I'm not sure how low BTC will come down to after this monsterous surge, so i figure i have 2 options:
1 - Buy BTC when i figure is the best time. But when is that time?!?! Is it when it reaches $9,000? $8,000? Is it even likely to go that low again?
2 - Buy another miner and have it hosted somewhere. I already have a home miner so i'd like somewhere cheaper to run another one (expensive and inconvenient in the UK), and i'd like to skip the $200/250 import VAT duty. But then i have to wait 2 months or so for an S9. Or maybe worth waiting until the new Avalon 8 series comes out early next year?
With this amazing surge in price, i'm tempted to just buy more BTC, but then i am concerned the price might correct itself and lose out.
Thoughts everyone? What would you do with $1500?
If you already own a miner and making profit over it my suggest is to purchase a new one!