It's not even close. You can't even hand check now. The one rule I do like that they put in was sliding underneath a jump shooter after he shoots. Countless ankles have gotten mangled from that dirty play. But in general I think most of these tricky tack fouls have changed the game too much. Last big man I liked to watch was shaq. Dude straight mangled people in the paint lol.
They still occasionally hand check and refs are too stupid and can't decide if they want to blow the whistle or not, haha.
I miss the good old days when big trucks like Shaq, the mailman or David Robinson would power their way into the lane. Now it's all about looking fancy and shooting 3s.
I also miss the real trash talk. Now you are staring down your opponent and get a tech for it, when you complain about it you get another one and you are gone.
All these soft refs have ruined the game unfortunately.
We can't do much about it but to embrace the changes. It's not that the refs have become softer and softer, but the pace, athleticism of todays player, talents, and shooting abilities of the big men have also changed and I hate to admit it but today's player are much better than the old eras the except for the hard fouls and hard defense.
I think the NBA become soft because they want to protect their players, especially the superstars which gives them a good contribution to the league.