Actually only people who were indoctrinated by years of government propaganda can repeat slogans like "all income should be taxed". Saying no to the abuse is one of the fundamental rights of a human being and taxes of almost 20% on top of VAT, excise and property tax are an abuse.
If the government is abusing the miners they should leave and move the businesses somewhere else. A couple months ago there was a case of Polish government abusing traders and demanding 1% of every transaction on top of the income tax. As a result all exchanges moved out of the country.
If you don't like the way your taxes are spent, join a political party and try to change the system.
If you don't like paying taxes to the government, try to emigrate to a country where taxes are lower.
The Ukranians are lucky to pay tax at such low rates; not many countries have income tax at lower than 20%.