Wow, the Bucks.
The coaching change really did them dirty, well deserved.
Now they even lose against a Memphis team that "competes" with a 9 man (mostly bench players or even GLeague type players) rotation and has an injury list with 10 players, basically all their stars.
How can you even go from here if you are Milwaukee??
Can it actually happen and they fire Doc Rivers after just a few games? That would be hilarious!!
3-7 on the first 10 games under Coach Doc. Well, I guess we can conclude now that the changing of coach is a failed one, eh?
TBH, I don't know what happened to them on that game. I mean you have your 2 all-star players, and the roster is almost complete, but completely lost against a team full of G-league players.
It's kind of funny, but it seems like the Bucks are struggling this season, and I'm afraid that Giannis might leave after this season if they will not win a title. He said it already in one of the interviews. If they aren't winning, he will leave.
Will they clinch the playoffs still? Yes for me, but they aren't the favorites now to win the title. Not with a team that's at the bottom in terms of defense. Let's remember that the Celtics in 2022 are the top defensive team, and they reached the NBA Finals. The defense of the Bucks are just awful ever since they acquired Lillard. Bucks firing Doc Rivers? Nope it will not happen, and there's a chance that he will be the one coaching the team until the playoffs.
Make some adjustments before the playoff starts. That's what the Bucks need to do. They need to build the chemistry on the team as early as now because I'm afraid they might end up being at the 5-8 spot after the regular season.
You are of course right, it would be very unlikely for them to fire Doc after such a short sample size, but on the the other hand they should definitely admit they made a mistake.
The team was better with the previous coach, and that's a fact. Sure they can still turn it around. Maybe they will go for a run after the allstar break, who know. But until now they sure as hell don't look like a contender.
I remember when the Lillard trade happened, they were on top of the team to win the chip, odds wise. Now they are only in 4th place and if Dallas continues to play like they maybe they will fall more.
Defense is essetial if you want to win a championship. With the mindset they have at the moment I would say the season is over after the 2nd round of the playoffs, or if they fall in the standing maybe even in the first round.