For someone like me, who wants all the hints to be on this thread. Here we go
1) The first 21-digit prime found in consecutive digits of e is: 957496696762772407663
2) The private key you derive from Satoshi’s portrait is a big integer, not Wallet Import Format (WIF)
3) The filename of the picture is irrelevant
4) The next step involves converting some words from the portrait, without I/O, into a 27-digit number
5) Go back to step 4) again if you can’t figure it out
Words from the portrait, without I/O
First: 166598323
prime: 541576313
found: 439179574
in: 2423
consecutive: 15425694213501219395
digits: 24100570284
of: 2706
e: 37
XRP: 102334
ETH: 45256
BTC: 35159
Phemex: 14899878097
BTC, ETH, XRP, Phemex combo gives 27 digit number. So does "first,prime,found" and few others but BTC, ETH, XRP, Phemex makes more sense.