well ok, fair enough, but your reply does not seem to answer why you would not 2x, excepting as to a reference to "stability" without more.
Other people already had. I was clarifying the innovation point and nothing else.
Ok thanks I will have to go and research this some more.
[the sake of showing commitment by precedent to some block size increase, which appears to be reasonable given the size of HD vs cost decrease and bandwidth cost decrease.
What "decrease"?.... on state of the art hardware at both times the initial sync of Bitcoin increased by 50% in the last 6 months. This has a material impact on people's willingness to run nodes-- an uncompensated act which is essential for Bitcoin's survival as a secure decentralized system.
I address this more appropriately infra. (my error for using 2X by the way).
Also (while I don't really agree with the word spam) it would allow 1/2 the fees
Twice the space doesn't mean one half fees, it means almost zero fees against the same demand. Half the fees would generally be achieved by a few percent more capacity.
If my simple math's holds.
If block size 1 = x, and
fee = y, and
number for transaction to fill block = T
then fee = yT
if your block = 8x and your fee = y/2 then it would cost you
8yT/2 = 4yT, and 4yT/yT = 4. So in this case at half the fees, it would cost 4x the cost to fill the block and so on.
It seems this model really costs the "spammers" more to get their market signal in,
BUT I was wrong not to consider demand as you rightly pointed out.
I must accept your zero fee argument insofar as demand does not drop of linearly with block size increase, probably more like a some sort of auction curve for the last unit (s)of space, so perhaps quasi Multiunit auction? Intuitively the curve seems to be perhaps sigmoidal in shape ~ S= 1/(1+e-t)?
Does this exclude some break point where the you can get better market signal at a lower final price point in the blocks, and this may mean a 1.1MB or some small percentage and you use some sort of function as you also seem to suggest (more on that infra).
much more costly for spammers to spam the blockchain.
A spammer must pay the fee of each transaction they displace for every block they displace it. Increases in blocksize in excess of demand just radically reduce their costs by resulting in very low fees. A lager block never lowers the price to displace a transaction for a spammer.
Yes, I accept you point in relation to the demand side of things, but can we more closely match demand as stated above?
To address the point of stability, does 2MB really threaten stability? if so how.
The best prior research we had showed that 2 to 4MB was the largest arguably safe amount even while ignoring safty margins, state attacks, initial synchronization, etc. 2X is _NOT_ 2MB, it is 4 to 8MB.
My error, I should say 2MB or as the case may be 1.1MB or whatever.
More on point, Do you consider there would be an appropriate increase in the face of increasing demand, or more specifically
Is there perhaps a function or family of functions that could say give a optimal or near optimal blocksize given a demand and fee cost curves? You seem suggest a few percent, which in light of the above seems right.
It seems reasonable to say that demand has risen and there may be and appropriate blocksize increase at some point. Of course the functions may show that the blocksize is too large already, as I do not know the functions. However it seems some size increase should be mooted in the face of a level of demand.
This may allow 2 advantages
[1] Some certainty on scaleing
[2] Trying to get the best market signal
Thanks in advance.