I like the setup compact but seems to work great.
Probably a year or so from now if iv got a warehouse owned or a small 50x50x20 room i will be setting it all up wit miners. My goalis to be a smal btc farm that has obe of the highest amounts of hashing power.
Working on college for IT which is my start to owning my owb small business. My goal is to reach is extravagent but the thigs iv seen and heard. I believe i can make 50x50x20 structure with 15-20+ th/s
Hardest part is finding the funds to make this all happen while faceing the debts of schooling
I find it INCREDIBLY fascinating seeing others mining setups. Its quite interesting.
I understand how student loan debt goes. My wife is an accountant. She had a lot of student loan debt at one time. It's paid off now. I go my education from the United States Marine Corp. However, the economy has slowed down my business of training telephone technicians as of late. They've cut budgets a lot over the last few years. When they do, "training" is one of the first things they cut. So, I had to come up with something to make up for lost income. Mining was the ticket... I HOPE!!!
Yes, I too like to look at other set ups in the forums on here and on youtube.
I'm determined to get between 23 and 30 TH/s going
eventually in this closet with temperatures on all rigs no higher than 43 or 44 degrees Celsius with the door closed.
I REALLY BELIEVE that 14 inch exhaust fan with 16 inch filtered return grill will get me there concerning the temperatures. I may end up selling the S3's on eBay some day and replacing them with S4's as well
in the future.
Thanks for the comments.
I did make a mistake buying the 8 inch exhaust fan. Hopefully, others can learn from my mistake if they too decide to do their set up inside a small 3.5 feet x 5.5 feet closet similar in size to mine.
That was ny concern to. I needed a source of income while in school when i dont have an income atm. As u said Bitcoin was the answer. Its been slow. But its helping.
Thinking of ordering 2 s3s from bitmain and possibly sell some of my s1s. Or create a better setup for my outside on the balcony setup( id shiw picsbut its bot near me)
The downfall. That setup in the summer. That hit 55- 60c theres s1s with 2 200rpn coolermaster fans in each(which i think rises the heat)
But once winters comes, wont have to worry about them getting hot. I think the heat will just nelt the snow. Im at 1.4th/s atm.
THank god i have yet to worry about hydo cost D
Spent $3.00 on btc when it hit like $320/btc. Cashing it out when we hit $450-600/btc+ turn 3.00 into 10 is my plan.