OK lets look over some of the clue's again..
1. The first 21-digit prime found in consecutive digits of e is: 957496696762772407663
2. The private key you derive from Satoshi’s portrait is a big integer, not Wallet Import Format (WIF)
3. The filename of the picture is irrelevant
4. The next step involves converting some words from the portrait, without I/O, into a 27-digit number
5. Go back to step 4) again if you can’t figure it out
Clue 2
After meeting the Phemex team, the Goddess Pheme repeated the words “little is big”, twice within three days.
For clue 1, I have done some searching and found some reference materials in relation to the consecutive digits of e.
If the "2" at the beginning of e is included, the only values for n <= 1000 that change are a(1) = 2, a(3) = 271 and a(85) = 2718281828459045235360287471352662497757247093699959574966967627724076630353547
There are also quite a few other patterns that share the "957496696762772407663" number in the OEIS database :
https://oeis.org/A137443/b137443.txtClue 2 says the key would be a Big Int which made me think about it could be something to do with elliptic curves over finite fields that may be something to look into?
https://koclab.cs.ucsb.edu/teaching/ecc/eccPapers/Washington-ch04.pdfLet E be the curve y2 = x3 +x+ 1 over F5. To count points on E, we make a
list of the possible values of x, then of x3 + x + 1 (mod 5), then of the square
roots y of x3 + x + 1 (mod 5). This yields the points on E.
Once I have looked into this some more I will post a further update.