I was expecting the C1 to act like a S3, but it doesn't, it acts like an S2. Including the annoying "have to set queue to 0 every reboot" problem.
I have C1's using P2Pool. Mine are getting the full 1000GH/s, but they do require the same re-setting of queue after a reboot. I also set the pseudo share difficulty. It has been discussed that setting pseudo difficulty does not effect the overall performance, however setting pseudo difficulty will make cgminer and the UI show the expected hashrate. I use +1028 (If you use +1024, Best Share is not displayed. But with +1028, best Share works. I have no idea why.) Regarding setting the queue, S2/S4/C1 all have the same OS configuration.
I'm not sure if it also gets wiped after a reboot (I'll let you know the next time I have to reboot) but I found that the "save and apply" button on the miner configuration completely re-writes cgminer.conf on my C1s. I've edited /www/pages/cgi-bin/set_miner_conf.cgi to add the options so that I can fiddle with my settings in the gui and still maintain the configs...
That's pretty annoying about the stale shares filtering, have they made any comment regarding that specifcally or are they just ignoring it?
Might be worth while asking ckolivas if the S3 binary he done to fix the stale shares filtering can also be used in the C1? I don't have a C1, but it might be compatible......