I don't know. Volatility and price swings don't bother me.
Unconfirmed transactions/not being able to react to something fast enough does.
We got down to about 100k unconfirmed this morning from about 181,000 - but we are back over 120,000. And that with 94% of the hash being pointed at BTC still.
Only 4 blocks in the last hour and 5 minutes.
Roger new account holder, you've joined at an opportune time to spread fud and make it seem like BCH has a following.
Welcome to the forum, I'm sure we can look forward to your presence for many years to come and not just during this BCH pump and coordinated attack on Bitcoin.
In the event you're actually a real person rather than one of these sockpuppets, look into the reasons why the transactions are unconfirmed.
With all due respect - I've owned and supported bitcoin for over 2 years now. Not as long as many many people here - but long enough that I'm not a total newb. I don't want to get into the antics of whose account is older (mine by 25 days) or who cares more. But I don't own a single BCH - and I don't have time to list the ways I've supported the small scale mining community.
I'm simply pointing out, as I have in the past, that bitcoin is not decentralized in it's current state. With a few major players holding all the hashpower the rest of us - and new comers too - are at their mercy at times. Every damn GekkoScience stick, every used antminer s3 we can find should be hooked up and mining in a pro-bitcoin pool.
True - hashpower does not dictate price. I mentioned I'm not bothered by price volatility. But it can totally cripple transaction volume. That is scary
Let's drop the "mining isn't profitable - you're better off investing in bitcoin with fiat and hodling" mantra whenever anyone asks about mining. Of course that is true - but we need the diversified mining in order for bitcoin to remain decentralized! We need people willing to spend $2000 that they may not see back for 2 years to keep the block chain running without interference. Not one or two people either. We need thousands of them.
Not everything we do needs to be for MAXIMIZED profit. Sometimes we need to make a little less (running a mining rig instead of hodling) for the greater good of the entire community.Just like the runs on the Greek banks. Or the 2 hour wait lines in India to get $20 out of an ATM. It is possible to slow this down (in it's current state) to a point where commerce can't exist.
Will that be fixed one day? I bet it will. But don't berate me because I simply mentioned I was concerned by not being able to move my BTC when I wanted to.
Shout out to SlushPool and CKPool for this past weekend.