Hey All,
Can you look at these stats and tell me if I am close to the average or I am under performing??? Thanks
16 - S1's and 1 S2
Pool rate: 543TH/s (14% DOA+orphan) Share difficulty: 2060000
Node uptime: 5.5 days Peers: 6 out, 0 in
Local rate: 4.56TH/s (2.1% DOA) Expected time to share: 32.3 minutes
Shares: 254 total (37 orphaned, 8 dead) Efficiency: 95.31%
Payout if a block were found NOW: 0.19603371 BTC to XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. Expected after mining for 24 hours: 0.210 BTC per block.
Current block value: 25.05644681 BTC Expected time to block: 1.5 days
(my Payout if a block were found NOW 2 days ago was hittinf .2400000000000 now it has moved down to .196
Thanks for any info....