Again with these super long blocks. 37 mins. 20++.
One quick confirmation is better than an unconfirmed transaction for 40 minutes. Even if ultimately it doesn't provide any more or any less security.
WTF? What are you babbling about? Confirmations = security. There is no such thing as "one quick confirmation". Confirmations happen when they happen
by design.
I'm talking about quicker confirmations and the fact that the same amount of time needs to pass in order to achieve the same level of security. Like when using Litecoin(with it's 2.5 minute target) you still need 4x the confirmations in order to reach the same confidence level as one Bitcoin confirm .
One confirmation however is much, much better than zero confirmations and prevents Finney attacks. If you trust the network then one confirmation is enough, and if you can have that confirmation quicker than 10 minutes it's much better imo. Even if in the end it's not any more secure against double spend attacks that involve confirmations.
Do you see what I mean? If you were running a business and you decided that one confirm by the network to acknowledge the transaction was sufficient(despite the fact that it's never going to be 100% secure, you're accepting the risk) wouldn't you rather have that confirmation quicker than 10 minutes on average?
I just got done watching over 40 minutes to use a service after depositing. It's not a very good system.