Further to
this post, where I show how you can use twidge and swatch to keep you informed via twitter about share and block events in the p2pool log, it occurred to me that if you are doing well at mining, the notifications can get a bit much.
Here is an alternative that gives you a daily direct message via twitter to tell you how many blocks and shares you created the previous day:
You need to install and setup twidge of course:
sudo apt-get install twidge
twidge setup
And then use
crontab -e
And add the following command:
5 0 * * * twidge dmsend paulkoan "$(cat /path/to/p2pool/log | grep $(date -d '1 day ago' +%Y-%m-%d) | grep -c SHARE) Shares, $(cat /path/to/p2pool/log | grep $(date -d '1 day ago' +%Y-%m-%d) | grep -c BLOCK) Blocks"
What this does runs a command 5 minutes after midnight, and scans the p2pool log for the previous day, getting a count of shares and blocks, then direct messages them to the userid in twitter:
24 Shares, 3 Blocks
You can modify the message of course, and change this to an update command instead if you prefer to public tweet your progress. You can of course put the command in a script if you don't want this huge line in your crontab
You might want to modify to remove DOAs also.