
Topic: 4D Earth (Read 464 times)

full member
Activity: 288
Merit: 102
Yin Yang religion of wisdom, harmony
November 22, 2018, 08:54:57 AM
The next thing to throw in the garbage bin is 3 dimensional space. (x,y,z axis) instead using coordinates on the plains depending on number of dimension working on. (3 dimensional= 3 plains length, width position)
Einsteins theory of 4th dimension being time is bogus and can be disproved by anyone.
Shining a light perpendicular  to a line shows a dot, has no length, width, height, 0.
Shining a light perpendicular  to a square shows a line, one dimension less (line is one dimensional as it has length).
Shining a light perpendicular  to a a cube shows a square, one lower dimension.
Shining a light perpendicular to a tesseract shows a cube, again and again it will show one less dimension at no time will it show you the time.
There is an infinitive number of dimensions consequently how straight, flat something is dependents on the resolution, dimensions used. (like computer game character)
Unfortunately our senses have limits, hz, fps, color....and the 3 dimensions.

Now lets move on to the Max Igan flight some time ago form Santiago to Sydney and the compass readings.

Zoom in

more about

Those two clowns have been soundly dis-proven over and over. (Dont know which one is your personal fetish)

Also this joker is also soundly discredit.

and or this

The Nautical Mile flat earth map will always be the correct one.

alternative 360° circumnavigation (south 10 x 8° plus once 10°, north 9 x 8° plus once 12° and 6° and back the other side)

There is no simple way to display 4 dimensions on a monitor.
3D modelers and animators can make working models but will fail miserable showing "flatness".
4D effectively means seeing inside a box without opening it.
Here is 4 separate views each one with 4 equally sized quarters (north, south and left, right of geomagnetic line and second geomagnetic line on outside back )

And yes the Sun and Moon lights origin is the north (Sun), south (Moon) poles
(Moon light shining on some disc rotating around equator at a 8° (or 5° or whatever it is) wobble)

A little fun view of the situation, showing full map twice

full member
Activity: 288
Merit: 102
Yin Yang religion of wisdom, harmony
November 18, 2018, 05:23:32 PM
There is a 4D game in development for 10 years so far

Sure looks cool but will it ever be playable
Activity: 43
Merit: 0
November 14, 2018, 05:18:57 AM
The Flatland Masterpiece form 1880 springs to mind
full member
Activity: 288
Merit: 102
Yin Yang religion of wisdom, harmony
November 12, 2018, 05:34:28 AM
The 4th dimension is only time. Time is something that the time traveler sci-fi writers all forget about when they write about time travel.

Does anybody want to look into or go into the past? Where would you be if you went even a minute into the past right where you are standing now? You'd be in outer space, because the earth hasn't gotten to the spot where you are now, yet.

And if you go into the future one minute at your exact spot. The earth has already moved on. You'd be in space.

... except if you were unlucky enough to materialize inside the rock of an asteroid that happened to be there.

Spacetime is an Einstein idea.

In geometry, the fourth dimension is related to the other three dimensions by imagining another direction through space; just as the dimension of depth can be added to a square to create a cube, the fourth dimension can be added to a cube to create a hypercube.

In mathematics, four-dimension space is an abstract concept which has been studied by mathematics and philosophers for many years. Mathematicians who studied four-dimension space in the 19th century include Möbius, Schläfi, Bernhard Riemann, and Charles Howard Hinton.

Just amazing watching the days pass

Slower version
12h day and 12night and on and on.....
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
November 11, 2018, 05:53:36 PM
The 4th dimension is only time. Time is something that the time traveler sci-fi writers all forget about when they write about time travel.

Does anybody want to look into or go into the past? Where would you be if you went even a minute into the past right where you are standing now? You'd be in outer space, because the earth hasn't gotten to the spot where you are now, yet.

And if you go into the future one minute at your exact spot. The earth has already moved on. You'd be in space.

