I do not get people who say this will not fix anything and they should continue, well playing the games will not solve it neither, at least this way they are putting forward a message and that is a lot more important than your precious moments when you watch a game and relax. You are at home sipping a beer and having fun while black people out there getting killed. You think NBA stars are out of this discussion?
There has been NBA players who got tazed, hell Thabo got his LEG BROKEN, black people in america suffered long enough, white people do the same thing and get away with it but when a black person does it and gets shot it is always "he should have followed cops instructions" well I am sorry but whites carried their guns into a government building and chanted slurs at a governor and nobody even stopped them because "MUH RIGHTS" whereas a dude was asked to surrender but instead went into his own vehicle and was shot 7!SEVEN! times for some reason, not even once, right in front of his three kids because ... he didn't comply?
If every person who didn't comply with cops were to get shot, there would be a whoooole lot of people dead. So, stop caring about your entertainment and understand why players want to go on a strike.
Why you mad?!
It doesn't mean we don't care.
We support the strike they did now and we understand the reasons behind it.
I support all the social messages they wear in game and even outside.
Don't justify people just because they want entertainment. What do you want us to do? Cry in a dark corner feeling sorry for everything that is happening every day?
That won't solve anything too.
Entertainment is difficult to get now because of Covid and the sad treatment of black people. There should always be some light in the darkness to balance everything. We cannot just stay in the dark as always.
Think about kids watching the game too. How much happiness and hope it will give them looking at NBA icons doing their thing.