
Number 2 is pointing towards the "masked 4 images and also where "Rune 1 (Top Left) is in Russian: "Я нaдeюcь чтo cюдa бyдyт пpиcылaть мнoгo биткoинoв" and translates to "I hope that many bitcoins will be sent here"" direction
Number 3 is pointing towards the "order and stability " Find The Seed Phrase in the this picture "welcome to the brave new world""" direction
Number 4 is pointing towards the "I can't breathe "black lives matter no justice no peace end police brutality stop killing us not one more "2 Cameras " the link between those cameras have the same eye sign on the clock close to the number 4 written on the clock""" direction
Number 5 is pointing towards the "Seattle space needle direction, "notice the pyramid covering the number 5 also notice the word "food" hidden in the region where there used to be a food court in the space needle""" direction
Number 6 is pointing towards the " small statue where there is Breathe on the neck " beneath the same statue is section 1 with 1 underlined and if you read further you would find that the word "subject" was underlined too "if you look close you would notice that the number 6 on the clock is also hidden behind the pyramid but close to the base of the pyramid and the word "subject is also hidden close to the base of the statue""" direction
Number 7 is pointing towards the "pictures of Trump and Joe where we also have a question mark written in the form of 7 above their heads, if you also add the numbers on the date 1+1+0+3+2+0=7 "The Latin to the bottom right "esse quam niger es sie dixit caccabus allae" refers to "The Pot Calling The Kettle Black" or "How black are you?" "11.03.20 was the election day for both candidates and they needed your votes "russian flag on trumps chest and switch on the colors of ties for each candidate's party's flag color " (Above Trump) is in Bill's Cipher "char(84)char(85)char(69)char(83)char(68)char(65)char(89)" and it translates to TUESDAY which was the exact day corresponding to "11.03.20"""" direction
Number 8 is pointing towards the "clock itself and also we have the "above stated facts written on the clock above"" direction
Number 9 is pointing towards the "in wich they were received the payee needs proof that at the time of each transaction majority of the nodes agree it was the first received" direction
Number 10 is pointing towards the base of the statue of liberty where we have ""ONLY REAL BITCOIN" also using steganography for the base of the statue you will detect "ONLY BITCOIN" hidden with steganography" direction
Number 11 is pointing towards the "PAY FOR THE FUTURE THIS IS THE FIRST PREDICTION" direction
Number 12 is pointing towards the "STOP" and the flags has suggested earlier by Minase quoting "I think the mnemonic count is 13 (12 words + passphrase)
I came to this conclusion because the flag has 13 stripes and also 44 stars (BIP 44)." suggests that we have a pattern to follow and a passphrase for successful decryption as stated in the picture
"(The Long Rune on the Right) is in Russian: "Здecь зaшифpoвaны биткoины нa чёpный дeнь нoмep X" and translates to "Here are encrypted bitcoins for a rainy day number."
Without further anticipation to cause any confusion, i would quote " THIS IS JUST BASED ON SUGGESTIONS AS THERE IS NO EVIDENCE TO BACK THE CLAIMS UP WHATSOEVER"
And if there is any additions or further suggestions, feel free to add or remove.
1865 was a pivotal year in American history. With the end of the Civil War, Lincoln's assassination, and the beginning of Reconstruction, politics were forever changed.
These could also be a hint but I have no idea what to link it with.