Article is ok, there are many useful informations, this 100 ways can be applied on any currency, fiat or crypto. It`s not even just about money, in any form, it`s about anything valuable, just replace it with word bitcoin in this article and you will understand what I`m talking about.
This is an old question, how to get bitcoins, bottom line is that you need to do something for it, or you need to have something and try to exchange it for bitcoins, what will you do depends from your skills, if you don`t have any skill you need to start learning about them, you will earn money in any form later you can do with that what ever you wish. If you have tangible product you can sell it for bitcoin, or some other type of money and later you can buy bitcoins, or what ever you wish. It`s not about bitcoins, world works like that, you need to know something, be ready to do something in order to get something.