2. I setup p2pool and forward TCP Port 9333 to the client.
3. I setup CGMINER to use -o -u User_from_bitcoin.conf -p Password_from_bitcoin.conf.
CGMINER works, there are many LPs and a higher reject rate, than with a normal pool, which is okay from what I know.
But the question is now, how will the payouts work? Is there any good read or reference for this?
I'm asking, because in the p2pool window I see:
2012-02-25 11:52:42.775000 Shares: 0 (0 orphan, 0 dead) Stale rate: ??? Efficie
ncy: ??? Current payout: 0.0000 BTC
2012-02-25 11:53:16.471000 Local: 479MH/s in last 10.0 minutes Local dead on ar
rival: ~6.0% (2-15%) Expected time to share: 1.4 hours
Will it take 1.4 hours to see an estimated payout amount and will that directly show up in my Bitcoin Client GUI?