Except your little website is akin to saying "People who have pools are more likely to drown." or "People who drive cars are more likely to have an automobile accident." It is not a legitimate metric.
Of course people who have pools are more likely to drown. Of course people who drive cars are more likely to have an automobile accident. Of course its a legitimate metric. That kind of the whole point: more guns = more gun deaths.
Except the problem with your logic is that all you are doing is shifting the crime to being done using another device. Guns don't make people murder. It is not a legitimate metric because you were claiming a correlation between "leniency in gun laws" whatever the fuck that means with gun deaths. First of all anyone familiar with scientific method can tell you correlation does not automatically equal causation. A lot of people who happen to be criminals are shot while engaged in criminal activity, by your metric all of those people are implied victims of gun crime. Again, this includes police use, defensive use, and suicides. Are you suggesting police should be disarmed along with the general public, and that people intent on suicide will not find another way? So everyone gets their rights stripped because some people are intent to hurting themselves? Another issue with your supposed logic is you totally ignore the lives saved by defensive and legal use of firearms. Of course this doesn't fit your belief system so that doesn't count does it? Nope, chock those all up to "gun deaths", and mark guns as the problem, not the criminals.
Also, you will notice it is "gun deaths", another slick little trick anti-rights pushers try to use to lump in all defensive use, suicides, etc into statistics to inflate them.
Any death caused by a gun is still a death.
Except you don't get to claim all defensive uses of firearms and intentional self harm are caused by firearm ownership. It is like saying obesity is caused by food, so we need food control laws because people might hurt themselves eating too much. People have a right to defend themselves, and that self defense by your metric gets added on to "gun deaths" when they are in fact proof of the protection gun ownership offers. Your metric is completely intellectually dishonest and deceptive.
All of the states with the most strict gun control laws have the biggest problems with firearm homicides.
Not true. If you honestly believed this, you'd provide some kind of a source. Though I'd prefer if it wasn't ZeroHedge or the NRA.
Yes, lets look at some sources:
https://www.heritage.org/crime-and-justice/commentary/here-are-8-stubborn-facts-gun-violence-americahttps://crimeresearch.org/2017/04/number-murders-county-54-us-counties-2014-zero-murders-69-1-murder/https://mises.org/wire/few-gun-laws-new-hampshire-safer-canadahttps://crimeresearch.org/2014/03/comparing-murder-rates-across-countries/Six minutes is a long time. Of course you haven't
read it anywhere. You only consume pasteurized and opinion piece media that filters your reality for you so you never have to experience any mild form of cognitive dissonance by being forced to consider ideas that conflict with your beliefs. It doesn't fit the "guns are bad" narrative so of course it is not being reported.
The soldier moved children out of the way. His gun had nothing to do with "slowing the shooter down." He didn't draw it, he wasn't even seen by the shooter. I first read that story 2 days ago so save your projection fantasies for another time.
So removing potential victims from the scene does not potentially reduce the rate at which he can take victims, effectively slowing him down? If you watched the statement video he made, you would know he did in fact draw his weapon. What other assumptions based on zero information are you making? If you read the story two days ago why is it you are pretending it never happened?
Not at all. A firearm can be used to protect life as much as it can be used to take life. You just ignore the part that protects life and in your fantasy world that never happens, and if it did fuck those people who would have otherwise been victims right? The very first sentence of your link has problems.
"The man who invented the iconic AK-47 automatic rifle wrote of his regret at creating the weapon. "
If you knew anything about firearms, you would know the AK-47 is an AUTOMATIC rifle, a type of rifle which is VERY heavily restricted and expensive to obtain in the USA. Of course you know jack shit about firearms, but are still willing to strip people's rights over your ignorant assumptions based on movies and sensationalized media. I am sure your death bed regrets of a weapon designer are all the proof you need that is was "designed to inflict mass human casualties", even though almost no one in the US owns any of these weapons.
This is a really big tragedy but I can't understand something.
Every time after these tragedies, the issue of arms purchases begins to be discussed, and nothing ever changes, everything remains the same.
How is that possible?
What has to happen that finally the very liberal laws in America about buying guns start to change?
How many people have yet to die in tragedies like this?
One of the big things that people who are really for gun rights in the US say is that while these mass shootings are horrible, they're not the majority of crime in the US -- they're probably only around 1 percent of all crime in the US.
There also has been no tried and true way to even eliminate these mass shootings -- as researches have concluded that the only possible solution would be to ban 'assault rifles' and all that does is lower the death-count during these tragedies. If people are to admit that lowering the deathcount is an OKAY conclusion, then that's fine -- but don't expect these shootings to go away.
It's a very tough topic on both sides here, as OBVIOUSLY neither side wants people to die -- but one side doesn't think they should have to give up their firearms due to crazy people abusing freedoms to kill people -- and the other side feels the only solution is to limit the availability of these guns to regular everyday Americans.
It's a very tough issue in the US and it's not something that can be solved by another countries model. Because as these shootings are so rare, it's even hard to find solutions statistical speaking.
This is the most well-reasoned response here so far, and really there's not much more to be said. The only thing I would add is that assault rifles should definitely be banned outright.
The only thing you would add is "Fuck everyone who doesn't want their rights taken so they can be made victims, black rifles are scary and need to be banned so my irrational fears can be assuaged." You are only taking the rights of other people after all, no skin off your back. It is much easier that way isn't it?