HARDFORK: Upgrade is required! Hardfork will happen after 95% of the pool's hash rate has upgraded. Everybody having not upgraded will be split off into a tiny P2Pool.
Windows binary: http://u.forre.st/u/fgwamcsu/p2pool_win32_8.2.zip
Source zipball: https://github.com/forrestv/p2pool/zipball/8.2
Source tarball: https://github.com/forrestv/p2pool/tarball/8.2
* Transaction preforwarding Transactions that you're mining are sent to peers before you get a share, so any block solution you find can be broadcast virtually instantaneously. This could theoretically get our invalid block rate below any other pool's thanks to our large network of nodes.
* Added some additional data to web stats viewer.
* Added network traffic graph.
I'm trying p2pool again...