Made up or not . with what right do you insult other religions prophets you don't have any rights. they were probably bunch of shit racist people .
Well if you think that you have the right to do that , then you are simply racist . no one have the right to insult others religions prophets , no one have the right to do that .
and you can't simply compare your self with a prophet . they are just better then us
EDIT : now they are attacking mosquees on france as "revenge" . you don't have the right to do that either
That's what freedom of speech is, something you clearly don't understand, everyone has the right to insult or say anything to anyone else, we are not a part of your religion and do not have to follow your religious doctrine, so fuck off. No, I don't approve of attacking mosques, but don't you guys ever fucking think before you scream about how people should be killed for insulting your prophet? Clearly not, people make fun of Jesus all the time and I don't see Christians going around bombing people and shooting them all the time so I actually have to respect them for that.
You can even insult me if you think it will make me feel better, I won't mind, because I'm actually a civil person, but if you start threatening me and pointing a gun we're going to have a problem, get fucking used to it.
While I personally wouldn't state it quite as "coarsely," if good people don't stand together against those a**h***s who criminally harm us, we are dooming ourselves.
The problem with the French government is that it is socialistic, close to communism, a dictatorship, and only maintains a semblance of freedom for its people because it is somewhat allied with the U.S. and Britain. Look at its history, and see how it has virtually turned its back on its people to the extent that there have been purges of government because the people couldn't take it any more.
If France wanted to protect itself, it would arm its people to the hilt. The people would only do good if they were armed, terrorists would be scared to go there, and the French government would have a lot easier job of protecting the whole country.
The only reason that the French are not armed is, the Power Elite of the world are attempting to disarm everyone so that they can formally make slaves of everyone. They will fail, of course. But as in this instance, there will be a lot of innocent people killed before their failure becomes an evident actuality.