Seller post 10 coins for sale
BuyerA post a purchase request for 3 coins (but has not paid)
Available is 7
BuyerB post a purchase for 10 coins but since available is only 7 he gets only 7.
BuyerB makes a payment.
Available is 0 (7 paid by buyerB and 3 still pending payment from buyerA)
After 1 day BuyerA didn't pay and time expired.
Available is 3.
Is this correct?
According to my interoperation Buyer B's Purchase Offer would be invalid since he wanted 10 coins but at that moment only 7 were available.
I am more for Bitoy interpretation.
Right after BuyerB sent the purchase/accept offer of 10, he could see that he actually reserved only 7 coins (as 3 are reserved for BuyerA).
Then he should pay for those 7 coins.
At that point, if BuyerA pays, he gets the 3 coins he reserved, and if he doesn't, those 3 coins become available for other buyers - BuyerB could then ask for another 3 coins.
Generally, purchase offers for more than the available amount should be considered valid for the whichever amount available.