Got the new front end up and running including miner detail pages with graphs, longer display periods for "recent blocks" & "node shares", more data integrated from the blockchain, etc...
Take a look and tell me what you think you have low latency to my server (US East) I'd love to try and get some additional load on it to see how the efficiency holds up.
To figure out your latency
Ping from a computer on the same network as your miners.
When your Ping is complete you should see something like below, the number you are looking for is highlighted in
--- ping statistics ---
10 packets transmitted, 10 packets received, 0.0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 9.674/
10.968/11.726/0.748 ms
WindPath's Quick n' Dirty P2Pool latency guide:
Greater then 100ms – To far, look for a closer node
Less then 100ms – Looking good
Less then 50ms – Great, your in the zone!
Less then < 30ms – It's raining hashes...
Less then 10ms – Are you sleeping in my data center?
If you are willing to help out with testing point some more mining power at this node for a week or more, it's currently a 0% fee and I'd appreciate it
Pool URL: stratum+tcp://
Pass: Not required
If you would like to set your own difficulty use YOUR_BITCOIN_ADDRESS+DIFFICULTY for the user name, for example:
Thanks to jonnybravo0311 for feedback and providing some of the code for the miner stats pages.
And thank you for checking it out!