... except if you were unlucky enough to materialize inside the rock of an asteroid that happened to be there.

full member
Activity: 288
Merit: 102
Yin Yang religion of wisdom, harmony
November 11, 2018, 04:42:08 PM
full member
Activity: 288
Merit: 102
Yin Yang religion of wisdom, harmony
November 11, 2018, 07:27:38 AM
The endless look

Nothing explored and everything just miraculously fell in place.

full member
Activity: 288
Merit: 102
Yin Yang religion of wisdom, harmony
November 10, 2018, 03:58:14 AM
your first link to youtube at #1 is a song?? Huh
There have been so many changes hard to keep up  but removed it and updated it somewhat.

Some serious resolution (16200 / 8100) 4D square flat earth map
It should open about the 10% mark at 50% zoom Chinese Mountains just amazing, never know how big that range really is compared to others in world like Andes, Alps or Rocky Mountains, Greenland has some serious rocks too.
 (50% jpg compression version)
 (70% jpg compression version)

And look “as it real is” with max extend of 6 months continuous light at south pole station.
(80% jpg compression used to keep file size down)
Crossing parallel lines,  Grin Grin
It is not something to work on with a 8 year old laptop imagine what dedicated 3D computers can do with this thing.

Highest tides in the world happening North and South at about 45°- 60° latitude twice a day ( every 740,5 minutes, one lunar full cycle 24h and 41min)
Moon acts like electric “bridge” and has most effect on that location because of the orbital path around earth.
Stronger with salt water as fresh water because higher electric conductivity with "impure" water (5 Siemens per Meter vs 0.005 – 0.05 S/m for drinking water)

How was it made

Flora and Fauna north and south is extremely different. 60° north is some of the greenest places on earth and south of 60° not much else than penguins can be found. Even Greenland is home to flowering plants and large and small mammals. Muskox can be found as far north as land extents north.
No amount of 66° tilt of earths axis can explain such differences with the suns suppose 150 million km distance to earth. Only earths magnet location can account for this. The Suns permanent location at geographic north (81°NorthMP, 64°SouthMP = 8,5° N) The maximum reach of the “spot light” from  Tropic of Cancer to Tropic of Capricorn and center of direct radiant heat at Equator coming from 8.5°N always.

For today’s step by step exercise I have included 3 new lines. Pink line center of magnet / location of Sun, Yellow photographic prove of Suns path over the year and Green todays creation at 120°W.

Photographic path of sun over the year

Step 1
Make a cylinder from  any proper 2:1 ratio map to have continuation and turn -45°.
As we make it for 120° W, Y = 60° and X,Z is 0.
There is the “Diamond”

Step 2
Make a cylinder to have continuous forward movement (aka gravity), turn -90°
XYZ = 0.

Step 3
Resize, make it square and move graph to bottom
Height needs to be looked at again.

Step 4
Make it endlessly twist inside the “air-locked” world (at max reach of south pole station 6 month no sun)

Turn to whichever location of the year it is inside of it. (from 45° to -45° and back…..)
Blue line, Earth (galactic) path and Pluto at the bulge of it.
Gold line, Moons path around earth
Red, north star

North Geomagnetic Pole 80 N 72 W - Galactic Plane path of constellation
North Magnetic Pole  86 N 172 W   (Aurora Borealis),   Zodiacs path
North Pole 90 N 180 E/W
South Pole 90 S 180 W/E
South Magnetic Pole 64 S 136 E   Aurora Australis,   Zodiacs path
South Geomagnetic Pole 79 S 108 E - Galactic Plane path of constellation

The work only just starting, 3D modelers and animators need to take over at some stage.

Edit 2
As it is Tropic of Cancer day and sun at it northern most reach it is very likely a case like this.
In between the missing part the overlap acts like a shield.

Still smiling at Admiral Richard E. Byrd "discovering" Greenland flying form Antarctica.
an area as big as US

Also important.

The World within the universe, same principal, "air-locked"

Kola Super Deep Bore Hole, interesting geological anomalies were found, Temperatures reached 180 °C (356° F)
Deepest Hole ever drilled by man

Observable fact is Suns path over the course of the year.

And what if ...everything floats
jr. member
Activity: 182
Merit: 1
November 09, 2018, 06:25:57 AM
your first link to youtube at #1 is a song?? Huh
full member
Activity: 288
Merit: 102
Yin Yang religion of wisdom, harmony
November 07, 2018, 11:01:07 AM

No parallel lines

full member
Activity: 288
Merit: 102
Yin Yang religion of wisdom, harmony
November 04, 2018, 03:06:35 PM
Slowly the mystery of Earths shape is unraveling.
Earth is 4D flat, square
Any 2:1 ratio square map is correct, like the NATO military grid system or others.

