What is a normal rate for invalid blocks, we seam to have a lot of those lately on top of bad luck. I remember 2 yesterday and now two today.
Invalid is just bad luck, too -- more machines hashing with increasing hash power = greater chance of "collision"
Not such hi number... Thinking that 4 in 2 days is normal is stupid... Last time Slush was fixing things when we had 2 in 4 days or something like that...
Not quite 4 in 2 days
236729=2013-05-18 09:52:02,1:06:34,9169,0.61,11187257,invalid
236657=2013-05-17 20:34:35,2:27:43,9905,0.95,11187257,invalid
236442=2013-05-16 12:10:31,0:35:00,9526,0.84,11187257,invalid
236382=2013-05-16 01:59:30,0:25:24,9361,0.71,11187257,invalid
But unusually, I find myself tending to agree with Lucko for once - it does look a bit odd and we have had a problem before with bitcoind not having a fast enough connection to the outside world (so when we find a block we can report it the world as fast as is humanly (or computingly) possible).
But if we see this invalid rate drop off over the next few days then it probably was just bad luck.