^ That's highly debatable. You assume the perceived *mathematical difficulty* of the algorithm dictates the security. There's much to be said for the 'security through obscurity' argument with cryptology. Not only that, what hardware the algorithm utilizes to produce the result is also equally important.
Disregard the pure difficulty as we think of it. Scrypt is perfectly 'difficult' enough and no government currently controls millions of dollars of Scrypt ASICs like they do for sha.
OP (whatever the hell your name is...not important):
I must seriously question your ability to comprehend how a blockchain functions. Also, you seem to have just found cryptocurrency in general...
At this moment, LTC is by far the hardest to destructively fork. Unfortunately, your gullibility and highly limited capacity for logical analysis has led you to believe that the current btc sha256 hashrate is even all that secure against 51%...Luckily, the US gov. doesn't really give a shit. They love sha though...That's for damn sure.
Also, LTC has several active devs. Just because no one tells you what's going on does not mean it is not happening. Bitcoin just forked, mainly due to the attempted increase in blocksize. I guess you haven't asked yourself what the point of .8 was....Looks like LTC should stay several months behind integrating the 'official' client updates just for safety. Of course, since LTC can handle more transactions in a given period of time, .8 isn't nearly as important for LTC as it is for BTC.
BCX helped with LTC dev. a bit afaik and then started the '51% attack' noise to scare people.
I'm not going to bother addressing every single point, because you made them up or pulled them from similarly uninformed sources.
So...No, I'm afraid your USD dust isn't going to get LTC forked, kid. Also, I suggest educating yourself before you make so many ignorant statements in such a short period of time.
Did this kid actually say 'shut down the ltc network for at least 4 hours with a 51%'?
Damn, he really doesn't have a clue, does he? "knowledgeable" + "My time is valuable".......