
Topic: [20+ BTC PAYING]{} Earn UP TO 67m Sats Per Day / 35% SALE ENDS 24h - page 27. (Read 52799 times)

hero member
Activity: 574
Merit: 500
CoinBooster Rep
a bout to approach the first 10 btc paid out to members  Cheesy
full member
Activity: 150
Merit: 100
been kinda hard to withdraw for the last 12 hours but now it seems to work pretty good Smiley maybe everyone is asleep Smiley
Activity: 110
Merit: 20
My first withdraw Smiley

"You may not spam your referral link anywhere on the web. Any users found spamming their referral link will have their account terminated immediately." Can't add my referral to my video description?? Sad
hero member
Activity: 574
Merit: 500
CoinBooster Rep
my withdraw detected as double spend and I don't get my payment.
what's up?

send in a ticket with the transaction Id, we'll provide more infos
Activity: 11
Merit: 0
my withdraw detected as double spend and I don't get my payment.
what's up?
full member
Activity: 180
Merit: 100

Do you need a good php dev ?

would not hurt to have one more but only if reputable here on bitcointalk

The php dev is me Smiley I have strong php skills and I worked for high traffic websites.

but no reputation here

Agree with that but I can proof I am not a guy saying bullshit ...

yes i dont doubt you're a developer with experience but i cant risk the same thing that happened a few days ago again

i must go with someone who has reputation or someone who i know and have worked with me before

Ok no problem. If you change your mind at anytime for a real discussion through skype, do not hesitate and pm me.
hero member
Activity: 574
Merit: 500
CoinBooster Rep

Do you need a good php dev ?

would not hurt to have one more but only if reputable here on bitcointalk

The php dev is me Smiley I have strong php skills and I worked for high traffic websites.

but no reputation here

Agree with that but I can proof I am not a guy saying bullshit ...

yes i dont doubt you're a developer with experience but i cant risk the same thing that happened a few days ago again

i must go with someone who has reputation or someone who i know and have worked with me before
full member
Activity: 180
Merit: 100

Do you need a good php dev ?

would not hurt to have one more but only if reputable here on bitcointalk

The php dev is me Smiley I have strong php skills and I worked for high traffic websites.

but no reputation here

Agree with that but I can proof I am not a guy saying bullshit ...
hero member
Activity: 574
Merit: 500
CoinBooster Rep

Do you need a good php dev ?

would not hurt to have one more but only if reputable here on bitcointalk

The php dev is me Smiley I have strong php skills and I worked for high traffic websites.

but no reputation here
full member
Activity: 180
Merit: 100

Do you need a good php dev ?

would not hurt to have one more but only if reputable here on bitcointalk

The php dev is me Smiley I have strong php skills and I worked for high traffic websites.
full member
Activity: 180
Merit: 100
@sifter ok pm me I will give u my skype if interested.
hero member
Activity: 574
Merit: 500
CoinBooster Rep

Do you need a good php dev ?

would not hurt to have one more but only if reputable here on bitcointalk
full member
Activity: 180
Merit: 100

Do you need a good php dev ?
Activity: 32
Merit: 0
Admin, I have one referal that he bought the level 4 a few days already, as I know how much commission winning?   Huh
Activity: 1526
Merit: 1034
Hmmmm, is there any information whatsoever as to how this site is paying out withdrawals? Outside of from new depositors of course.

Man, looks like this one is in for the long con. Wish I saw it when it first started but too late to ROI now most likely.
sr. member
Activity: 566
Merit: 250
I started on level 4 on last week 08/10/2015 and today 17/10/2015 I have 100% ROI. I will have 18 days earning satoshis.

Thanks Sifter.

Sounds good congratz!
hero member
Activity: 574
Merit: 500
CoinBooster Rep
I started on level 4 on last week 08/10/2015 and today 17/10/2015 I have 100% ROI. I will have 18 days earning satoshis.

Thanks Sifter.

good to hear you enjoying yourself  Smiley Smiley
hero member
Activity: 574
Merit: 500
CoinBooster Rep

Submit a ticket to our Sales/Upgrades Inquiries category in our helpdesk. We will provide further instructions on how to activate additional upgrades of the same level to your account at a discounted rate of 10% off.

now im level 4 and i earning 300/min
so if i upgrade my level to level 8 my earning 2300sat/min (2000 + 300 )? and i get 10% discount ?
right or not ?

the multi upgrade only works for the same level, we dont have it programmed to work with multiple different levels.

but if you want multi level 8, we can first upgrade you to level 8 first, then you can get multiple level 8 from there at 10% off.

you can submit a ticket and we work with you since the process is manual

im not interesting to get multi level 8
so what can i do ? if i want to upgrade level 8 ? must im waiting my level upgrade ended after 28days ? or i can upgrade to level 8 now ?

yes, you can upgrade to level 8 now.

submit a ticket to our upgrade category. we'll help you work the details for either discounted level 8 or extended level 8 from your remaining current level upgrade.

before i deposit, i want to ask
how much must i pay for upgrade to level 8 ? now im level 4
and how many i get satosi per minute after i upgrade to level 8 ? 2000 satosi or 2300satosi

it will be the difference so 11,750,000 satoshi

or if paying full price (16,250,000 satoshi) you will get +10 bonus days added to your level 8 upgrade for being existing level 4

be sure to submit ticket after you make deposit if you want to do this upgrade  Smiley

hello im deposit 0.12 i send ticket some minute ago
please ceck i want to upgrade my level Smiley

seems we have completed your request already, enjoy it
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