It certainly is all electrical universe, even tides.
There is still a lot of rough edges around but it is progressing. 4D sure is a head spin.
full member
Activity: 288
Merit: 102
Yin Yang religion of wisdom, harmony
October 08, 2018, 04:50:40 PM
Last update for a little while as busy with lifes usual commitments, taking a break.

Can you feel the good vibrations
Good Vibrations]]Good Vibrations
full member
Activity: 288
Merit: 102
Yin Yang religion of wisdom, harmony
October 08, 2018, 10:45:14 AM
Suns Latitude movement from Tropic of Cancer to Tropic of Capricorn is the oscillation from "South Pole" to "North Pole".
December 21 it reached maximum Northern position and turning around. At Tropic of Cancer again at max and back again.
full member
Activity: 288
Merit: 102
Yin Yang religion of wisdom, harmony
October 08, 2018, 07:54:34 AM
The Egyptians knew it long ago.
full member
Activity: 288
Merit: 102
Yin Yang religion of wisdom, harmony
October 08, 2018, 05:52:50 AM
Beautiful to visualize The Sun, plasma fusion water igniting, the Möbius strip screws into it with right hand turn.
A Winter Day of Sun at Palmer Station, Antarctica --
full member
Activity: 288
Merit: 102
Yin Yang religion of wisdom, harmony
October 08, 2018, 04:07:21 AM
The world is a complex constructed machine
The Sun is the electric current Northern to Southern Aurora Light, it is stationary, plasma fusion igniting the water
The "flat" Möbius strip completes one rotation per year and twist's inside-out with right turn once every 24h
The Moon circles in the oblate sphere
The Stars are other worlds, impossible to reach in the physical realm as Möbius strip has a bounty.
The Dome, Ice or Water (same thing)
I want have time to update a lot in the days ahead as a long planed move nears and travels and other commitment, basically real life issues to deal with and no time for research exploration and discovers.
full member
Activity: 288
Merit: 102
Yin Yang religion of wisdom, harmony
October 07, 2018, 05:19:53 AM
               Olaf Jansen: The first men to circumnavigate north to south departing from Stockholm.
I  well  remember  that  we  left  Stockholm  in  our  fishing-sloop  on  the  third  day  of  April,  in 1829

As he got rescued.
I proceeded to tell him how my father and myself had gone in by way of Spitzbergen, and come out by way of the South Pole country

Some of his experiences and things he has seen.

The cradle of mankind.
Beyond question, this new land "within" is the home, the cradle, of the human race

Has seen the garden of Eden
The city of "Eden" is located in what seems to be a beautiful valley, yet, in fact, it is on the loftiest mountain plateau of the Inner Continent, several thousand feet higher than any portion of the surrounding country. It is the most beautiful place I have ever beheld in all my travels. In this elevated garden all manner of fruits, vines, shrubs, trees, and flowers grow in riotous profusion.

I never  felt better in my life than during the two years my father and I sojourned on the inside of the earth.

In 1829 he has seen Electricity and Mobile phone in use
By some device which I cannot explain, they hold communion with one another between the most distant parts of their country, on air currents.
1829, and we of the "outside" surface of the earth knew nothing then, so to speak, of electricity

Gold everywhere
I never saw such a display of gold. It was everywhere

Traveling in sips going faster than trains at the time.
The  ship's  speed,  at  times, surpassed that of any railroad train on which I have ever ridden, even here in America.
It was wonderful.

Describing Mount Meru.
In this garden four rivers have their source in a mighty artesian fountain. They divide
and flow in four directions. This place is called by inhabitants the "navel of the earth," or  the  beginning,  "the  cradle  of  the  human  race."  The  names  of  the  rivers  are  the  Euphrates, the Pison, the Gihon, and the Hiddekel.

Talks about hundred of years old people.
We  learned  that  the  males  do  not  marry  before  they  are  from  seventy-five  to  one hundred years old, and that the age at which women enter wedlock is only a little less, and that both men and women frequently live to be from six to eight hundred years old, and in some instances much older.

