just a little note for reference and why I support slush
I have been mining for the last 8 days with a ati 5870 rockin the guiminer at approx 375m/hashs
I am a network administrator with over 20 years of experience but I am new to Bit Mining, I originally chose slush's pool because he seems sincere, and the payment method seemed the most straight forward.
In any case I mined almost 15 BTC in the last week and was pretty happy with that, that was at around 335 m/hashs I made some tweaks today and I hope this week will get me almost 20, and I plan to buy some more hardware when funds come available to make the purchase
anyways like I said Im new and slushs pool was the first I tried, when he was down today I tried deep bit, half the day I did the proportional payments and the other half of the day I did the Pay per share,.... I must say its an odd thing, PPS is great except they over compensate themsevles with a 10% fee to make up for paying for shares that did not really get submitted. I can almost bet that in the long run they greatly profit because on that 10% and the actual amount that they pay out that they shouldent have is probably in the low single digits most of the time.
Now running the proportional payments is kind of scarry cause it is based largely on luck and analyzing some of the shares I can see situations where I made 1BTC and one single other person made the rest, and I hate seeing that. Also the way proportional payments are set up its almost as if you really need to stay with deepbit indefinately or you may never get what you deserve, kind of like you are always waiting for the "long run" to show up......
Slush I would like you to answer how your payment methods differ from deepbit and I also want to pledge my support to you. I think that this technology is very new and there are kinks to work out. My prediction is that Slush will still be a big name when the last coin is mined, and I look forward to working with you to get out every last one.
one other thing I'm dying to know, slush or any of the other big dogs around here, can you please just for reference post a couple of things?
( I really appreciate it!)
what kind of mining hardware your using?
how many m/hashs are you getting on your miners?
how may BTC's are they mining per week?
Thanks so much! I started out last week with this 5870 that I bought off craigslist for $150 - and I fell in love with bit mining
this week I am going to put up my 2011 MacBook Air for sale to buy some more mining hardware (maybe a 6990)
thanks for listening and I hope to hear back from you!