Dank you are currently being trolled.
http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3486823Don't be angry with them, they have actually been an excellent resource to Bitcoin (I know crazy I am saying this huh).
They have even trolled me in the past, and I damn well
deserved every last bit of it, as it only allowed me to grow as a businessman and I only became better from it. After, I was able to focus my attention on the ideas that I was good at, and that truly have a chance at resonating with the rest of the "real world" population.
If you are looking to have a successful business, listen to
EVERY single thing they are saying in their posts.
Your plan is poorly thought out, and has an almost definitive chance of failure. It doesn't mean it's a bad idea, it just means you have not thought out the plan properly, and simply put, you are asking for WAY to much money, and offering such a pathetic pitch to investors, it makes it all the more difficult for this start-up to even "start"..
I wish you the best Dank,
Don't give up on your pursuits! I must however recommend that any fellow newbie members who are reading this, stay far away from this investment, at least until more details surface, or the entire
plan is reworked.
Dank all you have to do is say this to yourself over and over, and you will be fine...
“I know that I am intelligent, because I know that I know nothing.” - Socrates
P.S Mach420 nailed it on your forum
. And yeah BitCams was a stupid fucking idea. That's why I scrapped it, thank god you guys were there to make me see my own stupidity.