I am prepared to say that it is my firm belief that the magnetic needle is influenced  solely  by  electric  currents  which  completely envelop  the  earth  like  a  garment

Earths crust is about 300 miles
is  about  three  hundred  miles  in thickness from the "inside" to the "outside" surface.
also again
Thus, if the earth's crust is three hundred miles in thickness, which  is  the  distance  I  estimate  it  to  be,

Massive trees
from  eight  hundred  to  one  thousand  feet  in  height,  and from  one  hundred  to  one  hundred  and  twenty  feet  in  diameter

The polar lights, northern lights (aurora borealis) or southern lights (aurora australis)
could  hardly  be  said  to  resemble  the  sun,  except  in  its  circular  shape,  and  when  not  obscured by clouds or the ocean mists, it had a hazy-red, bronzed appearance, which would  change  to  a  white  like  a  luminous  cloud,  as  if  reflecting  some  greater  light  beyond.

and also
The mirage was at first a flattened-out, glowing red streak of fire on the horizon;
later there were two streaks, the one above the other, with a dark space between; and from the main top I could  see  four,  or  even  five,  such  horizontal  lines  directly  over  one  another,  all  of  equal  length,  as  if  one  could only imagine a square, dull-red sun, with horizontal dark streaks across it."

  "A Voyage to the Inner World" by Olaf Jansen

Also Admiral Richard B. Byrd flew in, his  Diary Feb. Mar. 1947 and meeting with the Arianni, the Inner World of the Earth.
for there are those among you who would destroy your very world rather than relinquish their power as they know it...'[/b]
full member
Activity: 288
Merit: 102
Yin Yang religion of wisdom, harmony
October 06, 2018, 05:10:48 PM
 Norway certainly has the best name for the station Troll Station.
Both Ross and Ronne Ice shelfs are passable and Olaf Jansen passed one of them on his way from Norway to South America.
full member
Activity: 288
Merit: 102
Yin Yang religion of wisdom, harmony
October 06, 2018, 03:58:15 AM
The  MGRS/UTM grid system beyond a doubt proves flatness. You simply can not have different sized grid with curves.
The length 40000 meter / by the 360° is 111.111111111 meter per degree.


The Moon, a flat disc rotating on the bulge part of the oblate sphere always showing the same face to everyone.
The stars are nothing else as other worlds. Some are further away in the infinitive ice some are bigger and smaller.
Our physical realm we can not depart the poles are the boundary. No way of exiting the flat Möbius strip.

jr. member
Activity: 76
Merit: 1
October 05, 2018, 06:22:14 PM
The world - is created / constructed.

It is a oblate ice sphere, like joining 2 domes, (visualize a fishbowl). Not movable as surrounded by "endless" ice.
Inside of it spins a Flat Möbius strip at 1666 km/h and also turns one revolution per year and is 6° tilted, giving tropic of Cancer - Capricorn Sun position and also the Zodiacs Ecliptic line. The band, two 20k km squares make it 40k km long. NATO by making the   MGRS grid system (accurate to at least 1 sq meter) divided it into 60 section, each 6° gives each a length of 666,∞ km.
Sun is at center not moving, not physical.
The Moon disc rotates at celestial equator "bulge", the same face is always visible and new, full, waxing, waning is created with Möbius strips position.
The stars-, i want commend right now, i have theory.
Tides are at opposite ends because northern and southern part face the same time the moon.
Because it is a closed system no movement is noticeable, like traveling in a vacuum cylinder or siting in a plane.

Some  visualization of it.

Inside the sphere, the moon making his turns and so is the Möbius strip with us on it, like on a infinitive roller coaster ride.

Flight path Santiago to Sydney

Plain Band

We don't need borders, passports, governments, terrorizing police, individual greed, war, tyranny, taxes..............

We do need peace, harmony, love, joy, community, respect, healthy environment........

Lots to read, understand and assimilate for the meantime. Cool  But this info is definitely quite interesting indeed to read!

If you're mind is truly open, one shouldn't limit oneself to the thought against the fact that anything can be possible.Cool

Since there isn't a limit nor a monopoly to any idea or opinion by anyone, most certainly there's nothing wrong about proving anything that begs the question, what if? Huh
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