Thanks to everyone who supported me in this mission. I am accumulating the Video link at this moment and I will update the list every week. To those people who things this initiative is useless, If you cannot help, Please do not demotivate me. For your kind information, Content creators removed 6 Videos so far which have almost 1.1 Million views combined. If 1% of them signed up, That's 11000. Which is huge. I don't think 1% will sign up. Let's say we saved 10 people from scams. Still, I think we succeeded.
First I will email them to remove the video. If they respond positively, it's okay. If they don't reply or don't want to remove the video.
Do we have to wait for the outcomes first from you, or we just report the videos regardless of the outcomes that you are yet to find out?
No, You don't have to wait. If I listed a video link that's mean either I have emailed them, Or they don't have a contact email on their channel. I have mentioned that point because if someone says that you guys should give him a chance to remove the content. Well, I have emailed them all.